There are certain theatrical events that I look forward to attending each season and Hell in a Handbag's Holiday shows are always at the top of my list. ‘The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes – The Holiday Edition, Vol 2’ should be on the top of everyone’s list.
When I'm sitting in the super cozy Mary's Attic filled with Christmas lights watching one of their wonderful camp parodies, I always feel like I am at home and in the company of great friends and family. This time I love everything about this show, including the opening when host Lori Lee (sidekick Flo) leads the audience in singing the theme song from Golden Girls TV show set in sunny Miami where I grew up.
Thank you for being a friend.
Travel down the road and back again.
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant
.And if you threw a party,
invited everyone you knew.
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
and the card attached would say,
thank you for being a friend.
This year’s 'Lost Episodes,' written with cheeky humor- as well as great compassion by Artistic Director David Cerda has especially sweet plotlines that remind me again how lucky one is to have friends and family around you... particularly during your golden years.
Ed Jones as Rose Nylund, who still believes in Santa Claus is a scene stealer, as always delivers his spot on and totally endearing portrayal of the character made famous by the still "golden" Betty White.
Grant Drager as Blanche delivers the sass and unabashedly sexy spice that shows even golden girls still have sexual needs that they should not be ashamed of! David Cerda as Dorothy and Ryan Oates as her mother Sophia bring home the dry humor that makes me laugh out loud every time. But I am also reminded of the true bond between mother and daughter when Sophia breaks her poker face and gently asks her daughter, "What's wrong pussycat?"
Directed and choreographed by the very talented Stevie Love, each scene has a huge variety of great physical comedy and lighting surprises that make you wish the play was longer. Lori Lee is the host of the evening and gets acquainted with the audience between episodes with fun Golden Girls trivia that includes prizes for the audience members. Having the house lights up and interacting with Lori and others as they try to guess the answers lets you actually get to mingle with the audience you are sitting in and is a lovely part of the show.
If you've already been to a Hell in a Handbag Production and are addicted to their special brand of camp humor and music like I am, you already know how unique and fun their shows are. If you haven't been to one yet, ‘The Holiday Edition, Vol 2’ of Golden Girls is a PERFECT production to attend.
Tis the season to curl up on one of the comfy couches at Mary's Attic with a hot toddy in hand and have a long, hard... laugh with your favorite family of friends!
‘The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes – The Holiday Edition, Vol 2’ is being performed at Mary’s Attic through December 29th. For more information visit
Here comes Halloween, one of my favorite holidays of all and, of course, the incomparable Artistic Director David Cerda of Hell in a Handbag Productions along with composer Andrew Milliken have created a Halloween camp extravaganza that is sure to satisfy even the blood/laugh thirstiest of Handbag's extensive loyal fan base.
This time the much beloved TV show The Facts of Life has been crossbred with the TV movie Satan's School for Girls to create a colorful, musical, and hilarious, spot-on spoof!! As always Ed Jones steals most of his scenes this time as school headmaster, Edna Garrett. Jones is a superbly talented character actor and never fails to capture and mimic the juiciest and funniest quirks of the character in such a way that the audience can see and hear the original he is seemingly channeling throughout. Jones never drops the voice or tics for even a second and it sheer pleasure to watch and re-experience the humor of that time period revamped with sexy humor for today.
Madison Smith (whose acting work I also love) does a smash up job as director of this large, multi-talented cast. Stevie Love (who looked especially beautiful opening night BTW) did an amazing job on the super fun choreography.
David Cerda also slays the room with his dry delivery and long legs in a lush auburn trussed wig with every entrance as Claudia, "a young boarding school student" going undercover to discover the mysteries of Satan worship that is lurking behind closed doors at Eastland.
The lovely and gifted Graham Heacock makes a beautiful, and scary Blair come to life while Alexa Castelvecchi totally rocks the part of deadpan, butch "Jo" and gets to display her amazing singing voice.
The whole cast is a delight as Handbag regular, Robert Williams, plays an adorable, goofy Tootie, while newcomer to Handbag - Brenna L. Watkins boldly brings back the character of Natalie.
