
Kendall Royzen

Kendall Royzen

It’s often said that in the workplace you should refrain from talking about politics and religion; too personal, too easy to offend someone. Throughout my working years the only topic of conversation that has caused controversy is that around children; Do you have any? Are you trying for one? You’re having another? Well why don’t you want a kid? They’re the best thing. They’re the worst thing. In my experience, there is no topic more invasive or sensitive topic to bring up in the workplace than pregnancy and childbirth. Oscar Wilde once said that ‘Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.’ While there is no greater culturally universal experience than pregnancy and childbirth, the way we approach these conversations has changed and should continue to change. In the artistic medium of Theatre, BABY the musical, now playing at the Citadel Theatre, neither helps to change these conversations nor helps us view our lives in a different way.

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BABY the musical follows three couples on a university campus deal with the painful, rewarding and agonizingly funny consequences of the universal experience of pregnancy and upcoming parenthood. There are the college students, Danny and Lizzie (played by Ben Ballmer and Madison Jaffe-Richter), in their junior year of college barely at the beginning of their adult lives facing an unplanned pregnancy; Pam and Nick (played by Katie Engler and Mark Yacullo) the thirty-somethings, having trouble conceiving but determined to try, Alan and Arlene (played by Joe Lehman and Julie Bayer) and the middle-aged parents, looking forward to seeing their last child graduate from college when a night of unexpected passion lands them back where they started.

Originally written and premiering on Broadway in 1983, BABY was updated in 2004. Twenty years later, the play needs another revision if not retired entirely. While pregnancy and birthing is an integral part of life and universal across all cultures, this musical performing in 2024 is as dated as Hello, Dolly or The Music Man; time capsules of a bygone era that simply doesn’t resonate with audiences today as they did in the eras they premiered. The musical is predictable, filled with overplayed tropes and stereotypical cliches, but the musical is really a love letter to pregnancy which for many is not possible and not a walk in the park. There are incredible plays that look at pregnancy, birthing, and parenthood through satirical, dramatic, or humorous lenses. BABY the musical’s only lens is that pregnancy is wonderful and everyone should do it regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in, broke college student, infertility troubles, unhappy older couple, everyone should want a baby. This type of art doesn’t reflect life as it’s viewed today.

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Citadel Theatre’s ensemble cast performed beautifully with the material they had to work with. The trouble is not in their musical talents or acting abilities, the trouble with BABY is it simply is outdated and can’t stand on a modern stage. The way we as a society approach pregnancy nowadays has changed. More modern musicals such as Mom! The Musical or MotherFreakingHood! approach the same conversation in a way that resonates with audiences today, steering away from tropes to tell real, raw, stories of the pitfalls, trials, and highs of pregnancy. Even with an update in 2004, it’s been 20 years since it’s been revised and 40 since it was created. Watching the play, despite the exceptional cast, staging, and direction at Citadel, it simply felt tired and outdated, and at times downright cringy. Life can be cringe but art shouldn’t be.

BABY the musical is now playing at the Citadel Theatre (300 S. Waukegan Road, Lake Forest) through Sunday May 19, 2024. Tickets are available on the company’s website at

Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name. Sometimes you want to be surrounded by people to experience the intimacy of being in public. Lately the types of places where someone could venture to for either experience are dwindling in numbers. It's the loss of third places, a place that is neither your home nor your workplace, but a location to go and experience community. Covid has changed many things but one endearing and lasting desire is for a third place to go for a friendly chat, a drink, or simply to be with people and listen to an incredible soundtrack with original and unique renditions of your favorite songs. There is no better show in Chicago that captures the beauty of the humanities and the need to preserve third spaces more than The Choir of Man, now playing at the Apollo Theatre.

Choir of Man

Welcome to The Jungle, we've got fun and heart! The Choir of Man is an uplifting celebration of community and friendship where everyone is welcome. Set in the best pub in the world, a cast of nine (extra)ordinary guys combine hair raising harmonies, foot stomping singalongs, world class tap dance, and poetic meditations on the power of community. Featuring pop, classic rock, folk melodies, and pub anthems from artists such as Adele, Paul Simon, Katy Perry, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Luther Vandross and more, The Choir of Man is 90 minutes of feel good entertainment that has something for everyone and is unlike anything else in Chicago.

