
Monday, 11 October 2010 13:48

Runner Runner Express Gratitude Featured

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Runner Runner is a band who has a schedule just like their name.  They are a promotional powerhouse and aren't ready to stop.  From being signed to David Letterman's record to being on the latest *Now That's What I Call Music *compilation, they are ready to become the next best thing.  Nick Boyle was able to some time out of their busy schedule to discuss, life, music and being in a rock band.

Buzz:  You guys are the first artist on David Letterman’s record label. How do you guys anticipate living up to the hype of working with such a legend in the entertainment industry?

Nick: Wow, it’s a dream come true for us to be working with Letterman. Honestly, it’s been great. We feel very lucky about it and we are going to do everything we can. We are pouring our blood, sweat and tears into creating great songs. We want the world to hear them. Hopefully, being a part of Letterman’s amazing team will allow us to have a lot of fun together.

Buzz: Rumor has it your band mates know what it’s like to be in a band and how to make a band become famous. Can you elaborate on what it’s been like for you and your band mates, from going from one band to the next?

Nick: We all came from separate bands that toured with each other. That’s how we actually met. We were all in these other bands that met on the road, and we all gravitated toward each other as songwriters and musicians. Basically, we had a lot of experience with touring, being in the studio and all of the logistics of being in a band. It was definitely a catalyst for us as we started Runner Runner. We were able to hit the ground running—no pun intended. I feel really good about it. We came to a place where we envisioned and we have been to make the project come together.

Buzz: You guys are heavily promoting to make this project comes together stronger. The album hits stores December 7th and you guys have been touring non-stop. Has this tour been your busiest?

Nick: Absolutely. We’ve been on tour since we finished the record. The tour right now, we actually routed our way to play “The Late Show” in New York City last Monday night. It’s been crazy; we’ve done lots of fly-in shows. Lots of radio appearances, lots of press, but we love it. I say: the busier, the better. The more opportunities to have our music heard the better. We aren’t the kind of band that turns down a gig without hesitating. We are totally committed to just promoting our band and getting the word out. Anything it takes to do that, we will do; happily, with a smile of course.

Buzz: Along with your busy touring, you were recently selected to be on the latest compilation in the *Now That’s What I Call Music* series. How did you guys accomplish that?

Nick: Wow. It was a great opportunity that came to us through the label. Being a part of EMI is what helped push that through. We were so excited to hear about it. Our track, “It’s So Obvious,” was selected for up-and-coming artists. It’s just such a great thing to be a part of these compilations. They’ve put out all the great hits for the past 35 albums. So for us, to be even included is an awesome opportunity. We are really stoked to hear it. We love hearing that people found our music through that CD.


Buzz: You just recorded your first full-length album. What were your inspirations?

Nick: We like to look at this record as a joy ride through life. We have songs where people are able to feel good, and then there are songs that are more serious and thunderstorm-grey skies. We tried to take these experiences and be as positive as we could. The message is keep going, keep being positive and enjoy this ride. Taking that perspective on it really helped us use these experiences in our lives and hopefully help our fans through tough times and makes them want to dance.

Buzz: What are the tracks on this album that make you want to do dance?

Nick: I think the song “Unstoppable” is a song that hopefully people can hear and make it the soundtrack to a party or even a sports team getting ready for a game. I really love “So Obvious.” It’s our first single. That song is being pushed to radio now. It’s just amazing to have that opportunity to hear your song on the radio.

Buzz: What the best words that describes the feeling of when you hear your song on the radio?

Nick: Surreal. Awesome. Maybe it’s like the first time you go sky-diving or maybe the first time you catch a wave and get off some rides; somewhere between sky-diving and the best meal of your life.

Buzz: Speaking of your life, how are you able to take the surroundings of southern California—where you guys are from—and incorporate the essence of that area in your music?

Nick: We group up listening to a lot of great 80s bands like the Cars, Elvis Costello, The Clash and Cheap Trick. So we kind of took those sounds and mixed them up with modern-day bands on the radio that we love; for example, The Killers. I think influences like them really inspired us. Also, you get the experience of being on the road. That inspires you to write music. It kind of gives the inspiration of where creativity comes from. The songs are all experiences we’ve had, whether they were yesterday or years ago. It’s
still something that is effective and we want to write about it and hopefully people can relate to it and appreciate it.

Buzz: What’s the best praise you’ve heard about your music?

Nick: Probably when Audrina from "The Hills" said she loves Runner Runner, or when Perez Hilton was like, “it doesn’t suck.” For me, the best compliment is when someone says a song of ours helped them through a tough time in their life. We have a song of ours called “Dedicate,” which is about a cousin of mine who committed suicide. I used the song as a way to get over the experience and share a positive light with my family. Songs like that are just ways of assurance of me doing my job. That’s why I am playing music in the first place. When I was 16 years old, my best friend passed away. The only thing that helped me get through that experience was music. After I got over that loss, I realized that music was the only thing that helped me get back to my life. I want my music to give back to those people who may have been or are in trouble spots in their lives, and give back to something that can mean so much. We want to make you laugh; we want to make you cry.

Buzz: Just like the perfect movie, right?

Nick: Exactly.



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