
Displaying items by tag: Whodunnit

There’s something about a good mystery that keeps us engrossed. Maybe it’s the colorful suspects, maybe it’s the dissecting of clues involved, maybe it’s our own morbid curiosity that comes with murder - after all isn’t Forensic Files still one of the most watched TV shows? We like the detective work, plain and simple – the search for motive and opportunity and the gathering of evidence. And we certainly like the thought that everyone in the room is a suspect, no matter how unlikely they might seem. There’s a reason that Shear Madness has been running for forty years and is now one of the longest running non-musical plays ever (the whodunnit The Mousetrap leads all stage productions with the longest ever run). Well, amateur detectives, get ready because there’s been another murder in Chicago and your help is needed to solve the case. Once a mainstay in Chicago from 1982 through 1999, Shear Madness has returned, this time making its temporary home at Mercury Theater.

Taking place inside Shear Madness, a Chicago salon, life seems normal for the most part until the landlady upstairs is brutally murdered – stabbed repeatedly with a pair of – guess what - shears. But fortunately, Detective Nick Rossetti (Joe Popp) has been working undercover and is on the scene and through a bit of interrogation and deducing we find that everyone has a motive. Suspicion runs rampant as accusations fly everywhere and it soon becomes clear – the audience will need to help in bringing the killer to justice.    

Like in any engaging whodunnit, Shear Madness gives us a handful of intriguing characters and though the play starts off a bit sluggish to the point where one asks themselves where the story could possibly be going, the excitement quickly accelerates once the murder occurs and its direction is no longer in question. After a few scenarios are tossed around onstage, Detective Rossetti asks the audience to participate as the cast reenacts everything that had happened prior to the murder with as much detail as possible. If something is amiss or does not match what had actually happened, theater goers are invited to call out the discrepancy to help the detective put the pieces together. We are then encouraged to toss out any theories we might have to Detective Rossetti during the intermission where he makes himself readily available, at the same time we prepare questions to ask the play’s characters once the second act begins. Yes, we get to interrogate the suspects.

Best put, Shear Madness is just plain old fun. It’s a hilarious show that gives us a chance to crime solve along with the detective, some of its funniest moments the participation between audience and cast. Also entertaining are the many references to Chicago and several jokes that have been updated to include todays politics and pop culture. Sure, some of the humor is dated. The show was created in 1980. But it works – and works well. Thanks to Warner Crocker’s well-piloted direction and a superb cast that works well together and can also seamlessly interact with the audience on the fly, we see that funny is funny no matter when it was written so long as it’s delivered well. And no one was off limits. Touching on famous personalities from Taylor Swift to Bill Clinton to Joe Biden to Rod Blagojevich to dot, dot, dot, the play certainly takes its share of swipes. And while some of its jokes might be geared to ruffle a few feathers, the audience clearly takes them as just that – jokes. Even in its more contrived moments where predictable humor is used, a laugh is usually found. In the end it’s a silly comedy, not a show to be taken seriously, and lord knows we could all use a laugh or two.

The show does get a boost from audience involvement and even some good-natured heckling, but it naturally relies heavily on its cast. Ed Kross is a sheer delight to watch as Tony Whitcomb, the flamboyant salon owner, both his well-timed innuendos and physical comedy garnering one laugh after another. Mary Robin Roth as Mrs. Schubert also has many scene stealing moments as does David Sajewich as “used antique dealer” Eddie Lawrence while Brittany D Parker’s Barbara DeMarco hits the mark, as well. Detective Rossetti’s partner Mikey Thomas is played well by Sam Woods to round out an overall solid cast. Joe Popp as Detective Nick Rossetti is perhaps the most noteworthy of the bunch, as his character is kind of the glue that holds everything together in this production. As theater goers bounce one question or theory off the detective (sometimes with spot on observations and often quite absurd), Popp impresses repeatedly never wavering from his character and never absent of a quick, often humorous, response.

Shear Madness is also a play that can be enjoyed more than once. The story has four possible outcomes based on how the audience votes, and even if one gets the same outcome twice, you can be sure the audience participation will differ each and every time.

A unique theatre experience that has the audience laughing as much as it has them guessing, Shear Madness breaks down the fourth wall and delivers two one-of-a-kind fun-filled hours.

Shear Madness is being performed at Mercury Theater through March 29th. For tickets and/or more information visit           


Published in Theatre in Review

Do you love a good whodunnit? If so, you will love this rich and funny production of ‘The Mousetrap’ directed with great staging and humor by Sean Graney.

