Dance in Review

Sarz Maxwell

Sarz Maxwell

Ser o no ser   esa es la cuestión

We are all familiar with Shakespeare’s iconic line: to be or not to be; famous enough that it doesn’t need the projected English supertitles to be recognized. This adaptation of the celebrated play is written and directed by Chela De Ferrari, in company with the eight actors from Teatro La Plaza: Octavio Bernaza, Jaime Cruz, Lucas DeMarchi, Manuel Garcia, Diana Gutierrez, Cristina Leon Barandiaran, Ximena Rodriguez, and Alvaro Toledo.

Teatro La Plaza, in partnership with the Chicago Latino Theatre Alliance, brings this production of HAMLET all the way from Lima Peru. This company of eight extraordinary artists explores the central theme of identity through their personal experiences as people with Down’s Syndrome. “I am not the same as you” resounds through the production, not as a theme of alienation but as a way to better understand the complex reality of being human. How Hamlet defines himself in a world that he is held apart from is explored through dance and song, humor and passion, bringing modern perspectives to the ancient play.  

The play is presented in several disparate and unique formats, incorporating pantomime and music, stagecraft and film. The cast is a true ensemble; all eight performers inhabit the title character of Hamlet at some point in the production, yet we are never confused, for all speak of their similar experiences with inclusion and discrimination.  “I am not the same as you” is not a lament but a celebration of uniqueness, a fusion of modern lived experience with 450-year-old words.

The screen behind the actors comes alive with unexpected images: from a graphic film of a baby’s birth to a question-and-answer session with Sir Ian McKellan about his interpretation and portrayal of Hamlet. Video Technician Dennis Hilario smoothly incorporates myriad visual effects throughout, complementing the brilliant cast performances.

In addition to the marvelous tutorial with Sir Ian (who must have reveled in the unique opportunity!), the cast appraises Laurence Olivier’s majestic performance, reminding us that the character of Hamlet is traditionally played by an iconic theatrical master. Writer-Director Chela De Ferrari boldly chose to assign that role to actors historically excluded from artistic and intellectual spaces, provoking us to experience Hamlet’s famous question, “Ser o no ser” personally and in real time.

De Ferrari developed the script with the cast over the course of a year, incorporating the actors’ personal experiences as people with Down Syndrome. The result combines Shakespeare’s 450-year-old verse with private anecdotes from the actors’ lives, adding a modern twist with music (Vocal Training, Alessandra Rodriguez), dance (choreography, Mirella Carbone) and video projections (Visuals Director Lucho Soldevilla). ‘To be or not to be’ is not spoken once by a single designated ‘Hamlet’; all the performers offer their own interpretation of the line via their personal struggles for existence. We learn how they, like Hamlet, strive to claim space in a world that deliberately overlooks them. Says De Ferrari, “Everywhere we go, audiences experience something beyond what they expected. Some arrive anticipating a ‘social project’ or an ‘amateur production’ but leave artistically and intellectually challenged.”

Central to the audience experience is the theme of joy, an emotion not typically associated with Hamlet. The play is a revenge tragedy, exploring despair, grief, and vengeance, and is well known for its many deaths, yet these imaginative Peruvian artists transform it into a celebration of life. Chicago Shakespeare Theater Artistic Director Edward Hall described it as ‘sunshine in a bottle’.

The play is performed in Spanish with projected English supertitles; the one aspect of this wonderful production that I had issues with. I found it difficult to read; the projected lines were too small and often not bright enough. BUT – do NOT let this observation keep you from attending HAMLET. Several people (including me) pointed out the difficulties to the crew and I have no doubt that lighting directors Marvin Calle and Jesus Reyes are addressing them.

Whether you’ve seen HAMLET onstage or not, you owe it to yourself to see this production of Shakespeare’s most famous play. The entirety of the plot is preserved, the most celebrated lines retained (“get thee to a nunnery!”), augmented and enlivened by the actors’ own experiences.

HAMLET plays at the Chciago Shakespeare Theatrer through March 23.

Very Highly Recommended!

*This review is also featured on!

Wednesday, 26 February 2025 12:28

Review: Titus Andronicus at Redtwist Theatre

Do not bring the kids to TITUS ANDRONICUS; it has 14 killings, 9 of them on stage, 6 severed members, 1 rape (or 2 or 3, depending on how you count), 1 live burial, 1 case of insanity and 1 of cannibalism – an average of 5.2 atrocities per act. We’re talking kung-fu, sword-fu, spear-fu, dagger-fu, arrow-fu, pie-fu … heads roll, hands roll, tongues roll, nine and a half quarts of blood flow – pretty gruesome, even for Shakespeare. We were offered seats within or outside the ‘splash zone’; we chose the former (of course) and were duly splashed.

TITUS ANDRONICUS, Shakespeare's bloodiest script, brings prejudice and the politics of revenge to the forefront – timely and apt, yeah? TITUS ANDRONICUS is one of the Bard’s lesser-known plays; co-adaptors Dusty Brown, Caroline Kidwell and Jordan Gleaves showed courage and foresight in bringing this controversial story to the stage and are rewarded by the aptness of this story to 2025 America. Prejudice and revenge? Yeah.

Redtwist Theatre is one of Chicago’s signature black box venues; its mission is to ‘create searing hot drama that builds empathy, dissects cruelty, and reveals broader truths.’ Their tiny black box venue becomes a thematic asset (TITUS ANDRONICUS seated 20), every show tailored to close the gap between actor and audience – literally and figuratively – adding ‘a little red twist’ to every production by exploring the violence inherent in our humanity.

Fine aspirations but challenging to realize. Redtwist was recently renovated, though We aim to create brave spaces, where listening and learning can take place.

The cast was phenomenal, as is to be expected in Chicago’s rich thespian environs.  Anne Sheridan Smith in the title role maintained their martial dynamism through a score of brutal spectacles, as did Sabine Wan as their sister Marcus. Caroline Kidwell personified the heroism of their mutilated daughter Lavinia while Philip C. Matthews was a compelling Lucius, sole surviving progeny of the Andronicus line.