If Pitch Perfect, Coyote Ugly, and School of Rock had a baby, it still wouldn’t be as fun,genuine, or entertaining as The Choir of Man; it’s a party, it’s a concert, it’s an immersive experience, it’s your neighborhood bar filled with exceptionally talented sings, musicians, and performers. From the moment you walk into the Apollo Theatre you feel welcomed as an old friend, invited to sit and stay for a yarn, to sing, to dance, to party. Like any good evening at the bar, there isn’t a particular storyline or climactic plot. Instead, the ensemble cast share their stories with you and reflect on community and commradery in a post-Covid world where third places are becoming more and more scarce. The performances have an improvisational element to it that plays off and responds to the vibes of the audience, including pulling willing participants onto stage to be serenaded to. The song arrangements include beautiful renditions of favorite songs that challenge the way you view and hear the songs; like “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover,” performed by Shane McDaid accompanied by George Knappe whose tap dancing sequence adds a poetic rhythm and heartbeat to the number; “Some Nights” performed by Benji Lord and the ensemble cast that would rival The Bellas Cups song; or a sad, bittersweet arrangement of Chandelier that gave me goosebumps. Though unlike a good night out at the pub, the cast encourage photos and short videos, asking only that the audience share the good ones. The level of familiarity and inclusiveness The Choir of Man sets is a love letter to community, to friends, to family, and to those third spaces that allow us to come together to sing, dance, tell stories, or simply just be together. 

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The Choir of Man was made for a city like Chicago, capturing the bittersweetness of a bygone era. With beautiful and original song arrangements, a welcoming and immersive atmosphere, and a captivating and engaging ensemble cast, this show will sure to be top your 2024 favorites list. Like the fleetingness of a Chicago Spring, The Choir of Man is only here in town for a short engagement. So grab a pint, sit for a spell, and at closing time remember you don't have to go home but you can't stay there. 

The Choir of Man is now playing through May 26th, 2024 at the Apollo Theater at 2550 N Lincoln Ave, grab a pint and your tickets before closing time.

*Extended to July 14th!

On any given day, when I walk out my front door, I’d see a quiet suburban street. Most families stay within their, rarely venturing out unless the temperature is a cool-but-warm 70 degrees, content with their healthy skepticism of their neighbors, keeping to surface level ‘how-do-you dos’ or ‘how-is-the-family?’ There’s not a sense of engagement let alone community.  The concept of community is an abstract one but something that people crave, something they need in their lives. But what makes a community?The places?The familiarity or the routine? The melding of business and residential living? Or is it the people? These are the questions that come up when viewing the exceptional Broadway National Tour of Lin Manuel-Miranda’s In The Heights, now playing at Marriot Theatre.


In The Heights takes place on a hot and sweaty day in the summer of 2008 in Washington Heights, New York City. On a corner bodega, Usnavi de la Vega, welcomes us to his neighborhood and introduces us to his community. We meet Abuela Claudia, the neighborhood’s resident matriarch and grandmother who raised Usnavi, and Sonny, Usnavi’s cousin, Daniela and Carla, local salon owners, Kevin and Camila Rosario, who manage a cab service, and Vanessa, Usnavi’s crush who wants out of the barrio, the Rosario’s daughter Nina who is returning home from Stanford with a secret, and runs into Benny, his father’s employee at the cab service. As the community moves about their day, we see the struggles and challenges each person faces in and out of the barrio; feeling unwelcome, discriminated against, cut down, undervalued. Amidst their own personal crises, the neighborhood itself is under attack from gentrification, businesses being bought out for cheap by big realestate investors, eager to remove teh culture and heart of the neighborhood. As the heat rises, passions and tempers flare, and the barrio goes dark, a once in a lifetime occurence changes the trajectory of the neightbod, uniting them in ways that allow them to move forward together towards a bright future. 

