
Displaying items by tag: Lawrence Grimm

Something special has been afoot at Chopin Theatre for the past few weeks: the world premiere of “Turret,” written and directed by Levi Holliday. Created as a vehicle for two-time Oscar nominee Michael Shannon, the production by A Red Orchid Theatre (Shannon is a founding member) has turned into so much more, signaling to the Chicago theater community what it takes to produce a sell-out show that generates infinite buzz as it progresses toward the end of its run, extended to June 22 to accommodate the crowds.

In fact, in anticipation of Shannon’s star-power draw, A Red Orchid Theatre decamped from its tiny digs on Wells street for the more capacious, historic Chopin Theater building at Milwaukee and Division. Still, that was not enough. Discounts, rush tickets, and the like fell by the wayside and would find people crowding the lobby in the hopes of snagging a seat.
Shannon ends his run on June 16 - and he is epically good in the role of Green, the mentor and master of Rabbit (Travis A. Knight). The audience will come for Shannon, but Knight really steals the show in this post-apocalyptic tale of two men sequestered in a vault, and the evolution of their relationship.

The story has some big reveals that tie-up the plot lines at the end - but leave some questions open-ended, too. As compelling as the story line is, the staging (Scenic Design by Grant Sabin); lighting (Mike Durst); and sound design (Jeffrey Levin, sound designer and composer) is as constantly powerful as the dialog. Work by Movement Director Drew Vidal and Fight Director Paul Deziel (assisted by Wes Daniel) may lead you to ask, “Is this a dry run for a film?” It’s that good.

“Turret” is that rare type of show that had me saying, “I love this” within 60 seconds of the curtain. Lawrence Grimm, who makes a brief but scintillating appearance as the third character, Birdy, is also understudy to Shannon, and will take on the lead role of Green when Shannon departs.

How to get a ticket? I live just six blocks from the theater, so I stopped over 10 minutes before curtain to buy that rare commodity - a ticket resold because its owner had not claimed their seat. There were just a few available that night.

While Shannon as Green turns in a truly excellent performance, so does Grimm as Birdy and I would urge you to see him when he takes on the role of Green for the extended run. The surprise here is Knight, who is on stage constantly as Rabbit, a voluble and expressive personality that is the antithesis of the terse Green. It is Rabbit that playwright Hollaway uses to make the dynamic of his relationship with his mentor Green accessible.

For me, the play is an exploration of the relationship of a father figure with a son. And Rabbit at a certain point begins to exert his will, defying Green to explore whether there are other survivors, and what might be left of the world. “I don’t want to be a pollywog anymore.”

The complexity of this relationship, when the son naturally matures and asserts his individuation and personhood separate from the father, was the essence of the story for me. Yet as this happens, the father suffers his own setbacks, becomes vulnerable, and Rabbit must rise to the role of caregiver and nurturer. Just like real life. “Turret” has been extended through June 22 at The Chopin Theatre and comes highly recommended.

Published in Theatre in Review



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