Theatre in Review

Kendall Royzen

Kendall Royzen

The Neo-Futurists are at it again with the thought-provoking, baffling, irreverent, confuddling new play “Daredevil’s Hamlet.” In true Neo-Futurist form this play offers more than their clever title initially implies.

Written by Neo-Futurist Ryan Walters, the play explores the work of Hamlet, led by the charming male members of the of the Neo-Futurist company including Walters himself, John Pierson, Anthony Courser, Jay Torrence, Brennan Buhl and even “the Intern-Trevor!” The play is a compilation of small scenes following the basic storyline of Hamlet, combining the acrobatic antics of ‘Daredevils!,’ the 2005 Neo-futurist play, all the while exploring the major themes of Hamlet: revenge, identity, masculinity, love, family, and death. “Daredevil’s Hamlet” is like a steady stream of consciousness; simultaneously flowing together while at the same time not having any rhyme or reason to the order of things.

Each player takes a scene or a theme from Hamlet and interprets it in their own unique way. One of the more charming and funny stories was Brennan Buhl, dressed in swimming trunks and wearing water wings, coming center stage to talk about a childhood memory involving some other boys with him in a kiddie pool where “wild time” vs. “calm time” were rules to follow. Brennan’s aunt would have equal time shared between these two times, 3 minutes each with “calm time,” designating everyone sit still, and “wild time,” letting the boys splash Brennan with no mercy. When his aunt ceases calling the different times to go into the house, his brothers “wild time” reigns and poor Brennan is left to fend for himself, with no relief in sight. During the play audience members actually get water guns to squirt Brennan while screaming “wild time” in order to recreate this childhood scene. This story, while seemingly random, equated to a central theme in Hamlet: justice and fairness. When rules are established and come down, what is a man to do? Does one rebel or follow the masses? What is fair and just and who decides this? And lastly, what happens when authority leaves and cooler heads don’t prevail?


Anthony Courser’s interpretation of masculinity called into play his favorite childhood character, Robin Hood. “Why would any child choose to be Hamlet, he didn’t even have a bow, or an action figure!” Anthony fires arrows using a Nerf gun in his makeshift cardboard archery armor to delve into the perception of masculinity in his mind versus that of Shakespeare.

Another Hamletisque theme, and a resurgent theme in today’s world, “Bromance” is explored when Jon Pierson, aided by Ryan Walters, describes a tender and intimate moonlit night with a male friend, staring out at the night’s sky and being within inches of one another, feeling a deep love and connection but not being in love. Can two men love one another without being in love as Horatio and Hamlet did? Is this experience still felt today?

These are just some of the interpretations provided by the fantastic cast of Daredevil’s Hamlet. There is no doubt, this play might leave you stumped for a quite a bit while you are watching it, but that is half the fun of visiting the Neo-Futurarium. This is the thinking man’s Hamlet, if Hamlet were to have been written with the philosophical jackass cast. Like the character of Hamlet, the players allow themselves to show their vulnerability, their faults and their frailties, and it’s because of this that Daredevil’s Hamlet is a success. It questions the crucial themes from the play; if your uncle killed your father, would you avenge him? Can two men share a deep plutonic love for one another without having to fear ridicule?

There’s nothing wrong in this state of Denmark, so make your way over to Ashland and Foster and see this charming play.

Daredevils’ Hamlet” runs through September 25, 2010 at The Neo-Futurarium at 5153 N. Ashland in Chicago. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit

*Above photo - Jay Torrence, John Pierson, Trevor Dawkins, Ryan Walters,
Anthony Courser, Brennan Buhl; Ryan Walters performing "To be or not to Be" soliloquy from Hamlet

There’s good theater and then there’s good attempts at theater. But there are also those rare occasions that a good theater makes a good attempt at a plain bad production; a good example of this is Sex Marks the Spot, a new political comedy by Charles Grippo.