The Marriot Theatre continues to produce incredible shows each season and finds exceptional local talent that rivals any NYC Broadway cast. There was not a single member of the ensemble cast of In The Heights that was not talented beyond measure, their energy and vibrancy pulling you in and bringing you along for the entirety of the 2 hr and 20 min run time. Start with the captivating Joseph Morales as our narrator, Usnavi with Paola V. Hernández spicy and vulnerable Vanessa, add in the singing talents of Yasir Muhammad and Addie Morales as the young lovers, Benny and Nina, mix in the humor of  Jordan Arredondo as Benny with the heart of Crissy Guerrero’s  Abuela Claudia, and finally throw in smooth-as-honey vocals from Lillian Castillo, Andres J DeLeon and the sexy and rhythmic dance moves of Wesley J Barnes and Kiana Rodriguez and you have an ensemble case ready to step onto Broadway and sweep the Tony’s. The cast was energtic, fun, passionate, and heartfelt, and truly made the audience long to be part of such a community.  In The Heights features a live orchestra secretly nestled within the 360 degree theatre. The immersive stage allows the audience to feel like they are a member of the cast, every angle and corner utilized to portray the NYC neighborhood. The lighting, the music, the staging, everything was en pointe for this production of In The Heights. Chicago theatre lovers will be remiss to not see such a whirlwind portrayal of what is sure to be a play with lasting staying power. 

The portrayal of community within the play is one of shared struggles and successes. When Nina returns home from Stanford, feeling like she has lost her way, her community reminds her of her talent and prowess. Nina herself is reminded of not only where she comes from, but where her parents came from to build a foundation to give her a better life. She’s able to refocus and ground herself, and find her way again. After Usnavi’s bodega is looted, Sonny enlists the help of Graffiti Pete, played by Phillip Wood, to symbolize home and community on the bodega’s gate, signifying to Usnavi where his heart has been all along, right there in the barrio with his chosen family. Director James Vásquez says it best, “with the help of Lin Manuel Miranda’s brilliant and specific score, which has changed the idea of what musical theatre can be, we zoom in to get a closer look at one particular community. They fight to remember who they are where they come from, but also look to the future and dream of who they can become.” If a neighborhood is a body, the bodega would be the head, but the people would be the heart, and that is the true essence of In The Heights. Community is about what you make it to be, and who makes up that heart.

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Though my community isn’t nearly as engaging or centric as the one portrayed in In The Heights, I walked away from Marriot Theatre feeling light, hopeful, and a part of a larger community than just what makes up my cul-du-sac. The Chicago Theatre community is supportive, vibrant, and diverse. They lift each other up and come together to experience real, authentic voices. The community is welcoming and fun and one that draws me back in every time. Not every community is made up of a corner store or city block, or even a quiet tree-lined street in greater Chicagoland. There are thousands of communities to discover in Chicagoland and beyond. Whatever makes up your community, I hope it is filled with love, hope, happiness, and has a soundtrack that Lin Manuel Miranda himself would be envious of. 

In The Heights runs through March 17th at The Marriot Theatre at 10 Marriott Dr, Lincolnshire. Tickets are available at


It’s a truth universally known that the holidays aren’t always a great time for everyone. Holiday traditions and expectations can often leave us feeling emotionally void or overwhelmed, particularly with how bleak 2023 has been for so many. But in every darkness there is joy to be sparked and light to be found, if one is willing to look for it. This holiday season I discovered a shining light in the The Jinkx & DeLa Holiday Show at Auditorium Theatre. 

The Jinkx & DeLa Holiday Show is an internationally acclaimed holiday variety show returning to Chicago following the massive success of their previous holiday tours. Co-written, co-created, and starring global drag icons and RuPaul’s Drag Race stars BenDeLaCreme and Jinkx Monsoon, fans braved the winter cold to witness a fabulous spectacle, whip-smart comedy, and creative song parodies embodying and cleverly critiquing holiday traditions. 

The holiday show harkens back to classic comedy variety shows that used to dominate television and stage. Jinkx and DeLa are an iconic and dynamic duo, with quick and witty banter and humor that is conflict free, a rarity in today’s comedic world. Even more impressive is that the show is entirely helmed by the queens themselves, with BenDeLaCreme in the producer and director’s chairs.  Too often, queer and drag stories are written and produced by people outside of the community. The Jinkx & DeLa Holiday Show and BenDeLaCreme Presents are reminders why authentic queer storytelling is not only necessary but should be widely celebrated. BenDeLaCreme says, “With all the hatred, darkness, and misinformation flying around our world today, it is an honor and a privilege to spend the holidays with tens of thousands of audience members each year, creating joyous community spaces where we can gather strength through laughter and celebration. Whether you consider it the most wonderful time of year or the most troubling, we’re here to tell you… you’re right! So let’s make it our own.” Monsoon adds, “It’s been a wild year, so let’s end it wildly. DeLa and I strive to entertain while we enlighten and enliven. The Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show is not only a moment of respite, but also of community, at a time where we need our chosen family and community most of all. So add us to your holiday plans, or let us BE your holiday plans— either way, you’re welcome to join us.”

