
Displaying items by tag: Alice

Sunday, 10 March 2024 15:35

MOMIX: ALICE is Spectacular!

I’ve seen quite a lot of wonderful, entertaining dance productions in Chicago lately - creations that include music and modern dance set to the compositions of great artists like David Bowie, Sting and also beautifully staged to outstanding selections by lesser-known musicians that undoubtedly deserve more recognition. This past weekend I was able to catch a very impressive dance spectacle by MOMIX, the Washington, Connecticut based company known for their dancer-illusionists. With incredibly spot on music by a host of talented artists, MOMIX brought their interpretation of Alice in Wonderland to life for a one night only performance at Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre. ALICE, by Artistic Director Moses Pendleton, really stood out as being a tremendously alluring and engaging piece of dancing, mixed media and an ingenious presentation - a unique experience of both modern and classical music. 

MOMIX: ALICE utilizes ingenious props involving full-length mirrors held by the dancers while gazing into them, silken fabrics, which seem to breathe like they are alive and glow as the dancers writhe beneath them in stunning shapes and subtle movements, and a massive whimsical swing for Alice to glide on while set in a sunny field of wildflowers and green grass. There are twenty-foot high mechanical lifts and gowns, which propel Alice high up into other worlds set to the music of Grace Slick’s “Go Ask Alice-White Rabbit” and giant rubber balls, which are bounced in unison by the seven dancers and manipulated in such a way that is both graceful and comical. Massive blood red silken roses come to life like puppets with no visible puppeteer, ever so gently brushing back and forth against the heads and shoulders of two beautiful dancers in Act Two’s “Bed of Roses” . 

Although this production is not a child’s production of the play or film Alice in Wonderland, it is marvelously colorful for a vibrant visual experience and spectacularly graceful in its execution. I loved that the final message given during this open interpretation of Alice comes in the words “feed your head, feed your head,” which was applauded wildly by the audience.

MOMIX: ALICE is a true ensemble piece and when the faces of the dancers are covered it is difficult to tell them apart, because Pendleton has cast a very specific body type and height in order to keep all of the movements and stunts unique to MOMIX as uniform as possible, yet the quality of their dance still allows for the fierceness and sensuality of individual dancers to shine through. 

All of the dancers, regardless of their dance background or number of years dancing displayed the highest quality of dance movement, which, to me, happens when the expression of each gesture and movement extends all the way through to the fingertips - the very tips of the fingertips and toes in the most elegant and intelligent way. This type of extension and attention to detail and grace in the hands particularly gives the entire production a hypnotic and floating quality that is not often seen in modern dance.

ALICE has dark moments, humorous moments and sensual moments that take us through Alice’s personal discovery in growing as a little girl into a woman experiencing different planes of consciousness. All the while, the production never veers into the realm of clowning or erotica that might tarnish the incredible combinations of superb young dancers mixed with art worthy projections and very interesting and exciting musical choices. 

Artistic Director Moses Pendleton says it perfectly in the program, “We see Alice as an invitation to invent, to dream, to alter the way we perceive the world, to open it to new possibilities. The stage is our rabbit hole. We welcome you to drop in!”

During the after-show Q&A, which was very interesting, an audience member asked why MOMIX does not have a permanent home in Chicago like Blue Man Group. Their answer was two-fold – to bring the show to wider audiences around the world by touring, and to leave the audience begging for more. I agree that the comparison to Blue Man Group (as far as being a resident show) is right on the money. MOMIX: ALICE is full of such spectacular illusions, marvelous video projections of nature and other psychedelic artworks accompanied by the highest quality of dance, that it is worthy of having its own permanent stage and is entertaining enough to see over and over again.

I highly recommend MOMIX: ALICE when it (hopefully) returns to Chicago or any MOMIX production for that matter. 

Published in Dance in Review
Sunday, 23 November 2014 18:00

We're All Mad Here – Alice at Lookingglass

"But how does one know if they've gone mad?" asks Alice of the elusive Cheshire Cat as he swings on a rail, hanging twenty feet off the ground. "You see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased," he answers. "Now, I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry." He grins and disappears, leaving a baffled Alice to contemplate the difference between madness and sanity, the similarities they share, and whether or not they might just be one in the same.

Set in the alternate world that exists beyond – or through – the parlor mirror, Lookingglass Alice is based on Lewis Carroll's sequel to the ever-familiar Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Through the Looking-Glass. So instead of going down the rabbit hole, we literally step through the looking-glass into a dreamy (and sometimes nightmarish) world of opposites, nonsense, and whimsy, as if we too have dozed off after a game of chess and awake to find a new dimension waiting for us above the fireplace mantle.

With or without its befitting name, the Lookingglass Theatre couldn't be a more apt setting in which to tell this tale, with its open, industrial structure taking the viewer out of the space of traditional theatre and promising something more immediate and exciting.

Part children's entertainment, part Cirque du Soleil, part vicarious drug trip, Alice takes the audience on a journey simultaneously magical and dark, funny and frightening, alarming and calming, and above all, surreal. Characters have different proportions through the looking-glass, some excessively tall, some uncharacteristically small; one can run fast for hours and wind up in the very same spot from which they started; Red Queens float on umbrellas in the ocean; cats play with oversized balls of yarn (or is it you who are under-sized?); Alice spins so fast on a suspended hoop you don't know which end is her head and which are her legs – the visual equivalent of how both the audience and the heroine feel after their disorienting passage into the world within the mirror.

A very physical show, Alice is the sort of spectacle meant to be enjoyed by all types of audiences. Young children might be best left at home – the loud noises, confusion, and surreality of it all can be a little overwhelming – but it's undoubtable that physical feats like continuous two-person backflips, the lifting and balancing of actors as though they were weightless, and an anxious finale where Alice wraps herself in ropes mid-air and falls without hitting the ground will impress adults, teens, and kids alike.

Remarkably executed by a vastly talented five-person cast, Alice is less a play than it is an experience. It's colorful and unpredictable. What it lacks in plot, it makes up for in intrigue. Where it forgets logic, it remembers absurdity. You may run in place for ninety minutes and end up in the self-same spot, but you'll have gained a gleeful acceptance of your own madness and the insight that our world is not always as it looks.

Lookingglass Alice, directed by David Catlin, is playing at the Water Tower Water Works space at 821 N Michigan Ave through February 15th, 2015.

Published in Theatre in Review



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