Agatha Christie's ‘The Mousetrap’ opened in London in 1952 and never stopped running. It is the longest running play in stage history, and for good reason. Its well-crafted script is entertaining throughout, is filled with colorful characters and keeps one guessing right until the very end. And Graney takes the play in a great direction by casting character actors with serious chops in all roles. 

Mollie and Giles Ralston (wonderfully played by Kate Fry and Allen Gilmore) are a newly married couple who have decided to turn the house she inherited into a bed and breakfast. The couple are a little overwhelmed by the flurry of guests that arrive on their opening when they all become snowbound in the house and get news that a murder has occurred nearby - and the killer is still at large, and most likely heading their way. It doesn’t take long before everyone becomes a suspect. 

While piecing clues together, audience members can enjoy an eyeful of color and textures in the fabulous set design thanks to scenic design by Arnel Sancianco with lighting by Claire Chrzan, sound by Kevin O’Donnell and costumes by Alison Siple, which include a tall window with real rain falling and a smoky fireplace are ominous and luxurious at the same time. The costumes for all cast members are stylish and multi-layered and particularly delightful to the eye are Alex Goodrich’s in head to toe orange patterns and David Cerda’s in a spectacular ensemble of royal purple with fur trim on his floor length winter coat.   

No spoiler alerts here, if you have never seen the play you will have a great time guessing who the murderer is and if you have seen it, this well done production will still keep you engaged right up until the end.

Erik Hellman gives a great performance as Detective Sgt. Trotter, the lawman who arrives on snow skis in the middle of the storm, earnestly trying to protect all the houseguests from becoming murder victims. 

My favorite performances in this cast came from Alex Goodrich as Christopher Wren and David Cerda as Mr. Paravicini. Both are outstanding. Cerda is well known for his superb camp theater productions as the Artistic Director, actor, resident playwright and co-founder of Hell in a Handbag Productions. In this very funny production, Cerda steals every scene he is in and provides great comic relief as the tension on the set builds and builds all while dressed to the nines in royal purple, silk knee high knickers. 

Goodrich has also made his mark in Chicago area theater and is perhaps best known for his many leading roles at Marriott Theatre and Chicago Shakespeare. The talented actor reminds me so much of another great Chicago comic actor, John C. Reilly, and he fills the room with an energy of youthful disgust mixed with childlike wonder as he flutters about the large stage getting big laughs with his over-the-top manic energy, spot on delivery and physical comedy.

Carolyn Ann Hoerdemann plays a very convincing and killable guest as the picky and annoying Mrs. Boyle, while Tina Munoz Pandya is mysterious as Miss Casewell and Lyonel Reneau gives us a strong Major Metcalf.

I highly recommend this funny, exciting, and well-paced production of the classic Agatha Christie murder mystery for a night of suspense and laughs on a cold wintry eve at the lovely Court Theatre. For more show information visit

Published in Theatre in Review

As with any good mystery, suspense, intrigue and surprise are the key elements in making a successful story that keeps one on the edge of their seat and keeps you guessing. ‘And Then There Were None’ at Drury Lane in Oakbrook has it all. And even though I have seen this play before, I did not remember the ending and was thoroughly surprised and shocked to find out who “dunnit” and why!

Without giving anything away, this Agatha Christie story is about ten strangers who have been invited to an island vacation by a secretive host or hostess. After realizing that there is a murderer on the island and no escape until a boat comes, the characters all begin displaying their own foibles and ways of coping with what seems to be certain death with some welcoming it and others fighting to the death to stay alive. As the mystery progresses, clues unfold that keep amateur sleuths (audience members) involved as we try piece the puzzle together.  

The mature and very talented, ensemble cast includes Vera Clayton (Cher Alvarez), Justice Wargrave (Matt DeCaro), Mrs. Rogers (Jennifer Engstrom), Emily Brent (Marilyn Dodds Frank), Fred Narracott (Casey Hoekstra), William Blore (Paul-Jordan Jansen), Anthony Marston (Zachary Keller), Doctor Armstrong (David Kortemeier), Philip Lombard (Yousof Sultani), Thomas Rogers (Paul Tavianini), and General Mackenzie (Bruce Young). And all ten had a solid grip on their characters. I was particularly impressed with Emily Brent as Marilyn Dodds Frank. Brent really knows how to infuse every word and look with an element of intensity and humor as her character teeters on the brink of sanity.