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The Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show is a shining light within the darkness, and truly a magnificent experience. The Auditorium Theatre audience were loyal followers of Jinkx and DeLa, many having seen their 2023 show in multiple cities on their tour, while others were back for their yearly tradition of seeing the iconic duo perform. In talking with Jinkx and DeLa, we learned this year’s holiday show changed the formula of the variety show, pairing the usual sweet vs. spicy duo as a united front, emphasizing the core message of togetherness and unity amidst an ever divisive and polarizing world. At the end of the show, the stars beseeched the audience to carry the joy, laughter, and love exuded and felt throughout the show out into the dark world; to spark that light within others and be the light so needed in the darkness. With everything that has happened in 2023, and the last few years,  Jinkx and DeLa have channeled their worry, frustration, and anxiety into a beautifully crafted show filled with lightness, and have created an enduring and worthwhile holiday tradition sure to be enjoyed for years to come.

Though the tour only visited Chicago for one night, this show is sure to become a staple in Chicagoland, only growing and getting better with time. One of the prevailing themes of this year’s variety show was that while our traditions anchor us to the holiday season, we can consistently look within ourselves and our communities to create new traditions or adapt and grow our old traditions. And most importantly, if we cannot find a light within the darkness, we ourselves can be the light for those around us. I cannot wait to add The Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show a must-see holiday tradition and I’ll see you all there in 2024.

This year’s tour will run through December 30 across the US, UK, and Canada with the show that proves they’re still the reigning “queens of Christmas'' (Entertainment Weekly). Tickets are available at

As twinkling Christmas lights return to Michigan Avenue and holiday themed bars pop up in trendy neighborhoods, Chicagoans are kicking off their pre-winter days by flocking indoors. Fortunately for us, Chicago theatre continues to deliver an exceptional lineup of classic holiday favorites and new ingenues hoping to become a staple in the cold winter months. One such production is “Christmas With Elvis” by Terry Spencer Hesser, directed by Dexter Bullard playing at the charming Chopin Theatre.

“Christmas With Elvis” tells the story of a lonely, anxious and slightly angry woman who discovers, on Christmas Eve, that her ex-husband is getting remarried. Before she can indulge in her misery, the very dead and not too debauched ghost of Elvis Presley appears in her apartment. The two-person cast features Brenda Barrie (Trudy) and Victor Holstein (Elvis).

The premise of “Christmas With Elvis” is captivating; a lonely woman with a bevy of mental and physical health issues puts on an old vinyl record, Elvis crooning “Are you Lonesome Tonight.” Answering the vinyl record, she soon gets to answer Elvis, the King, in person as he appears in her Chicago apartment. After getting past the initial shock, both characters begin to share their feelings as they unpack what brought them to that moment on Christmas Eve. As wonderful as the premise it was, the play itself had some consistency issues with the character development. Trudy is plagued with a bevy of health issues from anxiety to alcoholism to an eating disorder. With so many issues, it struck me as odd that when Elvis questioned Trudy about what an eating disorder was, she replied crudely with “it’s a diet that works.” It wasn’t the fault of the actor, it was just dialogue that didn’t quite fit. In the same first act, Elvis chastises Trudy by telling her he didn’t drink as much in life as she claimed, only to turn around and order an entire case of Jack Daniels to be delivered along with eleven dominos pizzas for them to eat. Little lines and moments like this pull you out of the magical moment, quaking your eye at the oddity of the dialogue. The starkest example of this was at the end of the first act, Trudy admitting to Elvis she wasn’t a huge fan of his music, even when he was alive, as Elvis flips down her couch into a bed. The scene moves rapidly to Elvis crooning out some of his biggest hits to Trudy, while Trudy writhe like a sixties Elvis fan, driving herself to orgasm as the doorbell rings with their delivery.