The play attempts to delve into the seedy world of political sex scandals and, based upon an interview with Grippo, illuminate the rarely seen point-of-view of the politician’s wife. Unfortunately for this play, it fails to even cast a flicker of light on either point, and lacks the character development, humor, and plot that would have made the 2 hour play bearable.Sex_Marks_the_Spot_I

Sex Marks the Spot opens up on the incumbent Senator Clooney on the eve of a debate against his challenger, a notorious porn star named Desiree Le Bonque. But to our surprise, or lack thereof, Miss Le Bonque is the Senator’s mistress and threatens to reveal their affair on national television if the Senator does not agree to marry her. The Senator drugs the porn star, a recurring theme throughout the play, and attempts to hide the evidence from his loyal band of idiot supporters. From the nervous, and profusely sweaty campaign manager, to the secretly beautiful yet-disguised-as-frumpy press secretary, these characters are a dime a dozen and lack any real emotional development that would make this play seem realistic.

The play goes downhill from there as the audience is subjected to witless one-liners and commonplace dialogue that a young playwright typically learns to avoid in eighth grade journalism. While the play is supposed to “investigate what goes on ‘behind the scenes’” in the world of political scandals and lascivious affaires, the playwright fails to touch on any of these issues. The characters never come face to face with one another, ironically missing one another by the opening and closing of a door. The characters are horribly stereotyped to the point of boredom; from an overweight hotel security guard eating donuts and lacking any brain power to the nosy journalist trying to get his next big scoop.

And what is severely lacking is Grippo’s so-called focal point of the play, wanting to illuminate the thoughts and feelings of the spouse of the adulterer. The Senator’s wife has approximately ten minutes of stage time in which she rarely expresses any real thought of emotion and is stumbling about it a drug-induced stupor, hardly leaving her any room to develop emotionally. Sex_Marks_the_Spot_II

Sex Marks the Spot was neither funny nor witty, the audience hardly laughed once, making this a far cry from a farce or a comedy. It relied far too heavily on stereotypes and endless run-on jokes and the ham actors did nothing to enhance the enjoyment or the entertainment of this play. Overall, the play lacks the humor and cleverness to be a farce, and the real world familiarity to be a satire.

Sex Marks the Spot runs until July 25th, at the Theater Building Chicago at 1225 W Belmont, but in a city where great theater can be found around every corner I would suggest saving your money and following your maps to a wittier destination.

They say opposites attract. So what do you get when a recently divorced sportswriter and eternal bachelor acquires an uptight, compulsive hypochondriac as a roommate? You get a polarized reaction that is pure comedic gold.

Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple comes to life at the Raven Theater with a witty and irreverent cast. The play brings together best friends Oscar Madison, played by Eric Roach, and Felix Ungar, played by Jon Steinhagen, in a simple tale of tragic circumstances and true friendship. When Felix is thrown out of the house by his wife he stumbles his way to his best friends’ bachelor pad where Oscar, having recently been divorced himself and concerned for his neurotic best friend, takes Felix in. The easy-going and carefree lifestyle of Oscar is turned upside down when Felix’s compulsive tidiness and penny pinching thriftiness threaten to destroy his sanity and their friendship. Can this odd couple learn to live together? Can they get it together before they drive each other insane?

The Odd Couple first premiered on Broadway in 1965 followed by a film and a very successful television series. What makes this play timeless is the relate-ability of Simon’s work. Rumors have it that the play was first dreamt up when Simon witnessed the odd pairing of his brother rooming with a playwright But whether the play was created out of actual events or completely fictionalized, it’s the exposure of human weaknesses and the a portrayal of characteristics that define the American Experience theater that make this play worth seeing. It’s not prophetic, does not have some great moral conclusion, it merely reveals the frailties and familiarity of the human spirit, something that the Raven Theater grasps so accurately with this Odd Couple Cast.

With set designs that completely immerse you in a 1950s/60s bachelor pad, stale pizza and beer included, and the wonderful stage direction and character choreography of Michael Menendian, The Raven Theater captures the Odd Couple as spot-on as when it first premiered in 1965. Everyone has an Oscar and a Felix in their life, so take that special person to the Raven Theater, located at 6157 North Clark Street, for an experience that will leave you thankful that you can afford that one-bedroom studio all on your own.