I won't go too deep into the plotline because that's half the fun of a NEW Hell in a Handbag spoof! I like to just let the twists and turns unfold and surprise you as they wash over your brain with unexpected humor and joy. Highly recommended for old and NEW fans of Hell in a Handbag's productions at Mary’s Attic where you can relax in an intimate yet lively and rowdy theater environment, have dinner or drinks and just let the comedic memories of the shows they revive and also make fun of - energize your heart with laughter for the future!
The Facts of Life: Satan’s School for Girls is being performed at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville through November 2nd.
In 1956 a psychological horror-thriller film hit the big screens across America that undoubtedly shocked audiences nationwide. The film, The Bad Seed, was based on William March’s 1954 novel of the same name and also hit the stage that same year. In a time when UFOs and alien invasions caused country-wide panic, now comes a film where a sociopathic eight-year-old girl, Rhoda, murders when she doesn’t get what she wants when she wants it. Her mother, growingly suspicious of her daughter’s wicked deeds, is caught at a crossroads not knowing what to do since she also loves her more than anything in the world. The film goes on to debate whether criminal behavior is caused by one’s environment or perhaps is inherited. Sometimes a person is just a bad seed, right?
As serious and as creepy as the film is, it is the perfect material for the Hell in A Handbag theatre company to parody. Adding their own twists and turns and injecting their own unique blend of humor, the masters of camp have now given Chicago its newest comedy hit, The Drag Seed, by David Cerda. You may have guessed by the title that a drag theme is added to the story, this time the villain is not eight-year-old Rhoda but eleven-year-old Carson (Kristopher Bottral), a spoiled drag queen whose temper is turned on with a flick of the switch the moment he (in this case, “they/them,” as demanded by the child) doesn’t get what they want. The plot thickens as a trail of mysterious deaths occur throughout and Carson always seems to be found nearby.
It’s just a not-so-everyday life in the affluent suburbs where Miss Charles (David Cerda) is a live-in landlord. Miss Charles has taken a liking to tenants Miss Lingus (Ed Jones) and her dear Carson. Lee (Kelly Anchors) serves Miss Charles as the estate’s very quirky handyman and loves nothing more than teasing young Carson, who attends The Josephine Baker Rainbow Academy for Gifted Students led by Miss Ficus (also played by Anchors). It’s when fellow student Summer Breeze (Tyler Anthony Smith) wins a competition over Carson and is found dead shortly thereafter that the intrigue begins.
Carson’s mother Miss Lingus (“just call me Connie”) is at first ignorant to the clues being laid out in front of her, but slowly pieces them together and becomes conflicted since she loves her son more than a "fuck ton of kisses". Carson’s as a matter of fact behavior surrounding every death is not just a big clue, it’s downright creepy.
Directed by Cheryl Snodgrass, The Drag Seed, is a hilarious ride that’ll keep audience members on the edge of their seats. Ed Jones is like fine wine and just keeps getting more delicious with each show. I’ve probably said that this the last time around, but it’s true once again - Jones’ performance as Miss Lingus may be one of his best yet. His knack for executing the perfect facial expression at just the right moment coupled with capturing just the right tone in his line delivery makes him a comedic force. Excellent performances flood the stage in this production with Kristopher Bottral’s all-out hilarious and highly energetic “Carson” while David Cerda is comedic perfection as Miss Charles. Kelly Anchors doubling up for the roles of Miss Ficus and Lee is yet another highlight in this show, particularly the brilliance she infuses in her role as Lee, creating yet another sidesplittingly funny character that we won’t forget anytime soon. Handbag fave Elizabeth Lesinski returns, this time as Wendy Breeze, Summer’s drunk and distraught mother, and makes the most of her role with a flawlessly camped performance of Eileen Heckhart’s character in the 1956 film version. I know – high praise all around. Yes, but well-deserved. Sydney Genco and Tyler Anthony Smith also rock their roles, making this a truly well-round effort.
Handbag stalwarts will undoubtedly be very pleased with Cerda’s newest production and newbies that attend will be sure to get hooked on Handbag’s camp theatre.
The Drag Seed is perfect mid-summer fun and is an easy show to recommend. If you get the chance be sure to check out the The Bad Seed prior to seeing this production, if for anything just to appreciate Cerda’s brilliance that much more and the character nuances that these talented actors have so brilliantly executed into their roles. If you’re unable to catch the film first, don’t worry, you’ll still have a blast.
