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Thursday, 28 October 2010 17:51

James Apollo - An Interview With Someone You Should Want To Know Featured

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James Apollo's music is somewhat roots rock/Americana/folk with an, also, Old Wild Wild West sound that triggers individuals to partake in certifiable-maniac-looking dancing at his shows. The Art of James Apollo is additionally characterized as having more than several vastly relatable songs, regarding life's heavy blows and woes.
At The Underground Lounge in Chicago, I thought to myself "Oh, there's James Apollo appearing available to speak with before his show. But, I don't have any questions prepared for him in order to conduct the best interview possible! Plus, what if I ask him to do an interview and he says 'no?' Would I have to get on all fours and beg for him to do it?"
"What if he still turns me down? Then, I'd definitely have to make sure to keep my mouth shut and not blurt 'F*** you and the horse you rode in on!"
I took my chances, and when I introduced myself to James Apollo, he did not give off the vibe of being an arrogant, snout-in-the-air "a-hole." James Apollo kindly accepted to do an interview with me, and I found him to be an especially personable and intriguing personality.
The first thing my "peepers" fixated on when I sat down with James Apollo, besides his deep blue eyes, was a guitar case with squirts of white stuff all over it. Not being much of the shy type, I told him that's the most unique looking guitar case.
Buzz: What's on it and why?
Apollo: It's spray foam...I do that so the employees at the airport will remember me, and so I can have a better rapport with them. I used to work at an airport.
Buzz: For how long and how did the job end?
Apollo: I was there for 3-4 weeks, and I quit to go on tour. I tried to stay, but they wouldn't be flexible enough to enable me to go on the road.

Buzz: How do you like being on tour?
Apollo: Well, I took Chuck Berry's idea. He was very collaborative. I borrow instruments while I'm on tour from other musicians, and I often ask them to play with me while I'm in their city. I just met two musicians the other day when I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota and asked them to join Devon and I on tour.
He added, he doesn't really consider a tour a tour--it's more of a pilgrimage because shows aren't ever really gonna go the way you want them to. The sound is usually never going to be perfect and you can't play as long as you want. So, you have to look at the adventure in it, and the fun of meeting new people, playing with new people and reconnecting with old friends while on tour.
Buzz: I heard you only had one rehearsal with the Minnesotan musicians before you asked them to perform with you on tour.
Apollo: Yes.

Buzz: How long have you been performing?
Apollo: We would get into Canada [illegally] to play when we were fifteen.
Buzz: How did you and your friends maneuver that one?
Apollo: We learned of ways to get into Canada from guys in our area who had done it before. We used to use fake recording contracts to get in!
Buzz: Would you rather win a Grammy or a million dollars?
Apollo: I would want the million dollars, definitely.
Buzz: Why?
Apollo: Because the quality of music that Grammys are made of, now, is the kind I don't want to deal with. Plus, when you win a Grammy, your next record has to be just like it [the one you won the Golden???????Statue for]. And, a million dollars can make you a lot of music.
Buzz: Could you please tell us about your latest CD "Till Your Feet Bleed?"
Apollo: I got in a motorcycle accident--a really bad one when I was living in New York. And, I felt stuck there with all the people in the streets. And, I felt stuck in my relationships and other problems.
But, when I went to Utah, I loved all the open space and felt no more problems. The record is about liberation by wandering to be free of problems. It's the good side of walking away from your problems.
Oh, it looks like we're about to go onstage.
Buzz: Thanks for taking the time to do this interview, and I'm excited to hear you play!
Apollo: Thank you.
For info on James Apollo's CDs and tour dates, you can visit: www.JamesApollo.com


*Photos by Tracy Walsh



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