
Displaying items by tag: Reginald Vaughn Theater

Invictus Theatre Company is quickly becoming one of my favorite venues in Chicago. They consistently produce excellent theatre without pretension or fanfare. For a small storefront theatre, they more than hold their own against larger, better financed houses. They are always punching above their weight class and winning.

I had seen so much theatre invoking the character, presidency, and utter foolishness of Donald Trump, it started to bore me.  When I realized Invictus was approaching this “Caesar” from a different angle, it piqued my interest. I clearly saw the parallels, not to Donald Trump and his presidency, but to one date in particular, January 6th, now known as “Insurrection Day”. In “Julius Caesar” events are put into action thru manipulation and persuasion, whether it is to one person or a group of people. “Julius Caesar” is the perfect play for an examination of the effect of rhetoric on groups.

The play begins with a triumphant Caesar returning home to Rome after successfully defeating his rivals. While the Roman people welcome him, Caesar’s newfound popularity makes nobleman Cassius quite uncomfortable. He convinces Brutus, a friend of Caesar’s, that Caesar is dangerously ambitious and should be assassinated to preserve Rome as a republic. The two, along with some others organize and execute the assassination. The play then recounts the consequences of this betrayal, focusing on Caesar’s right-hand man, Mark Antony. He along with Octavius, Caesar’s nephew, fight to revenge the murder of his friend.

Charles Askenaizer deftly plays Brutus as a reasonable, thoughtful man, a principled, moral man. A man whose loyalty lies not so much with Caesar but with the future of Rome. He easily evokes the audience’s sympathy. When he says to Cassius “I had rather be a dog and bay the moon” in response to dishonorable acts, we believe and feel for him. It is unfortunate the very qualities making him an honorable man, are the qualities used to bring him down. This is the tragedy of Brutus.

Daniel Houle plays Cassius as the ultimate villain he is. His jealousy is pronounced, he effectively uses the people around him for his own devious purposes.  He’s entirely self-serving. Instead of taking no for an answer, he reframes his talking points. As audience members, Houle has us questioning anything that comes out of his mouth. In the second act he proves what we felt all along. Powerful interpretation.

We are disarmed by the deceptively smooth and peaceful nature of Mikha’el Amin’s Mark Antony. He underplays the role to brilliant results. When he realizes Caesar has been murdered and he’s now in the room with the murderers, his eyes tell all that his mouth is formulating. As many times as I’ve seen “Julius Caesar”, Amin gave me something new to consider. The more Antony mentions that Brutus is an “honorable man” the more, ever so sarcastic it sounds. The arc of this portrayal is wonderful to watch especially up close. Amin speaks volumes with his eyes.

In this male dominated world, the marginalized women make a strong impression. Rachel Livingston is full of rage and pride as the headstrong Portia and Maria Clara Ospina switches full tilt from a subservient Lucius to a prophesying Calpurnia, splendid performances by both women.

Huy Nguyen as Artemidorus, Colin Jones as Soothsayer and Joseph Beal as Casca were standouts in a uniformly outstanding cast.

The conspirators entering Brutus’s home in black rain slickers, faces hidden under dark of night, each make a distinct impression. Rick Yaconis (Metellus Cimber), Brandon Boler (Cinna), Joe Feliciano (Trebonius), and Chuck Diaz (Decius Brutus) are a formidable group thanks to the awesome modern dress costume design of Emily Bloomer.

Petter Wahlback’s sound effects and Joe Larkin’s lighting design added to the dramatic tension, particularly during the storm and the battle scenes. Speaking about battle scenes, special notice must go to Jay Donley for his Fight/Intimacy Design. In a space as tight as The Reginald Vaughn Theater, nothing is missed. I feared someone would get hurt with the realistic daggers being used. Kevin Rolfs set supported the action on stage without getting in the way of the story, the props were next level thou! The blood, the blood! Big ups to wardrobe supervisor Beau Peterson-Quinn, I’m not sure how you keep those costumes clean, but you deserve applause. Thank you, Sarafina Vecchio, your reputation precedes you. You’ve made the text accessible for everyone to enjoy

There is so much about this production that I absolutely love, I’m sure I must be missing something….

Oh yes! Hail Chuck Munro!

Julius Caesar is playing at the Reginald Vaughn Theater at 1106 W Thorndale Avenue in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7pm and Sundays at 3pm through November 20, 2022. For tickets and information go to

Published in Theatre in Review



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