The dimly-lit, small storefront Side Project Theater in Rogers Park lends itself perfectly as the setting of a seedy, closed-door meeting in which a closeted senator and his barely legal boy-toy would rendezvous; combine that with a superb cast and a flawless screenplay and the result is a the perfect-storm great and hilarious fictional play, but based on a true story. “The Gay American” follows former Governor James McGreevey, (R) New Jersey, in the months and weeks before his infamous fall from power. In this “farce meets docudrama” the story weaves actual events in the early 2000’s and a fictional, comical, and scandalous events in political world filled with lewd and lascivious sexual acts.

Neal Starbird brilliantly plays the former governor, whose public demeanor is of a man who would change New Jersey for the better, but whose private life is juxtaposed between the person he is expected to be -- the straight laced, black coffee drinking politician -- and the person he wants to be – a gay man who is proud to express his feeling for a young page… named Page. Starbird brings McGreevey to life; a charming man who, like any good politician, knows that promises get you votes and that “favors” are part of the daily communiqué between colleagues. He hilariously navigates his character through the political world to the likes of Mark Foley, (R) Florida, and another closeted member of congress. From having his young Page move in to his home, to taking his personal aid, an Israeli named Golan, to a gay nightclub; Starbird is the perfect caricature of the real life McGreevey. He cleverly talks his way out of trouble with double entendres at times and even “tap dances” his way out of trouble with the press. One of the best scenes in the play is one in which McGreevey dodges accusations of homosexuality and a young page named Philly Buster, brilliantly played by Freddie Donovan, literally tap dances to the rhythm of McGreevey’s speech. It’s that in-your-face humor and storytelling that makes this play a stand out and one that needs many more stages.

Aside from McGreevey’s internal and external struggles, the play also examines what “could-have-happened” behind the scenes before the infamous speech in which McGreevey announced to the world “I am a gay American,”… words that swiftly ended his political career. What makes “The Gay American” great is that the line between fact and fiction is blurred. Like a cleaver politician, director Kristian O’Hare weaves truth with make-believe, creating the complicated and scandalous world of the former governor. She takes a hard look behind-the-scenes of the American politician and his family, and examines the harsh repercussions and collateral damage of one man’s choices and actions. One of the most notable performances is Dina McGreevey, play by the talented and witty Julie Cowden. She portrays the “perfect” politician’s wife, but as her husband’s exploits and extracurricular activities begin to surface she delves into a pained and tragic heroine turning to alcohol and drugs to keep going and looking to Oscar Wilde’s dead apparition of a wife for comfort and advice. McGreevey’s daughter Morag “it sounds like a sea monster” McGreevey, played by Stevie Chaddock, is the epitome of teenage angst, experimenting with cutting and online dating and dealing with thoughts of selling her virginity on EBay. McGreevey’s world is anything but perfect and the audience member is constantly asking, “What really happened?” Did Governor Mark Foley really use and abuse young and idealistic young pages? Did Dina McGreevey really suffer from post-partum depression? Did McGreevey really have an affair with his aide Golan? Are pages really belittled and used as sexual play-things to the whose-who of D.C.? And just where is the line drawn between what is morally acceptable and what is right? This play is so well written that much of what is portrayed could have actually happened this way.

This is American Political Theater at its best, and O’Hare could not have cast a more cleaver, witty, and hilarious cast of characters. I hope you won’t have a “momentarily lapse of judgment” and miss this show. It is only around until May 26th at the Side Project Theater, located at 1439 West Jarvis Avenue, so go cast your vote for this fantastic play before its term is over.

The Casualties rocked the Metro on the 24th to two stories of skinny jean wearing, eyeliner drenched, spiky haired Chicago youths. From the beginning of their hour long set to their final number, the band seamlessly transitioned from song to song, giving an eardrum shattering, head banging performance.