There were some incredibly tender and raw moments of dialogue between Trudy and Elvis, Barrie and Holstein had a real chemistry that was palpable throughout the two actor’s time on stage. Holstein had incredible vocals and truly captured the King’s mannerisms and cadence, even if it were a bit stereotypical. From the moment Barrie walked onto the stage she commanded your attention, able to portray a woman alone in her apartment, admittedly not in her finest moments or appearance. She played a lonely and broken woman, finding solace with an icon and the simplest of Christmas lights. The characters Hesser created could have really driven deep into the parallels the characters had, gone deeper into the concept of loneliness. It was noted in the playbill that someone “did not understand Elvis until they got divorced,” indicating it took a certain mindset and mood to really understand the sadness, love, and loneliness captured in Elvis’ music. While that was the prevailing theme of the play, some of the attempts at sarcasm and levity fell flat or fell back on commonplace language and stereotypes, when the material and premise offered and promised more.

Overall, Barrie and Holstein were an incredible duo to watch. Holstein’s renditions of "Love Me Tender", "Don't", and “Blue Christmas” felt like you were listening to Elvis incarnate, and Barrie is a Chicago talent that will have a long and prosperous career ahead of her. For a magical night out, “Christmas with Elvis” is a dramedy with a lot of potential, promising to, at least for the evening, stay off the blues during this Christmas season.

“Christmas With Elvis” is now playing at the Chopin Theater, 1543 W. Division, Chicago through January 7. For tickets, visit

When my husband announced that his company holiday party this year was 80s themed, my first thought was that it had been done before. I’d donned enough leg warmers and sported enough side ponytails at enough parties. My second thought was why not the 90s? Surely in 2023 people want to worship another decade? But when I read Chicago was getting American Psycho: The Musical, I dug out my favorite oversized blazer and headed to Wicker Park to watch the book-turned-movie-turned-musical that encapsulated and glorified the very decade I dared to criticize..

The cast was led by the showstopping talent of Kyle Patrick as Patrick Bateman, the stylish and sadistic center of American Psycho. Patrick’s performance was riveting, one couldn’t take his eyes away from him. He perfectly captured Bateman’s devilishly attractive and hypnotic presence, pulling you in with his charm and wit, turning psychotically evil effortlessly before falling back into his charm. The range Patrick displayed as Bateman was nothing short of breathtaking. The murderous chemistry between Patrick and John Drea as his nemesis Paul Owen was haunting and electric, their bravados embodying the 80s and their fight staging choreography scarily convincing. The play was accompanied with an indulgent soundtrack with original numbers like “Cards” and “Not a Common Man” along with seminal 80s bangers Everybody Wants to Rule the World and of course Hip to Be Square. You were dancing in your seat along with the cast.

The play was set appropriately on a cat walk, white business cards adorning the path, the cast using the cat walk to seamlessly transition from the Tunnel nightclub Tunnel, to the gym, to the office, to Paul Owen’s apartment, the entrances draped cleverly with white tarp. The choreography, directed by Breon Arzell, was nothing short of art. Arzell was able to take extremely difficult and violent scenes and make them hauntingly captivating. In one particularly sexually violet scene (read the book or watch the film if you are curious about this referenced scene), an adonis-like Patrick puppeteered two women, played by Emily Holland and Quinn Simmons, through a series of graceful movements, simulating a sexual throupling without being obscene, and navigating the violence with dignity, masked through the art of dance. Such scenes were made to be very effective thanks to Kokandy's incredibly talented Intimacy Coordinate Kirsten Baity and Fight Choreographer Kate Lass. 


(left to right) Kyle Patrick and John Dreain Kokandy Productions’ Chicago premiere of American Psycho: The Musical

The book-turned-movie-turned-musical has real staying power. Comments Director Derek Van Barham,  It’s horror, it’s satire, it goes for the guts and getsinto your head. And it’s all tinged with that David Lynchian unease of ‘What is actually happening?’ Extending that question of uncertainty into the live experience, we’re playing with what we show vs. what we don’t show, what you see vs. what you think you saw. A lot is going to be left up to the audience.” American Psycho: The Musical has many themes that are still applicable and relatable today. If I concede that the musical glorifying the 80s is still relevant and significant in 2023, then by proxy the 80s are still relevant and significant today, meaning I must find neon bangle earrings to match my leg warmers this holiday season…