The Drag Seed is being performed at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville through August 24th. For more show information visit
I saw this adorable show on the night of the recent APRIL snowstorm in Chicago and, as per usual, the Fab Four - Dorothy, Rose Blanche and Sophia - instantly warmed up my night with explosive laughter!
“Golden Girls Vol. 3” features two great episodes, the first being "Caged Miami Heat" - where all of the Golden Girls get thrown in jail for possibly killing their cook, Coco. The second episode is “Murder on the Sicilian Express,” a delightful Murder She Wrote/Golden Girls crossover episode which include the fabulous real life singing and dancing skills of Hell in a Handbag star and director David Cerda as Dorothy, Ed Jones as Rose, Ryan Oates as Sophia and Grant Trager as Blanche.
Ed Jones as Rose was especially daffy and blonde on this night and stole the show with one spot on impersonation of Betty White after another - just divine!
As with all Handbag productions, the laughs are rapid fire thanks to hilarious scripts and the talented cast members that just keeps getting better and better with every show. This team just never stops pumping out ridiculously funny productions, “Golden Girls Vol. 3” coming fresh off a fantastic run of Poseidon! The Musical” at Edge Theatre.
If you haven't been to Mary's Attic in Andersonville to see one of the “Golden Girls” productions, you are missing out on the best camp in Chicago. Hell in a Handbag is always a good bet to give more bang for your buck in the theater because every show they do is FILLED with great laughs, fun audience interaction, and a nice relaxing intermission to change your Depends, or grab more drinks and delicious food from the bartenders and staff at Mary’s Attic and Hamburger Mary's.
Highly Recommended for good, clean, naughty fun!
“Golden Girls Vol. 3” is being performed at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville through August 31st. For more info on what could be the hottest ticket this summer, visit
Nothing beats celebrating New Year’s Eve like being a on ship that capsizes just after the countdown. The 1972 film that features Gene Hackman, Shelly Winters, Red Buttons, and Ernest Borgnine is just that. When a cruise ship capsizes, surviving passengers are forced to travel upwards from floor to floor with the goal of reaching the ship’s bottom where they believe rescuers will be waiting or an escape through the propeller room might be had. The film, a classic disaster flick with several over the top performances, begs to become a victim of parody – and Hell in a Handbag is just the team to make this happen.
Originally staged by Hell in a Handbag in 2002, ‘Poseidon! An Upsidedown Musical’ was a tremendous hit and went on to run for a five-month sold out engagement. Accepted into The New York International Fringe Festival, no other show beat its attendance. When the show was remounted in 2009 at Chopin Theatre, it ran to great success once again and saw yet another extended run. The 2009 production of ‘Poseidon!’ was my very first Handbag experience and I’ve never looked back, enjoying nearly all the ensemble’s shows since. I was immediately hooked on Handbag’s knack for producing pinpoint camp and became a fan of the likes of David Cerda, Ed Jones, Elizabeth Lesinski and company from day one.
So, great news Chicago! ‘Poseidon!’ is back, this time at the Edge Theatre in Edgewater. The show might be without Cerda and Jones in starring roles but puts forth an incredible funny cast with David Lipshutz leading the motley crew of survivors as Reverend Scott (played by Hackman in the film). Lipshutz is a comedic force, his deadpan delivery and exaggerated dramatic lines spot on.
The cast is simply littered with talented actors who know how to draw laughs and ‘Poseidon!’ gives each ample opportunity to shine. Lesinski returns to Handbag and is hilarious as Linda, the impatient, self-centered wife of Rogo, a retired detective who often butts heads with the reverend and is played by Handbag newcomer Shane Roberie. Stevie Love takes on the role of Nonnie, the ditzy singer of the ship’s house band and is hysterically funny with just about every line delivered. The cast is tremendous and includes both Handbag veterans and new arrivals – Tommy Bullington takes on Belle (played by Shelly Winters in the film) and knocks it out of the park. Nicky Mendelsohn is sidesplittingly funny as ship employee, Acres (played by Roddy McDowell in the film) while cast members Katherine Bellantone, Michael S. Miller, Frankie Leo Bennet (C’mon sis! It’s a cinch!”), Scott Sawa and others strengthen an already strong cast.
