
Displaying items by tag: Robert Williams

Here comes Halloween, one of my favorite holidays of all and, of course, the incomparable Artistic Director David Cerda of Hell in a Handbag Productions along with composer Andrew Milliken have created a Halloween camp extravaganza that is sure to satisfy even the blood/laugh thirstiest of Handbag's extensive loyal fan base. 

This time the much beloved TV show The Facts of Life has been crossbred with the TV movie Satan's School for Girls to create a colorful, musical, and hilarious, spot-on spoof!! As always Ed Jones steals most of his scenes this time as school headmaster, Edna Garrett. Jones is a superbly talented character actor and never fails to capture and mimic the juiciest and funniest quirks of the character in such a way that the audience can see and hear the original he is seemingly channeling throughout. Jones never drops the voice or tics for even a second and it sheer pleasure to watch and re-experience the humor of that time period revamped with sexy humor for today.

Madison Smith (whose acting work I also love) does a smash up job as director of this large, multi-talented cast. Stevie Love (who looked especially beautiful opening night BTW) did an amazing job on the super fun choreography. 

David Cerda also slays the room with his dry delivery and long legs in a lush auburn trussed wig with every entrance as Claudia, "a young boarding school student" going undercover to discover the mysteries of Satan worship that is lurking behind closed doors at Eastland. 

The lovely and gifted Graham Heacock makes a beautiful, and scary Blair come to life while Alexa Castelvecchi totally rocks the part of deadpan, butch "Jo" and gets to display her amazing singing voice.  

The whole cast is a delight as Handbag regular, Robert Williams, plays an adorable, goofy Tootie, while newcomer to Handbag - Brenna L. Watkins boldly brings back the character of Natalie.

I won't go too deep into the plotline because that's half the fun of a NEW Hell in a Handbag spoof! I like to just let the twists and turns unfold and surprise you as they wash over your brain with unexpected humor and joy. Highly recommended for old and NEW fans of Hell in a Handbag's productions at Mary’s Attic where you can relax in an intimate yet lively and rowdy theater environment, have dinner or drinks and just let the comedic memories of the shows they revive and also make fun of - energize your heart with laughter for the future! 

The Facts of Life: Satan’s School for Girls is being performed at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville through November 2nd.

Published in Theatre in Review

Just in time for Halloween comes Hell in a Handbag’s The Golden Girls: Bea Afraid! The play’s name itself probably tips most off that audiences will be in for one helluva ride. Handbag found much success in the past couple of years creating their own hysterical episodes of The Golden Girls, Vol 1 was extended twice and moved to a larger theater while Vol 2 also made waves. So, a Halloween special featuring our four favorite seniors – why not?

Artistic Director David Cerda and company are working double time right now performing in Artificial Jungle at 7:30 p.m. (through October 28th) followed by Bea Afraid! at 10:30 p.m. To say this theatre company works hard is an understatement. And one thing is for sure – there’s a whole lot of funny in each production.

Bea Afraid! gives us two Halloweeny episodes, the first a clever whodunit that gets sillier by the second (that’s a good thing) followed by a demon possession that you will never forget. As laughter-filled as the second episode was, my friend walked away saying, “That actually kind of scared me.” So, laughs and scares – the best of both worlds – the treat followed by the trick. Between scenes Golden Girls trivia is held and tongue-and-cheek prizes are handed over to the lucky winners, such as the lady who sat in front of me that was handed a tube of anti-itch crème. How well do you know the gals?

Cerda returns as Dorothy displaying the same dominance over the role that helped make Vol 1 such a smash hit while Ed Jones reprises his role as Rose and commands a laugh just about every time a line is delivered. Adrian Hadlock also rejoins the cast and again nails the role of Dorothy’s razor-sharp witted mother, Sophia. Grant Drager is ever so saucy as our beloved, loose-legged, Blanche, a role that AJ Wright played so well in the first of the hilarious franchise. The cast is rounded out by such brilliantly humorous talents as Chazie Bly, Michael S. Miller, Michael Rashad, Duane W. Taylor, Robert Williams and Maureen SanDiego, who stars as the evening’s hostess.