Kokandy Production's American Psycho: The Musical runs through November 26, 2023 at The Chopin Studio Theatre (1543 W. Division St., Chicago). Tickets are available at


*Extended through December 10th


There is an economic theory centered around shoes. The theory, in short, says that one should spend more money on the best pair of boots that will last you ten years, as opposed to buying cheap shoes that will need to be replaced every six months. The latter path inevitably leads to more expenditure but the higher up front cost for the better pair is a barrier to those who cannot afford it. The theory is a perfect commentary on economics, poverty, and accessibility among many other factors, and this very same theory is one of the prevailing themes of one of the newest plays to come to Chicagoland; Kinky Boots.

Based on the 2005 British film Kinky Boots, written by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth and mostly inspired by true events, the musical tells the story of Charlie Price. Having inherited a shoe factory from his father, Charlie forms an unlikely partnership with cabaret performer and drag queen Lola to produce a line of high-heeled boots and save the business. In the process, Charlie and Lola discover that they are not so different after all. Kinky Boots is the big-hearted musical extravaganza that won six Tonys including Best Musical, the Grammy for Best Musical Theatre album and London’s Olivier Award for Best Musical. Kinky Boots features a joyous, Tony-winning score by pop icon Cyndi Lauper, and a hilarious, uplifting book by four-time Tony winner, Harvey Fierstein.

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The Highland Park Players performed Kinky Boots amongst the immaculate Loyola Academy McGrath Family Performing Arts Center in Wilmette. This production of Kinky Boots, like a good pair of boots, has an incredibly solid foundation. Headlined by the burgeoning talent of Anania Williams playing Lola, and Ben Frankart as Charlie, the two lead an ensemble cast of shoemakers and drag queens bouncing between London and Southampton. Williams was captivating as the incomparable Lola, bringing the tenderness and vulnerability to the role that demanded attention whenever on stage. Frankart was an endearing and charming Charlie, displaying the tenacity of the character in the wake of his father’s death and rallying to save his people’s jobs. At times the actors fell out of their English accents or delivered a key line or zinger without the right force or timing of delivery though the latter could have been caused due to some technical issues with their mics which also cut in and out on several actors. Despite some earlier issues, as the play progressed, the underlying themes of appreciation, respect of differences, and overcoming obstacles with help and support prevailed. There is real talent in the Highland Park Players ensemble cast, couple that with great set design and staging, and Kinky Boots has all the makings of great production off Broadway in Chicago.

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If this Kinky Boots production were a shoe, it would have an incredibly solid foundation and be quite comfortable, and could be worn by many different people, old and young, and have the added benefit of being worn for multiple occasions. With a good scrubbing a bit of polish it will be a performance with lasting stay power. Kinky Boots tickets can be purchased at: The production runs from August 18-27th

Like any Millennial, my playlists are quite eccentric. Firmly planted within the rotation of 90s rap, boy band battles, and classic oldies rests a plethora of show tunes; Hamilton, Wicked, Hairspray, and the occasional song from shows I've never seen. Give me a karaoke mic and Broadway song choices and I could go toe-to-toe with any musical theater savant. One bucket list item of mine has been to actually see the plays these ballads originate from. As my playlist pulled up the familiar "I Want to be a Producer" it was fate that the opportunity arose to see the play here in Chicagoland, The Producers.

The 2001 Tony Award­winner for Best Musical, adapted by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan from Brooks’ 1968 comedy film, follows Max Bialystock, the one time king of Broadway producers hungry to strike it rich, and Leo Bloom, an accountant with dreams of someday becoming a theater producer, as they discover that they could get richer by producing a flop than a hit and start by finding the worst show, worst director, and worst actors. When their new production, “Springtime for Hitler,” turns out to be a smash success, the plan is thrown off and the partners lives are thrown into chaos.