As an audience we are part of a group that watches The Poseidon Adventure regularly. The watching party is hosted by Caitlin Jackson who, along with her guests, comment on moments of the “film” and praises its heroes. Prior to the curtain being raised, Jackson and friends stroll around the theatre, drinks in hand, as they prepare to take their front row seats to watch the epic classic of a lifetime.
The musical is filled with songs that are as catchy as they are funny like “Just Panties” and “(In the Water) I’m A Very Skinny Lady”. A live band is hidden away in the set that creatively flips upside down once the rogue wave strikes the helpless ship.
Is it helpful to see the 1972 disaster film before the musical? For sure. Can you enjoy this musical if you’ve never even heard of the film? For sure.
Superbly directed by Derek Van Barham with book and lyrics by David Cerda of whom the latter also is credited for the music along with Scott Lamberty, “Poseidon! An Upside Musical’ is a super blast into comedic heaven.
Catch the ship-capsizing wave of hilarity! Wholeheartedly recommended as one of the funniest productions you can possibly see.
‘Poseidon!’ is being performed at The Edge Theatre through April 28th. For tickets and/or more show information visit
When we think holidays in Chicago, we think ‘A Christmas Carol’ at Goodman, Joffrey’s ‘Nutcracker’, Christkindlmarket, Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo, Winter Wonderfest at Navy Pier and the list goes on and on. We should count our lucky stars, Chicago has a lot to offer this time of year. But perhaps one of the most fun holiday traditions (one I certainly look forward to each year) is Hell in a Handbag’s annual Christmas musicals and this year is no exception. Parody master David Cerda and company, who have brought us such hits in the past as ‘Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer’ and ‘Christmas Dearest’, keep the tradition rolling this year with ‘Snowgirls’. You guessed it – a lampoon on the 90’s cult classic Showgirls.
It’s a tough, dog-eat-dog world out there for reindeer who want to make it to the top of the exotic dancing game. Making a name for yourself in local strip dives is one thing, but Snowmi Malone has her sights set much higher. She’s looking to make it in crowned jewel of the exotic revue world – the North Pole. But to do that, not only does opportunity need to present itself, she needs to be the best she can be. Ice Crystal Connors, the star dancer and Queen of the Scene might have something to say about that.
In “Snowgirls’ we are taken on a journey through the sleazy underworld of the North Pole in a hilarious adventure that rings the holidays in Handbag style.
Directed and Choreographed by Jon Martinez, with book by Derek Van Barham and Music by David Cerda, the world premiere holiday production of “Snowgirls the Musical’ comes with its Handbag stamp and certainly holds its own to other past holiday productions by this talented theatre company. As outrageous, envelope-pushing and downright funny as one would hope for, Hell in a Handbag has yet another hit show on their hands thanks to its witty and devilishly comical script and the company’s skilled ability for casting just the right people in just the right parts.
Harper Leander is adorable in the role of Snowmi where she not only gets the chance to display her well-timed physical humor and droll line delivery, she even gets to bust a few moves as the bratty stripper who will make it at any cost. Handbag favorite Sydney Genco as Ice Crystal Connors is terrifically cast as the top drawing attraction of the North Pole’s exotic dance scene. Conniving and ruthless when need be, Grenco gives us a brilliant Gina Gershon parody that is simply hysterical. So many reindeer so many performances that should be recognized. Patrick Stengle as a grown up and kinda hardcore Herbie (the dentist wannabe in ‘Rudolph’) delivers many laugh out moments as does Max McKune as shady club manager Rudolph (he apparently didn’t grow up as innocent as we thought he would) and Terry McCarthy, who has been with Hell and a Handbag since its inception, as club owner and tough guy, Tony.
Other familiar faces make this production the success that it is with their own stand out performances including Grant Dagger (Zip), Brittani Yawn (Jolly) and Erin Daly as Mrs. Claus.
‘Snowgirls’ is holiday fun and can be enjoyed whether you’ve seen Showgirls or not (but it does help to have seen it beforehand). Go see what everyone is buzzing about and see why Hell in a Handbag just might be the funniest theatre company in Chicago.
