In Concert Archive

Sunday, 19 August 2012 18:24

Loud Loud Devours Bottom Lounge / Interview with Guitarist Jacob Vidovich Featured


Affinity filled the room at the Bottom Lounge on August 12th as Loud Loud entered the stage. I was unable to account for the reactions in the crowd when they opened the show with my personal favorite “Mirrors” and it’s introduction song “Reflections”. Loud Loud had gained my complete attention and based on the hush silence I felt around me I could only assume that the audience was just as settled into the rhythm as I was.

At the close, the members of the band began vacating the stage. The audience members looked to and fro in anticipation as Joey Fernandez (vocals, guitar) emerged carrying an acoustic guitar absent the other members of the band and informed the crowd that he would be performing an exclusive acoustic version of “First Stages of Ending Phases”. I resisted the temptation to raise my lighter in the air as he began to play. The crowd roared when Fernandez had finished then the rest of the band reassembled to the stage.

They continued performing through their set with a more upbeat spirit. I specifically recall the audience raising their fists and singing along at the open of “Burst and Bloom” a definite fan favorite. The band took the opportunity to treat the audience with an extra few minutes of stage time when they ultimately closed with an extended live adaptation of their album (Solace)’s closing track “You Had No Reason”. To say the least, I was impressed.

The interactions that I observed between the band members of Loud Loud and their devoted fans as they shared drinks and celebrated a successful show performed can only be described with complete empathy. They expressed a love and gratitude that could only rival that of an ineffable kinship observed between them and their adoring fans. The band’s passion and devotion to their music and their fans is nothing short of the distance their fans and I see Loud Loud continuing it’s lifespan. I look forward to their next performance and hope for many more to come.

A special thanks to the band members of Loud Loud for their dedication…

Joey Fernandez (lead vocals, guitar)

Jacob Vidovich (guitar)

Paolo Lanzisero (basist, backup vocals)

Nicky Lanzisero (drummer)


I caught up with guitarist Jacob Vidovich just after the show who was kind enough to answer a few questions.


IMG 6561 1Q; How long have you been playing the guitar/music?

A; Well, I started playing bass when I was 10, so 13 years all together with music, but I didn't start playing guitar until I was 13. 


Q; How would you describe your bands music?

A; I would say it's ambient with a pop structure. I can't really pinpoint a genre we totally fit into but we keep it pretty dynamic. I think of music like a mountain range, a good song should take you up the mountains and down into valleys. 


Q; How long has Loud Loud been together?


A; We started in October of 2011 so that would be 10 months I believe. 


Q; How would you describe your personal relationships within the band?

A; I hate all of them, hahahaha. No but seriously I love all of them as brothers. I'd take a bullet for any of these guys. I've known them for years and we've always been best friends playing in and out of different musical projects together, but Loud Loud definitely feels like a family; it feels like home and I think its because we are so close not only musically but as friends. That makes this band something special, at least for me. 


Q; Who/What are some of your musical/non-musical influences?


A; Musically I would say a lot of my style comes from Post rock/ambient bands like “Explosions In The Sky” or “This Will Destroy You”, or other bands like “The Early November”, “Third Eye Blind”, and “Brand New”. 


Non-musical influences would honestly be my parents. They taught me to work hard for the things you love and I really love this band and the music we are putting out. My parents taught me that no matter how hard it gets to just keep on going. They always had a smile on there face even when times were tough and I couldn't respect and love them anymore than I do. 


Q; Where do you find your inspiration?

A; I find inspiration everywhere. Sometimes, this sounds crazy, but I'll just hear music in my head be it the ambience of the room I'm in or a certain sound coming from machines at work. Inspiration can really strike at any time anywhere or in any situation I'm in at the time. It's really random. 


Q; Tell me about your record. Favorite track? Fan fav? What was put into it? 


A; The record is called “Solace”. It has 6 tracks on it and we recorded it at Melody Lane Studios with our good friend Erik Schillerstrom. We called it “Solace” because that is exactly what music is for us, our solace. It's the way we cope with things in our personal lives and express ourselves. My favorite track on the record would probably be "You Had No Reason". Just every time we play it, it sounds different and I really feel that song live. I especially can connect with the lyrics of the tune and the melody Joey sings and the chorus is just really powerful. I love it!


The fan fav is tricky… I get a mix between 3 songs. Usually “Solace”, “Mirrors” or “Burst And Bloom”. 

As far as what was put into the album, it was us. Not me, Not Joey, Not Nick, Not Paolo, it was us. We all had a lot to do with this album. If one of us didn't like a song, without question, we would scrap it. We are honestly 100% collaborative on everything we do as a band and that's why I think it works and why one song doesn't sound exactly the same as the others but is still very cohesive.  


Q; When can we expect to see a full length album? 


A; As far as full lengths go, I don't think we will be doing that unless we are signed. I think for an independent band, trying to make it wasting all that money by spending too much time in the studio is too costly, when you should be playing shows and getting your name out there. I think its more quality of work than quantity at this point in our career. 


Q; What do you hope to see in your bands future?


A; For the band at this point in the stage I would just like to see our fan base grow. Get the word out more and play shows. The first 6 months of the band was just us rehearsing writing material and recording and now I think since we got a record and we feel tight as a band, it’s all about just showing people what we have to offer. 


Q; Is there anything you want to say to the fans or those of them who are listening to you for the first time?

A; I would like to say F.B.G.L. If you don't know what that means come out to a show and we will tell you. 


Q; Any plans for your next live event?


A; We have a few events lined up but in the preliminary stages. What we plan on for the next live event, is to have a couple more tunes to throw in the rotation. We want to give people a variety of different set lists so it's a different experience every show. 

Listen to Loud Loud at and come see them play at Tiger O’Stylies August 29th. Hope to see you there!


21+ W/ ID 

6300 W. OGDEN AVE. BERWYN, IL. 60402


Last modified on Sunday, 19 August 2012 18:42



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