On the other side of the conflict, Laura Sturm was redoubtable as Titus Andronicus’ captive Tamora, Queen of the Goths; the Emperor Saturninus (Joshua Servantez) is sufficiently impressed to marry and make her Empress, abjuring his engagement to Titus’ daughter Lavinia. This delights his brother Bassianus (Madelyn Loehr), who is in love with and betrothed to Lavinia.

Are you still following this? Iambic pentameter is challenging enough without so convoluted a plotline. The talents of Text Coach Meredith Ernst Maryfield were absolutely vital!

Meanwhile, back at the Emperor’s palace, Empress Tamora gives birth to a baby whose dark skin proves he was fathered, not by the Emperor but by the lowborn (not to mention Black) Aaron (James Lewis). Aaron is devoted to the infant, in stark contrast to his unrelenting inclination for inciting evil. He helps Tamora’s sons Chiron (Elijah Newman) and Demetrius (Quinn Leary) foil their brother Bassianus by capturing Lavinia, gang-raping her, and cutting away her tongue and hands to prevent her identifying them.

Tamora arrays herself as Vengeance and appears to Titus Andronicus with her sons, disguised as Murder and Rapine. Undeceived (and understandably, vexed by their pillage of Lavinia), Titus sends ‘Vengeance’ away, retaining ‘Murder’ and ‘Rapine’, both of whom he kills. He invites Tamora and Saturninus to a banquet and, after they’ve scarfed down every bite, reveals that the pie he served was made with the hearts of Demetrius and Chiron.

Once Tamora has eaten her fill of scion pie, he kills both her and (for some reason) his own daughter Lavinia. A rash of killings ensues, leaving alive only Marcus, Lucius, Young Lucius, and Aaron. Lucius has Aaron buried alive and Tamora's corpse thrown to the beasts and having thus demonstrated his fitness for office, he becomes the new Emperor, promising to Make Rome Great Again. The people of Rome refuse to accept it and march en-mass on the nation’s Capital … oops, sorry; that’s 2025; Lucius Andronicus took the throne in … well, TITUS ANDRONICUS is fictional so we can’t be sure, but we can be sure that history repeats itself.

Redtwist’s creative team makes all of this work, from Director Dusty Brown with Assistant Andie Dae to Stage Managers Eliot Colin, Raine DeDominici, and Ashley O’Neill.  I was deeply impressed with Scenic Designer Eric Luchen’s set: austere, even spartan, it accommodated the script’s complex depredations and treated most spectators to contact with a corpse if not baptism in blood. I loved Costume Designer kClare McKellaston’s fusion of modern and bling. Michael Dias’ gruesomely convincing stage combat was perfectly balanced by Intimacy Director Erin Sheets; powerful even at very close contact.

If you’d like to follow (another) depraved empire crumble from within, TITUS ANDRONICUS is for you. But let me repeat:  do not bring the kids!

TITUS ANDRONICUS plays at Redtwist Theatre through March 30.


*Extended through April 6th


*You can also find this review featured on

I’ve never seen Cirque and have always longed to. It was SO worth the wait! Here’s what I saw:

Color. And light. And color. And music (Berna Ceppas Composer and Musical Director) – or sound, any road -- Sound Designer Jonathan Deans says, “I need the audience to know they are entering a different world.”  Oh yeah.

It's difficult to find words for just what it is these unbelievably talented performers are doing:  Gymnastics? Yes. Acrobatics? Certainly. Pantomime? Oh yeah. Dance? Definitely … as well as trapeze, balancing, somersaulting, tightrope (and slackrope!), trampoline … oh my oh my!!  Still photos just can’t capture a contortionist pretzeling (how often can you use pretzel as a verb?)  herself til she’s smiling at us from between the soles of her feet. Oy vey.   

Costume Designer Liz Vandal says, “I try to make the body dynamic and reveal its intrinsic beauty.”  And these bodies have beaucoup intrinsic beauty! Limber and flexible is simply baseline; willowy and sleek are appropriate but inadequate; shapely and supple, certainly …  I’d say genderless (a look I’ve always loved) but I don’t want to target either Cirque or Buzz for investigation by the Federal Bureau for Rampant Incipience.

Beautiful.  Beautiful.  Beautiful.

We can’t expect even these amazing bodies in Vandal’s mind-blowing costumes and breathtaking makeup (Julie Bégin is Make-up Designer) to wow us by just hanging out, right? Here’s where the phenomenal backstage crew comes in. Rigging and Acrobatic Equipment Designer Fred Gérard complains: “there’s always this troublemaker getting in the equipment designer’s way. His name is Newton” … with his pesky theory: gravity. But Gérard manages to do that irksome detail one in the eye repeatedly.

Says Set and Props Designer Gringo Cardia “I’m satisfied when the viewer enters another dimension, and all senses are engaged.” Oh, yeah! But the performers can’t do Cardia’s amazing sets justice without Deborah Colker, OVO’s Writer, Director and Choreographer [whew! Big job yeah?], madworking with Chantal Tremblay, the Director of Creation. Now ask yourself: how many productions of any sort have you seen that have a Staff Director of Creation? That kinda makes her a god, n’est ce pas? And you’d expect a god to begin creation with the lowest of creatures, right?

Oh! Didn’t I mention? OVO is about bugs.

That’s right, BUGS.  Beautiful, playful, frolicsome, mischievous, gleeful, coquettish bugs. FABULOUS bugs! Nothing is spoken in words but there is a great deal of communication: squeaks and chitters, twitters and yatter, wordless ska and pantomime –all lucid, even fluent.

The show’s lodestar is a humongous Egg. Picture it: this enormous mysterious thing suddenly appears, reminding us of the monolith from Kubrick’s 2001. Is it any wonder it’s venerated by the insectile population? The egg is, of course, a universal symbol of life and fertility, and in OVO it’s lugged here and there, reappearing in different places at different points in the show.  BTW, OVO is, of course, egg in Portuguese.  Not to mention that OVO hides an insect in its name: the two “Os” represent the eyes while the letter “V” forms the nose.  

The Voyager is a fly, constantly in buzzing motion, and he’s a bit of a dramaqueen, arriving onstage with that big ol’ enigma of an Egg strapped to his shoulders! But despite this  imposing laissez-passer, Voyager turns bashful the minute he lays eyes on LadyBug. [I’m glad he’s not  prone to blushing – the red with his green costume would make for a rather bizarre Christmas vibe.] Any road, it’s abundantly obvious that at his first glimpse of LadyBug he’s instantly twitterpated!   