This classic production by one of the greatest comedy visionaries of our time, the incomparable Mel Brooks, still stands the test of time even though the satirical shock value are effectively muted on younger generations. It wasn't that younger audience members didn't know the Third Reich references, but like any satirical piece, it eventually begins to lose much of the context that allowed for the bite and tongue-in-cheek humor. What it might lack in context, The Producers still leverages clever 4th wall break with the actors and the audiencr, like when Steve McDonagh as Roger de Bris (as Hitler's understudy) joked with the modern audience about wearing Flippy floppies during his play-within-a-play monologue. And big bang musical numbers like "I Wanna Be a Producer," where Leo Bloom, played by David Heinously, sings about the drudgery of a boring office job and dreaming of something more, makes the play relevant and relatable regardless of your age. The cast were quick and witty, their delivery, interpretations, and full body acting made the play a competition for the show stealer. From Thomas M Shea as a Max Bialystok that rivals Nathan Lane, Kelsey MaxDonald as the sexy and aloof Ulla, Sam Nachison as the funniest pigeon not-so-former-Nazi Franz Liebkind, and the singular force of Eustace J Williams and Carmen Ghia, the friendly one-upping of the cast only enhanced the humor of this timeless play and brought modernity to the comedic gem.

While my trusty playlists have played every song from The Producers musical, I had never seen the play nor adapted movie. I sat somewhat self consciously with musical theater ifficiencados as they sat eagerly for their fifth or sixth viewing of the play. I braced for judgement but received an envied groan of "I wish I could see this for the first time again!" They urged me to expect nothing to be surprised for everything. From the minute the love orchestra tuned to the closing curtain I was entranced and in stitches throughout the play. It was fast paced, witty, with so much action humor the 2 hour run time flew by. I had to bite my lip to stop cackling as "Springtime for Hitler" played and bratwurst clad women danced across the stage like Vegas showgirls, all while an effeminate History heils himself with a bent wrist. Everyone in the audience of every age and creed were doubled over in laughter at some point in this production. Exceptionally cast with some of the best talent in Chicagoland, incredible tech and staging, and an agreed consensus from the musical theater crew that it was one of the best performances they'd seen in the 7th viewing; high praise from those audience members and this writer would concur.

In the days that passed, The Producers tracks have evaded my Pandora and Spotify playlists. When it eventually makes its revival, I'll now have detailed visuals of sequenced dresses, pigeon kissing Germans, walker bearing dancing grandmas, and jailhouse musicals. Don't get the references? Make your way to the northern burbs to see The Producers and text me your reaction when you see the bratwurst, I’d love to see that for the first time again.

The Producers A Mel Brooks Musical is now playing a limited engagement through August 20th in the Center Theatre at the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie. Tickets are available at

The first time I read an Elephant & Piggie book I didn’t think highly of it. I thought they were too simple, too cliche. I read one, and didn’t pick up another. Every parent raved about these books. Every small child knew who Elephant & Piggie were, offering their recommendations of their favorite stories. It wasn’t until my own children picked Elephant & Piggie books up from the library – on their own – and started reading the simple words, following the simple storylines, laughing and giggling, that I grew to love these books. And I couldn’t wait to see the Elephant & Piggie in real life as they perform at The Marriott Theater in Lincolnshire.


Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!" is a story that celebrates Elephant & Piggie books written by award-winning, best-selling children's author, Mo Willems.In Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!", Gerald and Piggie take to the stage in a rollicking adventure that is perfect for young audiences. An elephant named Gerald and a pig named Piggie are best, best, "bestus" (a word Gerald and Piggie made up that means "very best") friends, but Gerald worries that something could go wrong that would end their friendship. Piggie is not worried at all. She's even happier and more excited than usual. That's because she and Gerald are invited to a party hosted by the Squirrelles, three singing squirrels who love to have a good time. And so begins a day when anything is possible. Starring the incomparable and stellar casting of Lillian Castillo (Piggie) and Lorenzo Roy Jr. (Gerald), Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!" is a perfect way to introduce young people to theater.

Parents and kids will immediately find themselves watching a real life storytelling of their beloved modern classics. From a fun invitation arriving for Piggie, an homage to "I am Invited to a Party!", to sweet moments of party prep lamenting a lack of rhythm, an homage to "Elephants cannot dance,” the play pulls from multiple Elephant & Piggie books, ensuring there is something for everyone. Coupled with smart writing (script and lyrics by Mo Willems), live bubbles, and dancing Squirrells you are watching literature come to life. The Marriott Theater continues to select engaging and relevant plays to produce for children’s theater. “We are in a Play!” was another success in many well curated seasons and will sure to be a crowd favorite.