‘Snowgirls the Musical: The Other Side of the North Pole’ is being performed at Mary’s Attic through December 30th. For tickets and/or more show information visit
Just in time for Halloween comes Hell in a Handbag’s The Golden Girls: Bea Afraid! The play’s name itself probably tips most off that audiences will be in for one helluva ride. Handbag found much success in the past couple of years creating their own hysterical episodes of The Golden Girls, Vol 1 was extended twice and moved to a larger theater while Vol 2 also made waves. So, a Halloween special featuring our four favorite seniors – why not?
Artistic Director David Cerda and company are working double time right now performing in Artificial Jungle at 7:30 p.m. (through October 28th) followed by Bea Afraid! at 10:30 p.m. To say this theatre company works hard is an understatement. And one thing is for sure – there’s a whole lot of funny in each production.
Bea Afraid! gives us two Halloweeny episodes, the first a clever whodunit that gets sillier by the second (that’s a good thing) followed by a demon possession that you will never forget. As laughter-filled as the second episode was, my friend walked away saying, “That actually kind of scared me.” So, laughs and scares – the best of both worlds – the treat followed by the trick. Between scenes Golden Girls trivia is held and tongue-and-cheek prizes are handed over to the lucky winners, such as the lady who sat in front of me that was handed a tube of anti-itch crème. How well do you know the gals?
Cerda returns as Dorothy displaying the same dominance over the role that helped make Vol 1 such a smash hit while Ed Jones reprises his role as Rose and commands a laugh just about every time a line is delivered. Adrian Hadlock also rejoins the cast and again nails the role of Dorothy’s razor-sharp witted mother, Sophia. Grant Drager is ever so saucy as our beloved, loose-legged, Blanche, a role that AJ Wright played so well in the first of the hilarious franchise. The cast is rounded out by such brilliantly humorous talents as Chazie Bly, Michael S. Miller, Michael Rashad, Duane W. Taylor, Robert Williams and Maureen SanDiego, who stars as the evening’s hostess.
Created by David Cerda and directed by Becca Holloway, this is a Halloween show not to be missed. Handbag gets another feather in their cap for yet another hysterical production, leaving us to eagerly await the next Golden Girls adventures - please say there will be more!
The Golden Girls: Bea Afraid! Is being performed at Stage 773 through November 2nd. For tickets and/or more show information visit
Hell in a Handbag is at it again, this time following up last summer’s smash hit The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes with a Volume 2 that might even be funnier than its predecessor, if that’s even possible. Last year, Handbag’s Golden Girls was so successful it added a second run at Stage 773 after an already extended run while at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville.
Like last time, the show opens with that ever-so-popular theme song, "Thank You for Being a Friend" that is eagerly sung along with by audience members.
I have to stop right here and THANK David Cerda "for being a friend"!
I grew up in Miami, Florida, watching The Golden Girls on TV with my mother who had just returned to the work force after a 30-year hiatus at First American Bank after the men in our family had left our home due to tragic disability, genetic Ataxia (cerebellar atrophy).
As two gals trying to keep a household afloat on our own, the recurring themes in the show about a woman's right to independence and struggling to make ends meet, trying to date again after divorce etc. all really gave my mom, Joanne, and I a sense that we were not alone in our struggles, not by a long shot. In fact, my mother Joanne Newmark-Katz, actually interviewed Bea Arthur and other stars like Ricardo Montalban back in the day as an English/ Journalism Major from Purdue University! My mom fondly remembers speaking to Bea Arthur backstage at The Coconut Grove Playhouse where Bea actually gave her a kiss on the cheek and ever so graciously thanked her!
Now, flash forward to 2018 and my mother Joanne is 84-years-old, a true Golden Girl and we are BOTH fighting for her life and financial well-being again.
For me, in this totally stressful, very real "episode" of our lives, getting to have a few hours of superb acting and comedy by Jeff Award Nominee and dear friend, David Cerdas' Hell in a Handbag ensemble is like two hours in paradise, because in these turbulent times particularly trying for the elderly and disabled -- laughter is still the BEST medicine.
Hell in a Handbag Artistic Director David Cerda wrote the show which parodies the famed 1980’s sitcom where four women who share a home in a Miami Senior Community are not ready to stop living life to the fullest. The show, still widely popular today and followed by a whole new generation, is the perfect target for Cerda’s rich and pinpoint lampooning.