Can’t say as I blame him – so was I, and I ain’t no cockchafer [just means beetle but I couldn’t resist]! Ladybug is quite the little cupcake; a true cutie patootie and full of life – literally! Dainty and dimpling, she just knows something wonderful is about to happen in her life… no mystery about that, as she’s visibly about sevenmonths pregnant. To my relief, Ladybug didn’t do a lot of death-defying acrobatics – I’m naturally conservative (a word not often used to describe me) with pregnant poppets, regardless of species.

Voyager’s little dalliance is gleefully championed by the entire coleopteran community, generated and galvanized by Master Flipo, the buoyant, irrepressible chief of the insect coterie. Everyone respects and likes Master Flipo, though he can be very silly at times – like when he and Voyager are getting high whiffing Raid!  He’s smart and wise – but unquestionably a queer duck as well. (oh dear. I seem determined to get Cirque and Buzz targeted.) ( Um … they’ll target me too! Uh oh. Better straighten up and fly right.) (Tries.) (Does about as well as Delta Flight 4819.)  

These three, Ladybug, Voyager, and Master Flipot, are the ringleaders of CIRQUE – a triumvirate toastmaster, and any time they take the stage one knows to expect something buzzworthy … like, just for instance, dozens of doyens dazzling us with virtually indescribable acrobatics. 

Crickets are the key insects in the show. At times they have detachable legs that break away from their bodies, giving the impression that there is an insect invasion going on. “I have a particular soft spot for these characters,” costumer Vandal admits, “because they’re so sexy, graphic and vibrant.” [Note, please, that the costumer views crickets as sexy, graphic and vibrant – descriptors I don’t often see applied to 6-legged folks.]

CIRQUE DU SOLIEL is a classic success story. Guide and founder Guy Laliberté, a young accordionist, stilt-walker and fire-eater, recognized and cultivated the talents of Quebec City’s street performers, molding them into Cirque du Soleil in 1984. Cirque now operates on five continents.  Eat your heart out, Horatio Alger.

Artistic Guide Gilles Ste-Croix also collaborated with street artists [I’m sensing a pattern here] to organize a street performance festival called the Fête foraine de Baie-Saint-Paul, which in 1984 would lead to the founding of Cirque du Soleil with Guy Laliberté. Nominated Senior Vice-President of Creative Content and New Project Development in 2006, Gilles currently focuses on his role as Cirque’s Creative Guide.  

In 1999, Acrobatic Performance Designer Philippe Aubertin was hired to train artists at the company’s international headquarters in Montréal. Philippe’s first engagement as a Creator came in 2007 with his appointment as Acrobatic Performance Designer of OVO. His dual creative principles are, “the safety of the artists can never be compromised, but I’m also determined they never forget the ‘fun factor’ on stage.”


One expects Cirque to lose several artists annually, particularly the newbies. Certainly, there are dozens of injuries, significant or trivial, but since 2018 Cirque has suffered only four casualties, including 42-year-old set technician Olivier Rochette, son of Cirque du Soleil co-founder Gilles Ste-Croix. Knowing this magnifies my enjoyment of OVO.

Enough. Enough trying to describe the indescribable, enough acclamation for the inexpressible. I’ve virtually worn out my virtual thesaurus … Just GO SEE IT!


*You can also find this review featured on

Open Space Arts presents a premiere performance of Michael McKeever’s MR PARKER. Like everything I’ve seen at Open Space Arts (OSA), the acting was superlative: kudos to Andrew Kain Miller (Terry), Riley Capp (Justin), and Mary Ann Bowman (Cassie)! and their maneuverability in the confined space displayed expert blocking by Director/Producer/(EverythingElse-Er) David G. Zak.

The story of a widow just beginning to emerge from mourning is a familiar shared experience, bringing us immediately into rapport with Terry (Andrew Kain Miller). The complications of his journey are just as classical: his ambivalence toward accepting what the far-younger Justin (Riley Capp) is offering, and the affirmation of his doubts by Cassie (Mary Ann Bowman), his sister-in-law and sole remaining family.

It bears repetition: the cast as a whole was amazing. As usual however, I have a favorite: Riley Capp was singularly convincing as young Justin. From his first appearance Capp was compelling, maintaining Justin’s manic energy to the end – a fairly difficult bit of stagecraft, at that. Honestly, I loved his work – this isn’t simply faghag inclination toward a perfectly adorable faggot (Justin – I’ve no clue about Riley).

I have a special affection for Chicago’s small storefront theatres. I love being engulfed in the performers’ pheromone cloud. More significantly, I am consistently awestruck at the excellence of the casts and production crews in these presumably insignificant venues, rivalling – even surpassing – the large professional productions in the Loop and other glittering venues. I applaud David G. Zak for bringing his long mastery to work with the Second City’s abundance of unsung prodigies.

MR PARKER explores many universal questions and themes: how do love and sexuality interact? how, when, and for how long should grief be expressed? how does personal loss affect one’s other relationships? what are the ‘acceptable’ age boundaries for couples? And, most importantly (to me, any road), how do unspoken mandates and exigencies prevent our aging with joy?

I’m always amazed at how skillfully Open Space Arts’ production crew utilizes the restricted and compromised (6” pipe through centre stage? 6.5’ ceiling?) space. But clearly Set Designer Anna Burke and Lighting Designer Lex Newmane see these not as flaws but as creative challenges, which they most assuredly rise to. Stage Manager Lauren Littlejohn, with Assistant Kate Schnetzer, keep the company focused, despite three (three!) entrances and a ceiling that brushes heads. Open Space Arts is a classic Chicago storefront theater; one isn’t just seeing a play but enjoying a unique theatrical experience. Oh yeah! Angela Joy Baldasare managed Sound Design, and Intimacy Coordinator Greta Zandstra artfully demonstrated the complexity of emotional relationships.