The CasualtiesDuring their final number, lead singer Jorge Herrera took off his sweat covered shirt revealing a Che Guevara cutoff and holding a scarf above his head. Herrera launched the scarf into the mosh-pit where hundreds of fans wrestled for ten minutes after the band had left the stage, battling screaming girlfriends, rowdy entourages, and even muscled bouncers, for one young man to hold the frayed and tattered trophy above his head and scream out “Yea! Casualties!” Talk about a loyal following.

The Casualties' music is a mix of angry anthems, hardcore punk rock, with just a touch of “I-hate-my-parents”; just the type of music 16-year-old, pre-pubescent, angry, disenchanted youths could relate to. While it's generally not the genre I would plug into my IPod, I have to give the band credit for their nonstop energy, powerful vocals, and incredible stage presence. With ‘Meggers’(Mark Eggers) on the drums, Rick and Jake on bass and guitar (respectfully), and Jorge at the mic, these four men played with an intensity and a wildness  that even an argyle-sweater wearing concert goer such as myself could appreciate.

The Swellers opened at the Metro, energizing the restless crowd, and Less Than Jake rocked as the headliner, but as the stage crew set up for The Casualties, it was clear who the audience wanted to see. The Casualties immediately began playing as soon as they took the stage, and didn’t come up for air, or to rest their hands, until their final number. This band definitely eats their Wheaties.  


As one fan with spiked orange hair (one of Jorge’s old looks as I am told) informed me, “The Casualties are old school, hardcore punk.” Hardcore? Yes. Old School? Beats me. What I can say is that amidst the extraordinarily fast drum beats, finger-crippling guitar chords, speaker-breaking bass, and vein popping vocals, this band screams (literally and figuratively) that they are a force to be reckoned with on the hardcore punk scene. They have an incredibly loyal Chicago-based following, so expect the next time they roll into Chicago to be just as rocking as this time around.

Fans of punk will appreciate this band’s style and power. For the rest of us, if you’re having a really bad day and need one song to verbalize what you are feeling, check out The Causalities’ new CD “We are All We Have” available in stores now. Songs like “Carry on the Flag,” and “Depression-Unemployment Lines,” will definitely help you get all your aggression out. For more information on this band and to upcoming tour dates check out

Friday, 30 October 2009 11:41

The Most fun. You've Never Heard Of

fun. bandWho doesn't love to have fun? Personally, I am all up for fun of any kind. So imagine my excitement when I get a call to interview the band 'fun.'. Haven't heard of them? You're missing out. The name is more than a band; it's a state of mind...




Oscar Wilde once said “Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.” For Leo Gold, that diary is filled with an anguish that has haunted his memories and greatly impacted his life. Battling with Alzheimer’s and the recent death of his wife, retired statistician Leo Gold attempts to unravel the pain of his past while bringing a sense of logic to the horrors that he lived through.

A beautiful and often poignant play, Number of People, written and directed by Emilie Beck, is a one man show about Leo Gold, a Holocaust survivor who struggles through his memories and the pains of his past. We chance upon Leo in a minimalist stage at the Piven Theater. He awakes from a slumber to find us (the audience), in his home. Like a welcomed though unrecognizable guest, we are immediately brought into Leo’s world, sharing his past experiences and life stories. Leo Gold, played by the seasoned Piven actor Bernard Beck (the playwright’s father), brings the grumbling, humorous, confused, and tragic elderly Gold to life. He engages the audience much like an eager paternal grandparent wanting to tell his grandchildren about his life. Telling jokes that only an elderly grandfather would find funny; “There are two groups of people in the world, those who put people into groups and those who don’t.” Leo shares his memories of the birth of his daughter, the number 1 person in his life, the memories of his wife, “a perfect figure eight,” and recounting tales two gruesome and horrifying to fully comprehend.

Beck’s main character is dealing with Alzheimer’s, but there is something missing from the character. For anyone who has seen the deterioration of a loved one's mind knows the pain and turmoil that comes with the disease. They are often battling with an invisible enemy that skews memories, twists details, and leaves the person confused, saddened, and angry. Beck’s Gold tangents from one memory to the next, but there is one trait that he fails to convey, throughout his entire 90 minute monologue; many Alzheimer’s patients segue from memory to memory, their logic understandable and predictable only to themselves. Beck always brings the audience back to a central theme of numbers, odds, and statistics, so that we, and Gold, are never really too confused, though he reminds the audience (his guest) that he does not know who we are. But perhaps this is the point.