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Leaving the play, I listened to my kids provide Siskel and Ebert quality reviews of the play; what worked, what didn’t, and what was missing (it was the Pigeon!). They asked me my opinions and did not find them sufficient; “you only liked it? You didn’t love it?” And when we arrived home, they wandered off to the library and read every single Elephant and Piggie book we own. What a beautiful thing, to love to read about your favorite Elephant and your favorite Piggie. What a beautiful thing to read.

“We are in a Play!” is playing at the Marriott Theater in Lincolnshire and runs through August 13th. Tickets are available at

There is something bittersweet of a one-time performance. The single moment in time displaying artistic excellence, be it music, dance, or art, retreats as quickly as it appears. The audience is often left reeling and wrestling with their emotions, reflecting on the performance, and recalling the beautiful moments they witnessed, as if trying to convert the fleetingness of the art to memory and make sense of their emotions. There is no better venue in all of Chicagoland suited to those brief artistic moments than Ravinia. 

This June, Ravinia was the backdrop for the Ruth Page Civic Ballet and Friends showcase featuring four talented dance companies (Ruth Page Civic Ballet, Deeply Rooted Dance Theater, Hedwig Dances, and Jumaane Taylor) performing classical and contemporary dance pieces that explored human nature and our emotions. More notably, the companies featured trainees of the dance companies, young burgeoning Chicago talent looking to launch their careers as professional dancers. Many of the young artists had offers in hand to prestigious programs and companies around the country with many more offers hopefully to follow.  

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The showcase featured eight beautiful pieces roughly ten to twenty minutes in length. Deeply Rooted Dance Theater’s piece “Aisantnaf” featuring Ahmad Hill was a standout performance with intricate lighting highlighting the dancer’s body and movement in intricate detail, making the slow burning performance entrancing to watch. Hedwig Dances featured a single contemporary piece “Syzygy” featuring H. Meneses, Rigo Suara, and Paula Sousa that explored the power of three as both humans and something more cellular. The piece had an odd track that made it almost uncomfortable to watch and the musical accompaniment played almost too loud, distracting from the interlacing of the dancers on the stage. It would be worth a second watch and a possible track change to see the piece performed again. 

The absolute crowd favorite of the showcase was Jumaane Taylor and Kayana Latimer of Jumaane Taylor and Stone Soup Rhythms performing “Cheap Suites 1-5.” The tap dancers play in these five short lived rhythmic minutes-long wonders, scratching deep into the floor until they decide to "check-out." The ensemble taps into a determination to morph the strategi rthymic patterns of Karriem Riggins (Detroit master drummer and producer), using detailed tap steps to particularly collaborate with these intrumental vibrations. The tap number was high energy and showcased the incredible skill, speed, and mastery the craft requires. Each small tap or pounding step resonated with the stage and the music in perfect lock step. It brought a smile to every face in the audience and was a difficult act to follow within the showcase.

In every showcase there is one performance that leaves you wanting more. For me it was a Ruth Page piece. While “Pasajera La Lluvia” featuring Kaelen Gouveia and Oscar Uribe Zapata was a beautiful contemporary piece, the standout was the finale performance of “Abscission” by Adrián Marcelo Sáenz. The number featured all the Ruth Page trainees within their ballet company; Keely Clark, Kaelen Gouveia, Hannah Gonzalez, Mian Hirasawa, Alicia Rene Kenefic, and Oscar Uribe Zapata. The contemporary performance was an exploration of the most intimate and dark places of ourselves; a self-imposed chain, a toxic past, a double edged decision, are we free or lost without them? It was an intimate, technical, and passionate performance by all the dancers and truly was a culmination of their years of hard work and talent. The entire piece could be expanded on to be a standalone show.

While a single performance can leave one bittersweet, it can also be the culmination of years of training displaying the years of hard work and talent put into the artform. The young talent on display at Ravinia for Ruth Page Civic Ballet and Friends was beautiful in its fleetingness. Chicago and Ravinia should expect to see these talented artists soon as they embark on the next chapters of their careers. To learn more about the Ruth Page Center of the Arts’ programs and initiatives, please visit To view Ravinia’s 2023 and lineup and purchase tickets visit

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