It's my opinion that MR PARKER would benefit from a bit of judicious editing. Much of the script flowed evenly but some transitions were more ragged.  In particular I found some of Terry’s (Andrew Kain Miller) solo scenes superfluous – though my companion was most moved by Terry’s soliloquies… de gustibus non disputandum, n’est-ce pas? Personally, I would have liked to see more of and about Cassie (Mary Ann Bowman) … or maybe I just lusted after her wardrobe! especially that luscious black blouse with pave-set rhinestones at the neckline and cuffs. Can I have it when you’re done with it, Costume Designer Benjamin Mills??

Overall, I recommend MR PARKER as an excellent theatrical experience. I think perhaps my enjoyment was enhanced by events immediately preceding and following the play – repeated instances of the kindness of strangers. Certainly, that is welcome in today’s political zeitgeist.

MR PARKER is playing at Open Space Arts through March 2nd – plenty of time to get a ticket, and a wonderful choice for Valentine’s Day!

We all have Christmas rituals; practices we incorporate into our personal experiences of the holidays.  For me, it used to be reading all three books of The Lord of the Rings. This has naturally morphed into watching all three extended-version DVD’s – a significant investment of time, but far less than reading the entire trilogy was! Yet another reason to be thankful for and to Peter Jackson.

If your holiday ritual entails music, chances are it includes Handel’s Messiah, a glorious Baroque musical tribute to the celebration of Jesus’ birth. But – no disrespect intended but I’m tellin’ you now: if you haven’t heard the Jazz-Gospel Messiah, you ain’t heard Handel’s Messiah!

Almost 300 years ago Georg Frideric Handel composed his legendary Messiah and the accompanying Hallelujah Chorus, and it’s been thrilling audiences ever since. About 30 years ago Maestra Marin Alsop, chief conductor of the Vienna Radio Symphony, undertook to re-invent this masterpiece and, with co-arrangers and -orchestrators Bob Christianson and Gary Anderson, created a new sensation, TOO HOT TO HANDEL.  They recognized that classical European liturgical music is not, as some may believe, antithetical to more modern forms like jazz and gospel, or even rap and scat. Alsop is by no means the first to modify Handel’s work: during Handel’s lifetime, many performers (including Mozart) sought to embellish, ornament, and improvise … and improvisation is, by its very nature, jazz-like.

Even the original, unadorned Messiah is beautiful, but when some years ago Alsop informed a friend she was doing Messiah their response was, ‘yeah, I like the ending with the hallelujahs, but the rest is boring’. Seeing that this was accurate but not right, Alsop began work on what would be TOO HOT TO HANDEL, and ever since it premiered in 1993 audiences have been standing and clapping and shouting and dancing in the aisles!  Certainly, they were doing all that and more last weekend at the Auditorium Theatre!

The orchestra included guest artists from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with George Stelluto as Music Director and Conductor. Fred Nelson III, Director of the Chicago Collective Rhythm Section, manned the organ while Alvin Waddles made magic on the piano. Drummer Quin Anderson, Joseph Woolfalk on electric guitar, and Sharay Reed playing bass (both string and electric) transported the classical orchestra into jazz-hood (jazz-ness? jazz-dom? whatever). The choir (more than 80!) was directed by Bill Fraher, and they were fabulous, swaying and rocking, clapping and nodding and ultimately dancing along as joy filled the Auditorium.

The three solo vocalists were spectacular: alto Karen Marie Richardson, soprano Alfreda Burke and tenor Rod Dixon. Dixon in particular was absolutely breathtaking! He did so much more than sing – he spun and leapt, flung his arms out in ecstasy and up in supplication; his face mirrored the emotion of each piece. His free-spirited performance gave the audience license to be just as impetuous and unconstrained.

I’m going to back up here, as the venue deserves note.  The Auditorium Theatre was built in 1898 and certainly looks it! The marble-tiled floors dip and slant; marking the stairs with tape makes them easier to see but no less erratic and uneven … but I’m focusing on this because I personally have some ambulatory challenges; if your walk is steady, you’ll see these details as a feature rather than a defect, because the beautiful features of the Aud are abundant. It was, as I said, built in 1898, before budgets overruled beauty. The result is an enormous edifice of surpassing elegance and grandeur that simply couldn’t happen in 2025. If you’ve never seen it, find a way to do so. It’s a splendid Chicago landmark.

TOO HOT TO HANDEL is not an overlong production, but it’s so lavish that it felt like we’d been there for hours before Intermission: through Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive; For Unto Us a Child is Born, culminating in the Angels singing Glory to God – Part I was so lush that we were a bit confused. People were taking up their coats and making their way up the aisles – was this Intermission or was it the End? But wait! we hadn’t heard the Hallelujah chorus! so this simply could not be the end. And sure enough, the performers returned after their well-deserved break. Part II opened with Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion; Behold the Lamb of God; The Trumpet Shall Sound; culminating finally with King of Kings, Lord of Lords … and He shall reign forever and ever … HALLELUJAH! The orchestra was rockin’, the chorus was dancing on the risers, the soloists were giving their all, the audience was on its feet applauding, and we were all suffused with wonder and joy. HALLELUJAH!  

Rivalling the Hallelujah Chorus was a truly magnificent piano solo, where Alvin Waddles elicited cheers and laughter with an extensive medley, wandering from Gershwin to Celine Dion, from pop to rock to rap … a truly stunning performance.

I need to give a shoutout here to Light Designer Matt Miller and Video Director John Petrosky, for the videography was stellar. Even from orchestra seats there were so many performers onstage it was impossible to see individuals. Petrosky was on it, though: a huge screen was mounted behind the choir, providing us closeups of soloists, conductors, and various artists. I just thought of it now because of how superbly the videos followed Waddles’ hands on the keys!

Jazz and gospel are predominantly associated with African American artists, and that was certainly reflected in TOO HOT TO HANDEL. Most (all?) of the soloists, voice and instrumental, were African American, and it’s no coincidence that TOO HOT TO HANDEL appears on the Chicago stage on or around Martin Luther King Day. TOO HOT TO HANDEL is, like Kwanzaa, a singularly African-American holiday celebration.