Created by David Cerda and directed by Becca Holloway, this is a Halloween show not to be missed. Handbag gets another feather in their cap for yet another hysterical production, leaving us to eagerly await the next Golden Girls adventures - please say there will be more!

The Golden Girls: Bea Afraid! Is being performed at Stage 773 through November 2nd. For tickets and/or more show information visit

Published in Theatre in Review

In 1959 director Douglas Sirk left his mark on Hollywood in the making of his final film, Imitation of Life, which was based on the Fannie Hurst novel of the same name. The film starred Lana Turner in the lead role and dealt with several topics that still loom large today, focusing on race, class and gender. This was the second film adaptation of the novel, the first being directed by John M. Stahl in 1934. Finding it "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" the United States Congress selected the film for preservation in the National Film Registry in 2015.

Upon signing to star in a remake of Imitation of Life, Turner was knee-deep in real world trouble. She had been involved in courtroom proceedings after her boyfriend was killed by her daughter in a domestic struggle. Hollywood seized on the media sensation and used the film as an opportunity to reclaim her star status on the big screen.

So, leave it to Hell in a Handbag to brilliantly lampoon the film and actual events surrounding Turner, intertwining the two stories into one. In “L’imitation of Life,” Ricky Graham and Running with Scissors take Bruce McNally’s original script and run with it, and thanks to outstanding direction by Stevie Love, we get a hilarious spoof that keeps Handbag at the top spot for Chicago comedy theatre.

In “L’imitation,” Lana Turner (Ed Jones) wants to succeed as a Broadway star no matter what the cost. She currently grabs any commercial she can get no matter how degrading the topic matter and is known as many things such as “The Queen of Flush” (yes, from a toilet brush advertisement). The widowed commercial starlet lives with her spoiled school-aged daughter Suzie (Katherine Bellantone), who, as in her real-life drama, had stabbed to death Turner’s boyfriend (perhaps with a little prodding from mom). It is when the two happen upon Annie Johnson (Robert Williams), a besieged African-American mother while at the beach, that a new life for both begins. With Annie and her daughter Sara Jane (Ashley J Hicks) having nowhere to go, Lana “charitably” invites the two to come home with her – with Annie becoming a maid and caregiver to Lana and the two girls.

With their new living situation comes many challenges. Sara Jane is rebellious. Light-skinned and defiant, she wants to be accepted as white, keeping her mother a secret from friends at school. Annie is there for Lana for anything and everything she needs with a smile but is massively overworked and disregarded. Lana is delusional about her talents as an actress and sleeps with anyone she can to move forward in the entertainment industry. And Suzie is weird – and flat out scary.

Ed Jones never lets the Handbag faithful down, and in “L’imitation of Life” we might just get his best work. A flawless performance by Jones highlights this very funny production as he so masterfully is able to capture and exaggerate Turner’s essence to comedic perfection. Jones gets strong support from Robert Williams whose Annie Johnson so perfectly plays off Turner’s delusions of grandeur, no-respect-for-others character. Chazie Bly plays Steve Martin (no, not that Steve Martin), Turner’s on again off again boyfriend, and is ferociously funny in doing so.

In “L’imitation,” Hell in a Handbag is able to spoof such touchy subject matter in their own unique fashion that actually finetunes what, in some ways, may have been the desired the effect of the film – to point out the absurdities where society falls short in poking fun at stereotypical behaviors. “It is the intention of Parody, as an art form, to hold a fun-house mirror to our culture and to reflect all attitudes in an art (past and present).’ Says director Stevie Love. “The beautiful, the garish, the righteous and the misguided. We intend to do that in 5-inch heels.”

Presented with visuals that help in providing a scene’s setting and also serves as yet another avenue for big laughs, “L’imitation of Life” hits on all cylinders.

“L’imitation of Life” is being performed at Stage 773 through May 6th. For tickets and/or more show information, visit

Published in Theatre in Review

Fun! Funny! Funnier! If you are fan of The Golden Girls TV show, then run, don't walk, to see Hell in a Handbag’s The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes at Mary's Attic before its special, recently extended, run is over. The show opens with a heart lifting, hug your best friend singalong of the sitcom’s famed theme song, "Thank you for being a Friend" - in its fantastic entirety! 