Cerda again takes the treasured TV show to new heights, his knack for delicious camp blazing its way to what should be yet another summer hit for Handbag.
Blanche is played by Grant Drager (A.J. Wright handling the role last year). Drager encapsulates Blanche’s flirty, southern charm with just the right amount of cheekiness and is stupendous in the role. Adrian Hadlock returns as Dorothy’s quick-witted mother who wisely and desperately needs to appease her roommates or be sent back to the dreaded "Nursing home". Hadlock trades jabs with dry as a martini wit and, as last year, steals a good share of scenes delivering razor-sharp barbs that are perfectly timed in Cerda’s hilarious script.
Dear, sweet and naïve Rose is played once again by Ed Jones who is sheer perfection in the role. Jones’ flawless timing and subtle expressions make Rose as endearing as she is funny. And Cerda as Dorothy? Priceless! Each add their own spice to the entrée but it is Cerda, Jones, Drager and Hadlock together that makes this production a veritable feast for the eyes, ears and arthritic funny bones!
With every Handbag production comes a hysterical ensemble and Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes Vol. 2 is no exception. A series of hilarious performances are also offered by Chazie Bly, Michael Rashid and Michael Miller with fun-tastically talented ensemble member, audience wrangler and hostess, Lori Lee.
Excellent stage and costume design, smart humor, a talented cast and a side-splittingly funny script make Golden Girls Vol. 2 an all-out, highly uniquely fun experience.
Golden Girls' Lost Episodes are more relevant than ever because they wisely combine humor with a cascade of compassionate understanding of each woman's precarious lifestyle when reaching middle or old age and the very real desperation that ensues when four women try to keep a household afloat in a man's world. David Cerda really comprehends and makes funny the things that push mother/daughter love and girlfriend to girlfriend love to its limits.
The adventure continues! Created by popular demand, Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes Vol. 2 is as uproariously funny as ever. Perhaps (fingers crossed) a Vol.3 is on the horizon in what will hopefully become an incredibly fun summer tradition.
Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes Vol. 2 is being performed at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville through September 7th. Visit for more info.
In 1959 director Douglas Sirk left his mark on Hollywood in the making of his final film, Imitation of Life, which was based on the Fannie Hurst novel of the same name. The film starred Lana Turner in the lead role and dealt with several topics that still loom large today, focusing on race, class and gender. This was the second film adaptation of the novel, the first being directed by John M. Stahl in 1934. Finding it "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" the United States Congress selected the film for preservation in the National Film Registry in 2015.
Upon signing to star in a remake of Imitation of Life, Turner was knee-deep in real world trouble. She had been involved in courtroom proceedings after her boyfriend was killed by her daughter in a domestic struggle. Hollywood seized on the media sensation and used the film as an opportunity to reclaim her star status on the big screen.
So, leave it to Hell in a Handbag to brilliantly lampoon the film and actual events surrounding Turner, intertwining the two stories into one. In “L’imitation of Life,” Ricky Graham and Running with Scissors take Bruce McNally’s original script and run with it, and thanks to outstanding direction by Stevie Love, we get a hilarious spoof that keeps Handbag at the top spot for Chicago comedy theatre.
In “L’imitation,” Lana Turner (Ed Jones) wants to succeed as a Broadway star no matter what the cost. She currently grabs any commercial she can get no matter how degrading the topic matter and is known as many things such as “The Queen of Flush” (yes, from a toilet brush advertisement). The widowed commercial starlet lives with her spoiled school-aged daughter Suzie (Katherine Bellantone), who, as in her real-life drama, had stabbed to death Turner’s boyfriend (perhaps with a little prodding from mom). It is when the two happen upon Annie Johnson (Robert Williams), a besieged African-American mother while at the beach, that a new life for both begins. With Annie and her daughter Sara Jane (Ashley J Hicks) having nowhere to go, Lana “charitably” invites the two to come home with her – with Annie becoming a maid and caregiver to Lana and the two girls.
With their new living situation comes many challenges. Sara Jane is rebellious. Light-skinned and defiant, she wants to be accepted as white, keeping her mother a secret from friends at school. Annie is there for Lana for anything and everything she needs with a smile but is massively overworked and disregarded. Lana is delusional about her talents as an actress and sleeps with anyone she can to move forward in the entertainment industry. And Suzie is weird – and flat out scary.