The original Messiah is unquestionably a beautiful work of art, but it is also ponderous and staid – like most European Christian music and ceremony it’s measured, methodic, orthodox … in a word, white. Alsop’s genius was to maintain all the splendor of Handel’s Messiah while uniting it with the joyous spirit of modern gospel music and the unconstrained freedom of jazz. She forged a merger between the restraint of traditional European (white) liturgical music and the exuberance of the gospel (Black) style of worship, utilizing the whimsy and spontaneity of jazz. As my companion said, “imagine how you’d feel upon learning that ‘unto us a Child is given.’ That sort of news inspires exultation and jubilation!” TOO HOT TO HANDEL renders that joy without losing the elegance of Handel’s original. Hallelujah!

There were only two performances, Friday January 10 and Saturday January 11. However, TOO HOT TO HANDEL has reappeared on the Chicago stage every year since 2006, on or around Martin Luther King Day, so mark your calendars for mid-January 2026! The production will be back, and it is VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

My companion was apprehensive about the press release’s statement that “… the two-person cast will play all characters and will even share certain characters.”  “How can that work?” she wondered. “How will we know which character is speaking?”

I told her, “Wait and see.”  I had no such doubts; I’ve seen several shows at Open Space Arts and been consistently impressed at how well the company overcomes its multiple challenges, not the least of which is its extremely small space, further circumscribed by the 6-inch diameter pipe running floor to ceiling in the center of the stage space. It requires a nimble and imaginative company to not simply overcome this hindrance, but actually incorporate it into the action.

Eliana Deckner-Glick as Andrea (et al) and Artem Kreimer as her grandfather Max (and others) flowed seamlessly through their multiple roles; at times even switching to Kreimer playing Andrea and Deckner-Glick as Max. But no matter how quickly and how completely they fluctuated, at no point was I ever in doubt as to ‘who’ was speaking.

How on earth did they do it?

First, of course, is via the actors’ skill. Their vocal repertories were only one aspect of their transformations: posture, gait, facial expression, even temperament were all faithfully conveyed as Deckner-Glick modified Andrea to a clerk, and Kreimer transitioned from Max to a librarian and … and and and! It was uncanny how realistic the conversions were, especially as the evolution was usually made in mere seconds. Brava/o!

But even the most sensational acting could not have passed muster without the masterful direction of Izadorius Tortuga. I was stunned to learn that THE BERLIN DIARIES was Tortuga’s Chicago directing debut! The four years at Carnegie Mellon earning his BFA were clearly very well spent. The blocking and staging alone was ingenious as, in collaboration with Stage Manager Sean Smyth, magic was made in that meagre space.

Scenic Designer Viscaya Wilson supported the show’s authenticity by creating a plausible and effective space that generated copious domains, from Andrea’s NYC apartment to the snowy streets of Berlin. I loved the family tree that covered one wall, linked to maps of various destinations in South America, Europe and Palestine, as well as New York City and, of course, Berlin. These features came alive with Gabe Seplow’s Lighting and Valerio Gardner’s Sound.

Andrea Stolowitz is an internationally produced playwright, known for her unflinching approach to difficult issues in service of deepening social understanding. Her work is often heartbreaking, and THE BERLIN DIARIES certainly falls into that category.  The play is autobiographical, triggered by Stolowitz reading the diary her great-grandfather kept while living as a Jew in Berlin during the rise of Hitler and the beginning of World War II. The entries were specifically intended for and addressed to his descendants, often beginning with phrases like “My beloveds ….” Excerpts read throughout the play artfully served to encompass and embrace the audience, drawing us into Andrea’s clan.

Andrea’s parents told her that all members of their family had escaped the Holocaust, but in the diary her family’s genealogy becomes more mysterious the deeper she digs, raising far more questions than it answers. Frustrated yet fascinated, Andrea recognizes that these unanswered questions may reveal a far more significant history than the kindly, comfortable accounts that have become family legend. Andrea travels to Berlin seeking clarification and is increasingly troubled as her research adds one name after another to the list of ancestors who were verschollen: lost, like a library book.

I really haven’t committed too many spoilers here; this is the bare outline of THE BERLIN DIARIES, and when you see the play – and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND! You do – you’ll be as awestruck as I was for the grim experiences and searing disclosures Andrea is led to by her great-grandfather’s diaries.

THE BERLIN DIARIES plays at Open Space Arts through January 5


[Reviewer’s Note: I’ve been reading a book whose main character is inveigled by Word of the Day; hence, I’ve striven to include as many unconventional and indecipherable words as possible. You’re welcome.]

This is the seventh year of the JINKX AND DELA HOLIDAY SHOW, composed each year by BenDeLaCreme and Jinkx Monsoon as a new, original production. DeLa is also the Director, Producer, Costume Designer (and most likely a whole bunch of other stuff) and she does it all in 4-inch heels!  Move over, Ginger Rogers.

Rivalling DeLa for multifaceted, multidisciplinary, multipurpose, and otherwise multiscious effectuality is Gus Lanza, who is backstage manager and merchandise mover-and-shaker, as well as moving and shaking onstage as Hunky the Elf. Last night poor Hunky had a bad cold and sneezed on everyone, but that never vilipended or misprized his sprightly performance. Working with him was a whole stockingful of elves: Chloe Albin, Mr. Babygirl, Jace Gonzalez, Ruby Mimosa, Derrick Paris, and Scott Spraags. The costumes were fabulous; no surprise, as they were designed by BenDeLaCreme, Mr. Gorgeous, and Nova Dobrev; assisting in their creation were Paris Original, Jamie Von Stratton and The Lady Hyde.

The first act was enlivened by a rousing rodeo around Beyonce’s “Texas Hold’em”, and the wonderful song “Secular” – a parody of Wicked’s “Popular” – expressing disgruntlement at all the religiosity circumfusing what should be just a party!

Each year the overall theme of the JINKX AND DELA HOLIDAY SHOW is that Jinkx and DeLa are coming together to put on a holiday show (logical, n’est ce pas?). And every year, that simple premise is blunged with some beloved holiday classic. This year the classic was Nutcracker, and the story developed from Jinkx finding a nutcracker in her Holiday Box to dancing and singing (and ….!) with the Nutcracker himself, whose outsize head (created by Erik Andor) had wonderful googly eyes. His other parts were wood which, as Jinkx found out, never goes soft! though splinters are a hazard.

