In Concert Archive

Saturday, 29 May 2010 18:58

Nelson at Tailgaters Featured

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After a pretty big media sweep in the days leading up to the show, Nelson jogged people’s memories about who they were, are, and want to be in their music. Taking the stage last night at Tailgaters, fans were given the past present and future in a high energy, and fun show.

These smaller venues suit Nelson more than the early stadium rock days, because they seem to be at a level in their careers where making a connection to their fans is more important to them and the music than being part of a huge marketing machine.

It was kind of fun to see the video montages before Matthew and Gunnar took the stage, because things look totally different after twenty years. (Like bright red thigh high leather boots on a dude isn‘t exactly cool…I‘m talking to you, Gunnar. But when I was 12, they were hot and made him a Golden God.)

Yep, you read that right, twenty years since the release of "After The Rain." Thanks to Matthew for bringing that up and making me face the denial that is my thirties. But they had a great sense of humor about it, asking the crowd for a show of hands if they saw Nelson the last time they came through Chicago…then keep them raised if you were 6...

I was 13... do the math… yikes.

And at Friday’s show, all nostalgia aside, there on spotlight, was the songwriting and musicianship that had been glossed over during the whirlwind first part of their career.  Nelson came out and delivered the hits, as well as some new stuff to look forward to.  Despite some audio issues (I thought Matthew was going to whip his monitor at the sound board guy there for a sec), they had a solid sound with great collaborating band mates,  and gave studio quality the whole show. This is not the manufactured teeny bop pop band they were cookie cuttered into 20 years ago. These guys know their way around music, and shouldn’t be overlooked.

I will say, that after catching some of their acoustic shows, that is a genre that fits them like a glove. While the show was great, an acoustic set would’ve been a treat.

So, great show, check out Buzz’s interview with Matthew Nelson , for more info on Nelson’s journey over the last fifteen years.

Set List:

Fill You Up

More Than Ever

A Girl Like That

Love and Affection

Just Once More

Ghost Dance


Only Time Will Tell

I'm Alright

After The Rain

Won't Walk Away

Invisible Man

It's All About You

Everywhere I Go

Last modified on Sunday, 30 May 2010 07:10



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