
Monday, 22 July 2024 21:29

Well Worth It: Wells And Welles Premieres in Chicago Featured

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Well Worth It: Wells And Welles Premieres in Chicago Liz Lauren_John Olson Communications

Every once in a while I think about how lucky I am to live in the Chicagoland. A short drive or train ride away from the third largest US city that boasts more theatres than New York City. On any given night, during any season, one can find multiple theatre options to explore: immersive theatre, comedy, dramas, neighborhood gems, experimental plays, Broadway testers, classics and fan favorites, and never before seen world premiere plays. There is no shortage of good theatre in Chicago. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to see a world premiere of a play that captures the intelligence, wit, humor, and heart of a famous meeting of the minds. Wells And Welles envisions a conversation between two of the most celebrated and notable men in history, Orson Welles and H.G. Wells.

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In 1940, the 25-year-old Orson Welles, previously known as a stage and radio actor, had achieved widespread fame for his 1938 radio play adaptation of the novel The War of The Worlds. The show was produced without the participation or even the permission of the novel’s author H.G. Wells, a slight which much angered the novelist. When Wells and Welles happened to be staying in the same San Antonio hotel while on separate lecture tours in October 1940, Welles had an opportunity to meet with Welles and make peace with him.

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The world premiere play Wells and Welles by Chicago playwright Amy Crider images what might have been said in a private meeting between the 75-year-novelist, historian, and futurist. The dialogue is sharp and witty, capturing the heart and soul of 1940s US slang and transatlantic accents and gentlemanly British mannerisms and turns-of-phrases. The minimal set offers no distraction for the audience’s eye, relying solely on the delivery and pacing of the actors. Performed by two incredible Chicago actors who look like they embody the famous authors and creators, Pete Blatchford as H.G. Wells and Gerrit Wilford as Orson Welles effortlessly assume their roles, engaging in smart, witty, and sharp theoretical and practical conversations on ownership, creation of legacies and art, science and magic, and what is truly at the heart of every man. Crider does a superb job weaving fact with fiction to envision what these two astounding figures in the humanities would have discussed on the rainy evening in San Antonio. Blatchford and Wilford are so convincing as the famous Wells and Welles that in a moment where real audio is used from the 1940 interview, it takes a moment to register that it is the real broadcast and not reenacted for the play. It's that touch of magic that raises goosebumps on your arm and truly add to the wonderment of the production. 4

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It's not every play where two actors can captivate an audience for 90 minutes and make it feel like it wasn’t long enough. It’s also not every day you can see a world premiere of a play that will no doubt be picked up by theatre companies across the country. It is well worth your time to see Wells And Welles and experience this world premiere production. In a time where the real war of the worlds could be happening any day now and radio is now what we stream, don’t miss your chance to see this incredible play.

Wells And Welles runs through August 11th at Lucid Theater Company at 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue on the second floor of the historic Edgewater Presbyterian Church. Tickets are available at

Last modified on Monday, 22 July 2024 21:48



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