Jinkx and DeLa shrink (a little bit of Alice in Wonderland thrown in there) and become tree ornaments until they fall off the tree and their clothes fall away, leaving them naked (no problem, they both have terrific tits!). This evolves into Jinkx being kidnapped by the Nutcracker, and for the remainder of the show they go through all sorts of contortions, trying to reunite.

Hunky the Elf always provided a marvelous interpolation, and Country Dancing Santa was a super supplement (even though his batteries kept wearing down), all of them eager to sing and dance with Jinkx and DeLa. I was particularly fond of Clayby (Clay Baby) Jesus.

The final song in the JINKX AND DELA HOLIDAY SHOW is traditionally an anti-holiday anthem, and this year was no exception: Everybody’s Traumatized by Christmas struck home with virtually every gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and otherwise queer in the audience (and quite possibly in the cast as well!).

The bad news is that the JINKX AND DELA HOLIDAY SHOW comes but once a year to Chicago (and more than 30 other cities!). But forewarned is forearmed. Now you know to watch for its reappearance on the Auditorium Theatre’s playlist next December … assuming, of course, the incoming administration doesn’t put an embargo on Drag Queen Festivities. They’d probably be wise to do so, as the show would be quite effective in waylaying innocent little boys with the joys of rhinestones even before their school operates on them.

Created & Written by BenDeLaCreme & Jinkx Monsoon

Director BenDeLaCreme

Choreographer Chloe Albin

Movement Direction BenDeLaCreme

Original Compositions Major Scales

Lyrics BenDeLaCreme, Jinkx Monsoon, & Major Scales

Music Production Markaholic & Keith Harrison

Starring BenDeLaCreme & Jinkx Monsoon

with Chloe Albin, Mr. Babygirl, Jace Gonzalez, Ruby Mimosa, Derrick Paris, Scott Spraags, and Gus Lanza as “Hunky the Elf”

What the hell is pantomime anyway?  Will I be reviewing a game of Charades?  

Google to the rescue! But I searched in vain for a definition: 

  1. pan·to·mime      [ˈpan(t)əˌmīm] a play or entertainment in which performers express themselves mutely by gestures.

PrideArts mounting a silent production? Um …. I find that unlikely in the extreme

  1. theatrical entertainment based on a fairy tale and using Slapstick humor, designed for children and family entertainment. 

Has PrideArts become a children’s theatre? A venue for family entertainment?! Oi!  Tell me ain’t so!

  1. Pantomime is a production of songs and dancing generally using gender-crossing actors…. 

Aha! That’s more like it!

  1. Gender-crossing actors …check!
  2. Singing and dancing … check!
  3. Based on a fairy story … check!
  4. Slapstick humor … check!

Put ‘em together and whaddaya got?  Bibbity Bobbity Boo!

But we can’t expect the internet to do all our work for us. It was time for field research.  So I pulled up my socks and set out for PrideArts Theatre, wherein I found:

All of the above, sans kids. What I was not expecting was the phenomenon of the SLAPSTICK DAME. Wikipedia helped me there: a British  pantomime dame  involves portrayal of female characters by male actors in drag, often in an extremely camp style with heavy makeup and big hair, exaggerated physical features [c’mon Wiki, just say ‘big tits’], performing in an over-the-top style.   

Oh yeah!  NOW we’re on the same page! 

OK, are we good with the definitions now? Let’s get to the freakin’ play!

Nanny Fanny (Neill Kelly), despite appearing in none of the fables, had a lead role in THROBBIN’ WOOD, along with her son Silly Willy (Freddy Mauricio). Every time N.F. came on stage [erm… I mean she mounted … erm …entered the stage] we were expected to.…

… Oh yeah! Forgot to mention – pantomime also requires audience participation. We were instructed to yell: “Spank me, Nanny!” each time Nanny Fanny came on stage [oh dear. I did it again!]. Other characters/situations provoked divers reactions.

There. See? That’s the sort of humor you’ll find in THROBBIN’ WOOD. 

Pantomime is a Brit thing, and you know those Brits and their idea of humor: vulgar puns, dirty double entendre, indecent innuendo, and other forms of vulgar waggery and unseemly buffoonery.  But pantomime requires a bit more than indecorous dialogue, and that’s where the acting comes in! Neill Kelly’s Nanny Fanny was outrageously OTT; her son Willy (Freddie Mauricio) was demonstrably Silly. Bryan Fowler’s Throbbin’ Wood was extremely debonair (though not too bright; but obstetrics was dodgier back then). Kyle Johnson was a perfectly glorious Anal-A-Dale, while Jack Gordon disseminated ecclesiastical good cheer and spiritous libations. I’d sure like to be a fly on the wall during his Confession! 

Don’t forget the Villain: Ryder Dean McDaniel had the perfect eyebrows for the job, and he employed them masterfully, the nefarious rapscallion!

Which brings me to the final Merry Man, Little Jonny (Jackson Anderson). Little Jonny was such a disappointment to me: a damp squid; a flash in the pan; a lead balloon. Mind you don’t misconstrue my meaning here! Jackson Anderson was superb, his character indispensable, and his appearance … mm mm mm. Finger-lickin’ good. BUT he never, not ever, no way, no how, NEVER authenticated his name!  We were told the appellation was chosen due to his extreme modesty, but still I left PrideArts without being allowed to appraise this crucial nominative characteristic personally.

I won’t go into details about the plot, partly to avoid spoilers but primarily because I’m not certain there was one. But here’s the layout:

Silly Willy (Freddy Mauricio) is telling his mum [Spank me!] about joining the Merry Men with Throbbin’ Wood (Bryan Fowler) — quite understandable, for Throbbin’ is tall, handsome, noble, and possesses … well, THROBBIN’ WOOD! What more couldja want???

If this enticement is insufficient, consider his Merry Men:  religieux Triar Fuck (Jack Gordon), renowned archer Anal-a-Dale (Kyle Johnson), and Little Jonnie (Jackson Anderson), of whom we’ve already spoken. See, THROBBIN’ WOOD is kinda like Lord of the Rings in that it features a bountiful cast of strong, handsome, heroic men but is bereft of females … and they consider this a problem!?  Go figure….