The set design by Andrew Boyce was particularly lush in depicting a mansion set on a private island somewhere off the coast of Maine with a stunning view of the ocean. As one who truly enjoys a water view, I was engaged immediately. Directed with great timing by Jessica Fisch, this production had me guessing on the murderers' identity right up until the last scene. But though the thought of a murder mystery might be macabre to some, the play infuses enough humor to keep things light enough for everyone to appreciate. 

There is a very interesting subtext in this story by Christie wherein the murderer has real reasons to kill off each of the guests who are guilty of murder in various ways themselves. The murderer has justified in his or her mind that killing each of these "alleged" murderers is the right way to serve up justice, and to a point the audience begins to actually want to see some of the characters die. But by the end it is clear that when a human presumes to "play God" they must be ready to experience the kick back of instant karma! Recommended for a fun Summer night of mystery solving that is suspenseful but not too scary for the whole family to enjoy.

‘And Then There Were None’ is a delightful whodunnit that is attractive to all sorts of theatre goers. Playing at Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook, you can catch this fun mystery through September 1st For more show information visit

Published in Theatre in Review
Thursday, 06 December 2018 20:38

'The Play that Goes Wrong' so wrong it's right

Sometimes when something goes bad, it goes really bad. And that can be a good thing. In fact, that is truly the case in ‘The Play that Goes Wrong’ now playing at Oriental Theatre. Revolving around a disastrous opening night of Drama Society’s largest production to date, ‘The Murder at Haversham Manor’, a handful of actors are at the mercy of one mishap after another. From faulty props to mispronounced words to incorrect sound cues to cheesy stage effects, this Monty Python-esque play is one madcap adventure even before it begins to its final calamity.

“We apologize for the box office mix up and hope that the one-thousand-seven-hundred of you enjoy this show as much as you would have enjoyed ‘Hamilton’,” says cast member Chris Bean to the audience just prior to the beginning of the show.

Co-written by Mischief Theatre company members Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields, ‘The Play that Goes Wrong’ is a comedy about theatre – or to put it more accurately, the things that can go wrong during a production. And this one has a lot of wrong.

Once the murder mystery begins the poor cast is subject to a series of hilarious misfortunes – even as the opening curtain is raised to soon and we see the cast scurrying to find their positions - though in an attempt to be consummate professionals, the actors try their best not to break character – and that is not so easily done as we find out.

Charles Haversham is dead (kind of) and it’s up to Inspector Carter to solve the crime. Taking place in living room of a mansion, everyone is a suspect – Perkins the butler, Thomas Colleymoore, Charles’ fiancé Sandra Colleymoore and Cecil Haversham, Sandra’s lover on the side. But getting through the mystery is no easy task when props are misplaced or falling of the walls of the set, lines are exchanged in reverse order and the show’s starring actress gets knocked out only to be replaced by a shell-shocked stage manager – and that not the half of it. Laughs come rapid fire like bullets from a Tommy Gun, as the actors are put in one compromising position after another each funnier than the last. And though most of the actors try their damnedest to be as professional as possible, Max Bennet who play Cecil, seems to be getting quite the kick out of each mishap and uses those many moments to thrust himself into the spotlight.

Perhaps a bit confusing since we’re talking actors playing actors, but Evan Alexander Smith, who recently wowed audiences in Drury Lane’s ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, stars as Chris Bean – who stars as Inspector Carter. Smith rolls with his chance to show off his comedic acting chops and puts forth a stellar performance in the Inspector Clouseau-like part. The play is filled to the brim with standout performances as Peyton Crim as Robert Grove who plays Thomas Colleymoore is sensational as the actor’s actor who refuses to fall victim to one calamity after another. Colorful characters fill this story, thanks to a very strong ensemble comprised of such talents as Ned Noyes (Max Bennett who plays Cecil Haversham), Jamie Ann Romero (Sandra Wilkinson who plays Florence Colleymoore), Yaegel T. Welch (Johnathan Harris who plays our victim Charles Haversham), Angela Grovey as our stage manager, Brandon J. Ellis the head-in-the-clouds lighting and sound operator and last, but certainly not least Scott Cote who is incredibly funny as Dennis Tyde who plays Perkins the butler.

In all, this comedic masterpiece of a staged whodunnit that goes terribly wrong delivers big laughs and plenty of them. This is perhaps the funniest play to hit the Chicago stage since Steppenwolf’s farce comedy “The Doppleganger” had us laughing all Spring.

Wonderfully directed by Matt DiCarlo with original Broadway direction by Mark Bell, ‘The Play that Goes Wrong’ is only here for a two-week limited engagement at the Oriental Theatre through Sunday, December 16th. For more information, visit

Published in Theatre in Review



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