Ed Jones never lets the Handbag faithful down, and in “L’imitation of Life” we might just get his best work. A flawless performance by Jones highlights this very funny production as he so masterfully is able to capture and exaggerate Turner’s essence to comedic perfection. Jones gets strong support from Robert Williams whose Annie Johnson so perfectly plays off Turner’s delusions of grandeur, no-respect-for-others character. Chazie Bly plays Steve Martin (no, not that Steve Martin), Turner’s on again off again boyfriend, and is ferociously funny in doing so.
In “L’imitation,” Hell in a Handbag is able to spoof such touchy subject matter in their own unique fashion that actually finetunes what, in some ways, may have been the desired the effect of the film – to point out the absurdities where society falls short in poking fun at stereotypical behaviors. “It is the intention of Parody, as an art form, to hold a fun-house mirror to our culture and to reflect all attitudes in an art (past and present).’ Says director Stevie Love. “The beautiful, the garish, the righteous and the misguided. We intend to do that in 5-inch heels.”
Presented with visuals that help in providing a scene’s setting and also serves as yet another avenue for big laughs, “L’imitation of Life” hits on all cylinders.
“L’imitation of Life” is being performed at Stage 773 through May 6th. For tickets and/or more show information, visit
This is Hell in a Handbag’s 15th Season and yet every year I look forward more than ever to seeing a Christmas show that's as irreverent and funny as "Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer". This year Handbag's Artistic Director and writer of the original, and yearly refreshed, Christmas production, David Cerda, delivers not only his much beloved impression of Gladys Dasher with ruby red lips, jet black bouffant and commanding personality reminiscent of Joan Crawford, he also delights the audience with a spot-on characterization of Ivanka Trump (pronounced Iwanka). Cerda is a delight in this new role playing the mush-mouthed, often victimized, blonde wife of Santa Claus.
There is a wonderful rewrite of the entire opening of " Rudolph" this year regarding Trump and Iwanka and how they have affected the Gay community that resounded well with the audience and got huge laughs of recognition and applause.
"Rudolph” is a fabulous LGBT version of the old tale where Rudolph is left out of playing reindeer games and is bullied mercilessly because he is too effeminate to pull Santa's sleigh. Along the way we meet many other characters who've been marginalized as well, like the toys banished to the island of badly built toys and even Rudolph's girlfriend Clarice who is secretly a bi-sexual feminist who is perfectly happy with Rudolph as her friend no matter what he likes to wear out in the snow, red hose and heels notwithstanding.
There was a mix of old and new faces from Hell in a Handbag’s extremely talented singers and dancers from their revolving base of performers and I really felt like I was seeing the finest lineup and the most energetic, funny cast of this production in past years with Graham Thomas Heacock as Rudolph, Kristopher Bottrall as Herbie, Allison Petrillo as Jane Donner, Chase Wheaton-Werle as Tom Donner, Michael Hampton as Santa, Tommy Bullington as Mrs. Claus, Sydney Genco as Elfina, Colin Funk as Spike, Michael Rawls as Score, Josh Kemper as Coach Comet, Lori Lee as Yukon Cornelia, Terry McCarthy as Connie Blitzen, David Cerda as Gladys Dasher, Christea Parent as Clarice and Matthew Sergot as Sam the Snowman.
Given that this year full of Trump's insane negativity and lawlessness is without a doubt the most frightening, turbulent New Year’s and Christmas ever for all unique individuals, from little girls to grown men and women of every race, gender and religion. Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer is the type of heart lifting entertainment full of really great laughs and gags from beginning to end that Chicago audiences need more than ever!
I highly recommend this classic hilarious tale about being who you really are and fighting back against evil that conspires to divide and punish people based on their perceived frailties for EVERYONE. If you've seen it before you must see it again because this year’s script and cast of Rudolph really delivers the heart and the funny with a comic ferocity like never before.
With a hilarious script and songs that are as relevant to our current political climate as they are funny, "Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer" is being performed at Mary’s Attic through January 1st. More information on this great Chicago holiday tradition can be found at
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