One imaginational figment was Fairy Glitterous (Danielle Bahn), who periodically appeared onstage for little apparent reason but to bring glitter, bling, and pink tulle into an otherwise fairly monochromatic set. But that’s OK! Everybody needs a little glitter, bling and pink tulle in their lives.

[NOTE TO DIRECTOR:  give F.G. a bag of glitter with which to shower the audience …yeah? ….no?  just sayin’]

Where was I? ah, the exiguousness of women in THROBBIN’WOOD. So let’s proceed to Maid Marion (Emma Robie), who is a pulchritudinous [isn’t that just the BEST word?!] maiden madly in love with THROBBIN’ WOOD.

Now I just know I’m forgetting someone ….  Oh yeah – we need a villain! The Sherriff is flawlessly depicted by Ryder Dean McDaniel [Boooooooo], who is ardently dedicated to, not solely the despoliation of our hero THROBBIN’ WOOD, but also to the inveiglement of Maid Marion. To this end he consigns her to a dungeon for no more malfeasance than rebuffing his advancements. 

[REVIEWER’S NOTE] I’m unfamiliar with this style of blandishment … unless a rope bunny? …

OK, that’s the cast. Let’s slip backstage to congratulate Director Taylor Pasche and Assistant Caitlin Preuss on how skillfully they herded this bagful of cats. The ambience of many a scene was fomented by music (Music Director Chad Gearig) to provoke an appropriate response to each character: e.g. yelling Spank Me! for Nanny Fanny and Boooooo for the Sheriff. The spiritus mundi of the different scenes and characters is likewise imputable to Scenic Designer Hayley Wallenfeldt. The props were managed by Annaleigh Stone; Jen Cupani and Caitlin Preuss directed Choreography, and Costume Director Victoria Jablonski showcased an abundance of Men in Tights for our delectation.

I close this review with: I once asked a dramaturgic friend: “WTF does a Stage Manager actually do?”, to which they responded “Everything”. Corbin Paulino did everything.

THROBBIN’ WOOD is playing at PrideArts THeatre through December 15. 

I RECOMMEND you check it out!

I’m actually not a dance critic. I don’t know enough about dance; I‘m not fluent in the language of dance; I have limited experience with dance. But whenever GIORDANO DANCE COMPANY performs, I put my name in, purely because I love their work!

GIORDANO DANCE COMPANY’s 62nd Season, SOARING, is a very special one for GDC. Artistic Director Nan Giordano is celebrating her 40th year at the helm of the company her father Gus started in 1963.  Says Giordano, “I enter my 40th year with possibility, gratitude, energy & an untouchable source of energy.”

In this celebratory season Giordano has chosen to work with choreographers with whom she has special relationships. Ray Leeper's connection with GDC began decades ago with company founder Gus Giordano, who pulled the young Ray up on stage at a dance convention. Since then, Leeper has choreographed three full company works for GDC: “Feelin’ Good Sweet” in 2014, “Soul” in 2018, and now “Red & Black”, appearing in its world premiere.

GDC company dancer Adam Houston's "unconditional" featured a love story told with tender and impeccable partner work by Sasha Lazarus and Fernando Rodriquez. The choreography, more balletic than the classic jazz vernacular of the company, laid a serene aura across the auditorium. 

GDC Dancers in Red and Black.

GDC frequently punctuates its acts with brief videos that divulge historical and personal elements of the work. I particularly appreciated this with Marinda Davis’s extraordinary “Flickers” (2019). In the video Davis courageously describes her personal health journey through darkness, celebrating her indomitable spirit and unflinching quest for light. Davis enlivens the jazz-based aesthetic with brief paroxysms of ballet beats and hectic percussive shifts. See Chicago Dance calls “Flickers,” “…practically a genre unto itself.”

Emmy Award-winning choreographer and educator Al Blackstone created "Gershwin in B" to mark the 100-year anniversary of "Rhapsody in Blue". "Gershwin In B" moves the dancers about the stage with the joyous athleticism and buoyancy that GDC is known for. Using nine of Gershwin’s songs ranging from the less familiar to the acclaimed, Gershwin in B depicts the journey of one woman from youthful innocence to fearless maturity, with a red fedora appearing incidentally but significantly throughout her odyssey. The central character, danced superbly by Erina Ueda, carries the dramatic weight of the narrative on her shoulders.  As a whole the dance exhibits GDC’s professional skill and passion, impelling the dancers to go beyond dance to move the story forward. 

The theatre was filled with familiars of the company, making the performance feel very special and personal. Marinda Davis was seated just in front of us, and we enjoyed watching dozens of people battle the crowds to laud her personally. Seated just behind us were a couple of rows of youngsters who applauded many of the dancers so enthusiastically that I had to ask, “Do you know them?”  A lovely girl of eleven or twelve replied exuberantly, eyes sparkling, “They’re our teachers!”  If devotion and fervor are any measure, we will be seeing several of those girls onstage before long!

GIORDANO DANCE CHICAGO usually appears in brief runs, just 2-3 performances. Keep a close eye, for anything they do is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

I’ve delighted in Babes with Blades since they began in 1997, and they are never more delightful than when slashing and sauntering their gender-flouting way through Shakespeare. Apt, that: MAGA really should condemn all the Bard’s works as rooted in cross-dressing! The Babes would thumb their noses at that, though! And here they give us a lighthearted gambol through enchanted woods in the ever beloved A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM.

Lauren Katz (she/her) directed, with Assistant Kelsey Kovacevich (she/her).  Jillian Leff (she/her) is BWBTC’s premiere fight choreographer, assisted by Madison Hill (they/them). Fight choreographer is a critical role in any BWBTC production, as the Babes’ raison d'être is ‘using stage combat as a storytelling tool that elevates underrepresented identities to center stage’.  Cool, yeah?

I wondered how the Babes would pull off Shakespeare’s famously light-hearted comedy – I last saw them in their 2022 production of Richard III (stupendous!) and I usually associate BWBTC with more … well … combative productions. But the Babes are nothing if not versatile, and this MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM presents the enchanted story with the unique perspective only BWBTC can bring.