Gold is a man whose life has been impacted from one of the most horrific events in history. The way he acted throughout his life, from telling his wife she was not really cold when the heat went out in their Sweden apartment “you don’t know what cold is!,” to Gold’s relationship with his daughter, and to the experiences he had counting dead bodies during other worldly tragedies, Gold’s actions are a result of the horrors he endured and survived. From the whistle of a train to the laughter of children, Leo Gold’s life was so defined by his events in a concentration camp that he can trace everything back to what he survived through. He uses numbers and odds in order to understand how he survived “if you stood in the back you were less likely to be chosen,” when one stood in the front, they were chosen and they died.

When Number of People is on target it is poignant, tragic, and mystifying. Beck’s vulnerability and old-age charm draws an audience in, as eager as young children listening to a grandfather’s tale. Beck as a playwright crafted a beautiful story of one man struggle to understand one of the most horrible catastrophes in history. While the play lacks in some areas, the play is worthy of being seen. Though the run time is too long and often too heavy handed, the play reflects on one of the core messages of the play; that if you remember, someone we loved is never really forgotten; if we remember the past, the life of one person, they don’t become a statistic, their life had a purpose, and it is remembered.

Evanston, IL- Piven Theatre Workshop continues its 2009-10 season with the world premiere of Number of People, written and directed by Emilie Beck. The production will run through April 11, 2010 at Piven Theatre Workshop, 927 Noyes Street.

  altThey say a picture is worth a thousand words. But what happens when you combine photography with live art? This is one of the core questions that is explored in the new Neo-Futurist play “I Am a Camera” written and directed by Greg Allen.


One of the great things about this Neo-Futurist play is that it requires the audience to really intellectualize what they are viewing. “I Am a Camera” leaves room for interpretation from the audience as well as the interpretation of its two person cast. Jeremy Sher and Caitlin Stainken lead the audience through various photographic exercises that lead us to ask “What is photography?” “Can a picture convey more meaning than words?” “Can a picture accurately replace an emotion?” “Can a single image depict an entire experience?” “Can a photograph capture a memory?” “Can we replace memories, or diminish the value of them, with a photograph?” All of these questions and concepts are explored throughout “I Am a Camera.”


The play uses still photography as both “the medium and the message” to convey abstract emotions and experiences to illustrate issues of vulnerability and identity in the 21st century. Set to a background of eclectic music, a mix of classic modern rock, and using all aspects of photography from Polaroid snapshots to digitally projected images onto objects, screens and human bodies, “I Am a Camera” is as much a visual experience as it is a thought-provoking one.


One of the best scenes in the play seemed more improvised than rehearsed. Sher and Stainken sat together at a wooden table, dozens of 8x10 photos in front of them, and the booth technician coached them with a buzzer about the exercises they had to do. In exercise one they asked one another questions and had to find still photos that described the emotion they felt, the next exercise asked them to find photos that conveyed what they thought the other was feeling when sharing a memory.  In one instance, Sher asked Stainken “how did you feel when you farted in English class and cried?” She then, laughingly, finds a photo of herself curled up in a ball in the corner of a room, an image that the audience could both laugh at and empathize with. Another question had Stainken asking Sher, “where do you see yourself in five years,” to which he finds a photo of a small hand reaching up to grasp a man’s finger, leaving the audience to interpret a family, a child, a future of hope. This was one of the more hilarious, yet simultaneously provocative moments of the play.


Sound confusing? At times I thought so too. While the visual experience of the play was incredible, at times it ventured so far into the abstract that the interpretation of the play began to drift away from the core concepts. But Allen’s play is nothing short of beautiful, and one that theater goers would be sad to miss. Sher and Stainken provide the perfect balance of humor and charm, offering an accessible and relatable experience for the audience, one of the more intriguing common aspects at the heart of Neo-Futurist plays.