Plenty of fans arrive in costume to see the show and in between the hysterically funny, bawdy, R-Rated "Lost Episodes” theatre goers are entertained by Golden Girls trivia contests with fun prizes, so live it up. 

Hell in a Handbag Artistic Director David Cerda wrote the show which parodies the famed 1980’s sitcom where four women who share a home in a Miami Senior Community are not ready to stop living life to the fullest. Cerda is fantastic as the deadpan Dorothy even with the use of just one syllable – “Mah!" David, who recently won a well-deserved special Jeff Award (Congrats!) for all of his amazing contributions to theatre in Chicago with his much beloved production company Hell in a Handbag, evokes laughs with every shoulder-padded shrug and anchors the show with his dead-on funny accuracy in the role of Dorothy that actress Bea Arthur made famous. 

I don't know how he does it but every single show David writes is unique, displays every cast members talents superbly, heartfelt and funnier than the last. In this show, he takes the iconic TV show and brings it to a new level, creating hysterically campy “lost episodes” that one could only wish took to the air during the series’ heyday.  

Blanche is played with true southern sex appeal by A. J. Wright. Wright is mind-blowingly accurate in his portrayal of the flirty man-eater. Wright is so convincing, I had to occasionally close my eyes and just listen with delight, because I really felt he was a woman channeling Rue Clanahan, not a man in drag. The razor-sharp tongued Sophia played by Adrian Hadlock is also right on the mark with his dry as a martini, machine gun-like delivery of every single one-liner.

Ed Jones rounds out this fearsomely funny foursome with his always gentle, never forced portrayal of the delicate and ditzy, Rose, often forced to do and say indelicate things! Handbag favorite Ed Jones is - as ever, roaringly funny and true to Betty White's every gesture, even to her dazed and confused looks of naivety. As in all of Handbag’s productions, Golden Girls is equipped with a stellar ensemble, this show including hilarious performances by Chazie Bly, Kristopher Bottrall, Grant Drager, Lori Lee, David Lipschutz, Terry McCarthy, Michael S. Miller and Robert Williams.

Not ignoring the other fine touches that make this such a fun experience, Myron Elliot’s costumes and Keith Ryan's wigs and makeup are a laugh riot in themselves and really help each actor achieve the eerie accuracy that makes this a true golden fest for fans of the show. 

David Cerda and I have some kind of strange psychic connection in that his shows always seem to coincide in some synchronistic way with things going on in my life and family, and Golden Girls was just what I needed to see. My mother and I lived in Miami Florida throughout my whole young adult life and the week I saw this production of Golden Girls (one of my mom's favorite shows to watch with me) she was in the hospital and I was extremely stressed and worried about losing her. When David says as Dorothy about her mother Sophia, "She's probably thinking back to her youth in the fields of Sicily," and then sighs, "God, I'd wish she'd just die," I had to let out a cathartic laugh because it was just such a perfectly funny, subtext of compassion coupled with frustration of the statement of all mother/daughter love when stretched to its limits. I loved it. Naturally, I don’t wish such a thing, but Cerda’s writing has a way of somehow finding love and humor in even such a statement.  

I didn't stop laughing or smiling from start to finish of this uproariously funny take on the Golden Girls that no fan should miss. Even if you are not familiar with the show, it’s worth checking out. Don't worry, you’ll pick it up quickly. And like many Hell in a Handbag shows, there is an intermission long enough to stretch, grab a drink and use the restroom which allows you to really allow the funniness of the first act to sink in. Increasingly I find myself enduring 90-minute or longer shows with no intermission as if the audience is trapped in some kind of marathon endurance test of our concentration and bladders! But not at Hell in a Handbag shows, which proves yet again that David Cerda is in tune with everything a Golden Girl needs to truly enjoy a laugh packed night out with your best friends. Much Thanks to David Cerda for "being a friend!”

Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes is being performed at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville on Wednesday and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m now extended through September 16th. Saturday dates have been added for August. Tickets are $20, but are just $16 if purchased in advance. To purchase tickets or to find out more about this hilarious show wonderfully directed by Shade Murray, visit

Published in Theatre in Review



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