The story, you’ll remember, is a bit complicated: the wedding of Athens’ Duke Thesus (Jalyn Greene [they/she]) to Amazon queen Hippolyta (Hayley Rice [she/her])  is the central theme around which several subplots revolve. One involves two pairs of lovers: Lysander (Christine Chang [they/she]) loves Hermia (Cat Evans [they/she/him]), whose bestie Helena (Patty Roache [they/them]) loves Demetrius (Kim Fukawa [she/her]) – who’s in love with Hermia. How could anything go wrong there, huh? The two pairs plan severally to meet tonight in the Woods of Fairyland.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the wood, a decidedly amateur group of thespians rehearsed a play to perform at the royal wedding. The wannabe troupe includes over-enthusiastic Nick Bottom (Sarah Scanlon [she/her]), Starveling (Jessica Goforth [she/her]), Snout (Lauren Paige [she/her]), Flute (Cee Scallen [they/them]), Quince (Morgan Manasa [she/her]) and Snug (Logan UhiwaiO’Alohamailani Rasmussen [she/her]).  Their collective stagecraft was far more droll than depictive, especially after ….

 Oops! I forgot to introduce the Fairies!

Fairy king Oberon (Hayley Rice [she/her)) and queen Titania (Jalyn Greene [they/she]) are experiencing consanguineous confutation and botheration; specifically, Titania is in possession (?) of a changeling boy that Oberon wants  (his purpose left to the audience’s imagination nudge nudge wink wink), but Titania is disinclined to relinquish the dainty. Fuming, Oberon calls upon his ‘shrewd and knavish sprite’ Puck (Hazel Monson [she/her]) to concoct a magical juice that, applied to the eyes of a sleeping person, causes them to fall in love with the first person (or whatever) they see. Thus, he will retaliate against his ungenerous wife.

Puck happens upon the theatric rehearsals and, taking Bottom’s name to mean jackass (a reasonable misapprehension), transforms his head into that of a donkey. Puck then scampers off to his appointed task of anointing the eyes of Titania and arranges that Bottom(ass!) be the first creature whom Titania espies … and instantly falls in love with!

Puck has a bit of remaining oobleck (yes, it’s a word, it means ‘a non-Newtonian fluid’) and, finding the lovers Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena slumbering under the trees, he sprinkles it on the blokes. They, naturally, are gazing upon the ‘wrong’ lady when they wake. The resulting convolution of affections triggers a spectacular Hermia/Helena catfight (as only Babes can fight!). King Oberon is delighted that Titania is enamored of an ass but appalled at the plight of the lovers: “What fools these mortals be!”. He casts a forgetfulness spell so that all four will awake remembering the whole mishegoss as but a dream.

Act the Final has Oberon, Titania and Puck, with a bevy of other fairies, wishing blessings on the audience then leaving Puck, who slyly implies that, “as I am an honest Puck” we may have dreamed it all as well.  

Where to begin my paeans of praise?!

Director Lauren Katz reflects in her Director’s Note that the first task of a director is to decide: ‘How is this production to be different?’; a critical question for a play so celebrated as A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. 

The differences begin, of course, with the company. Babes With Blades Theatre Company is a theatrical troupe like no other and leaves its singular imprint on anything they do:  BWBTC is the world’s only company using stage combat as its primary storytelling tool. I don’t know if they’re the world’s only all-woman stage fighting company, but they’re certainly the only one in Chicago. More fundamentally, BWBTC’s mission is to bring underrepresented voices onstage. For example, in the Babes’ 2022 production of Richard III the woman playing Richard was blind and the director deaf, and that show lives in my memory as the finest theatrical program I’ve ever seen.

That inclusivity extends to the audience. The night we attended A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM was one of their ‘sensory friendly’ performances:  to accommodate people with sensory challenges the house lights remained halfway up, theater doors stood open throughout (to facilitate lobby breaks); the volume was decreased for certain scenes; and (my favorite) the box office offered ‘sensory kits’, containing noise reducing earmuffs, notebook/pen, and fidget toys. How incredibly cool is that?

Scenic Designer Marcus Klein (he/him) effectively combined simplicity with actuation. Together, Light Designer Laura J Wiley (she/her), Technical Director Line Bower (they/them), and Sound Designer Hannah Foerschler (she/her) collaborated to create a truly magical Fairyland Forest. Victoria Jablonski’s (she/her) costumes were perfectly in character, even when several actors played multiple characters! Intimacy Choreographer Sydney Cox (she/her) was not stymied by the ever-changing kaleidoscope of intimate couplings, and Props Designer Persephone Lawrence (she/they) made sure Puck had their magic potion whenever it was needed! A good dialect coach is essential to make iambic pentameter comprehensible, and Carrie Hardin most emphatically did so.  

Everyone, absolutely everyone was superb, but there are always a few standouts. I once asked a theatre-savvy friend, “Just what does a Stage Manager do, anyway?” their reply: “Everything.” Essau Andaleon (he/him) did Everything and did it well; he and Production Manager Rose Hamill (she/her) produced a smooth flow of splendiferous energy.

The cast was also globally superb, with a couple of notables to shout out. I knew I’d seen Patty Roache (they/them) before – on that very stage, in fact, as Queen Margaret in Richard III. They were equally magnificent as Helena: I purely love it (and clearly, they do too!) when they can yowl and shriek and caterwaul their fool head off!  The actors’ troupe of Snug Snout, Quince and Starveling meshed beautifully, and Sarah Scanlon was an admirable Bottom as well as a terrific ass!

I play favorites – so sue me. After all, Puck is everyone’s favorite character! And, if you’ve been reading my reviews, you know I’m a diehard, down-to-the-bone fanatic (not just fan!) of Lord of the Rings. So how could I help but be ensorcelled when Hazel Monson (she/her) played Puck as though she was channeling Andy Serkis? How could I fail to be enraptured by so Gollum-like (Gollum-ish? Gollum-esque?) a Puck? who capered and gamboled, rollicked and larked, skipped and sprang about the stage, often ending crouched before Oberon, head quizzically atilt, awaiting Fairy King Oberon’s next decree. Brava Hazel!

If you’ve never seen a Babes with Blades production before, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM is a perfect place to start. If you’ve followed the Babes for years, don’t let this one get by! And if you’ve seen A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM a dozen times already, by all means come see what the Babes can do in Fairyland!

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM plays through November 23 at The Edge Theater. You can find the schedule of special performances on the Babes’ website.


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