So go, enjoy, and experience the Neo-Futurist interpretation of photography on our lives, and don’t forget to bring a Smartphone (you’ll see why as soon as walk into the waiting room…)









The story of Annie, the optimistic red-headed orphan, is one that still resonates with the same power and charm today as it did when it melted the hearts of theater-goers on Broadway in 1977...

If you don’t like drinking with friends, playing drinking games with strangers, or laughter of any sort, better to stay at home than see this show at the Pub Theater. On the other hand, if you love any of those things, than you must see the show that truly understands the heart of Chicago. Bye Bye Liver is an interactive, engaging, eccentric, Chicago drinking play that will have you clutching your side for a solid hour between socials (Everybody Drink!).


Cast of bye bye liver and me


“Come to drink, stay to laugh,” says creator, director and producer of Bye Bye Liver, Byron Hatfield. “The idea is celebrating all the crazy stuff you do when you’re drinking, not getting drunk while you watch the show.”

The Pub Theater is located in Lakeview and is situated – appropriately – above an actual pub. The audience area is made up of small café style tables that fit about four people with chairs facing the small stage that are taken out of your junior high English classroom. The concept is to make the audience feel like they’re about to be drinking in a pub with 100 of their newest and closest friends. In fact, before the show started, one of my ‘new friends’ stated “this is my third time seeing this show; you’re going to love it.” If she’s willing to come back a third time that gave me great hopes that it was going to be a great time.

With drinks in hand the show began, and here’s the general gist: when the lights were down, we were watching sketch comedy, when the lights were up, and we were playing drinking games with our neighbors and the cast members. The games were great, but it was the cast that stole the night, and my attention. I didn’t stop laughing throughout the entire show.  

“We call ourselves the gateway drug for comedy,” says Byron. “For many people, this is the first show they see in Chicago, but it’s one that they can relate to. And hopefully makes them want to see more Chicago theater.”

Adds cast member Sherra Lasley, “We’re the hub for good comedy. It’s comedy that speaks to the audience and the true culture of Chicago.”

The idea of interactive comedy is not new to the Chicago area, but Bye Bye Liver simply gets it right. The actors are classically trained in everything from Improv to Shakespeare, so you know you’re going to see great acting, but it’s the relatability of the material that makes this show a stand out. Talking with members of the cast and the director after the show, I learned that they draw from their own real life experiences as well as stories from audience members, fans, and Chicagoans.

The show holds up an oh-so-realistic, hilariously accurate mirror to society. From sketches that delve into the eternal question of “why do girls go to the bathroom in groups?” to hilarious scenarios of drunken hookups, dealing with issues of love and loss, or just plain embarrassing moments of having too much too drink and saying things we’ll regret in the morning (we’ve all been there), the cast of Bye Bye Liver spoofs them all, sparing no one.

But the show isn’t without its challenges…

“As the bartender in the show, and the host, my goal is to be the ultimate drinking buddy, the kind of guy you look at say ‘I want to hang out with him.’ It’s difficult to accomplish, but when you can balance that ability to lay down the law and still be likeable, then you’re going to have a great show,” says co-founder of the Pub Theater and actor, Josh Dunkin. “We really thrive on audience enthusiasm, and for us, the material is so true to life that every audience member can relate on some level and have a great time.”

The ensemble cast plays four shows a weekend, two per night at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., on Fridays and Saturdays, and if you still need validation of their talent, the show sells out every weekend.

bye bye liver

This is one show that you must see, if only to get in a good laugh and a good drink with friends. But if you’re thinking that it’s just for the young (er) crowd -- think again. The audience was made up of long standing couples, first dates, big group gatherings, mother and daughter outings, and reunions with old college buddies. There is no age maximum, (though you do have to be 21 or older to see the show), so if you’ve ever been to a bar in Chicago, or have had a drink with friends, you will enjoy this show. That’s a promise.

I’m already rallying friends and getting ready to go again, and you should do the same.

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