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Tuesday, 24 September 2024 13:21


“It takes a smart fellow to say he doesn’t know the answer”

Attorney Henry Drummond- 'Inherit the Wind'

The Goodman Theatre's production of "Inherit the Wind," written by the same duo who brought us "Auntie Mame" (Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee), expertly directed by Henry Godinez, offers a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the clash between religion and science.

National figures Clarence Darrow, a civil liberties attorney and founder of the ACLU, and William Jennings Bryan, a fundamentalist Christian and populist three-time Democratic Presidential candidate, argued the famous Scopes “Monkey” Trial in 1925. 

This fictionalized account, a  legal battle over the teaching of evolution in American public schools, remains as relevant today as when the trial happened  in 1925. It reflects the ongoing "culture wars" playing out today, particularly around education. The play's trial centers on the right to teach evolution, a debate that has echoed into modern fights over what can and should be taught in American schools.

In 2024, school boards and state legislatures are hotbeds of conflict, with debates over the teaching of history, race, gender, and even basic scientific principles. Across the country, there are movements to ban books, restrict what educators can discuss, and roll back curriculums deemed "woke" or politically incorrect. The themes of "Inherit the Wind" – the right to free thought, academic freedom, and the importance of challenging societal norms – feel eerily timely as education becomes a battleground in this year's election.

Alexander Gemignani delivers a tour-de-force performance as Matthew Harrison Brady, the charismatic and deeply religious prosecutor. Gemignani captures Brady's unwavering faith and his conviction that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth. His portrayal is not simply a blowhard preacher clinging to outdated values, but a man genuinely trying to protect his worldview in a rapidly changing society. His performance is both commanding and sympathetic, allowing audiences to understand the man's genuine belief in his cause.

Harry Lennix, as the defense attorney Henry Drummond, is equally impressive. Lennix portrays Drummond as a complex figure, a man who values both reason and compassion. His performance is marked by intelligence, wit, and a deep respect for the law. Lennix's Drummond becomes more than a  cynical intellectual—he is a defender of the individual’s right to think, to question, and to change. In Lennix’s hands  Drummond is a compelling character who challenges audiences to consider the importance of critical thinking and the dangers of censorship, a joy to watch.

The supporting cast is exceptional. Mi Kang delivers a memorable performance as E.K. Hornbeck, a cynical and opportunistic reporter who views the trial as nothing more than a spectacle. Christopher Llewyn Ramirez is heartbreaking as Bertram Cates, the young schoolteacher at the center of a national controversy. Robert Schleifer is poignant as Meeker, a deaf actor who was truly engaging, and Presley Rose Jones is charming and insightful as Melinda, a young woman who falls in love with Cates. The contemporary casting choices make this production particularly moving.

Collette Pollard's set design is a marvel. The set, a myopic bird’s eye view of a small town, a place where everyone knows everyone else and where secrets are hard to keep. Pollard's use of perspective creates a sense of claustrophobia, suggesting that the characters are trapped in a world that is both familiar and stifling. The floor of the courtroom suggesting  uniformity and order

In many ways, Inherit the Wind is a powerful allegory for the struggles America faces in 2024. As the nation heads into a pivotal presidential election, the play’s themes of free thought, the conflict between science and belief, and the influence of populism and religion on politics provide a rich framework for understanding the stakes of this moment in history. The questions it raises—about who controls knowledge, who gets to speak, and how we balance faith with reason—are the very questions that are being asked on debate stages and in polling booths across the country today.


When: Through Oct. 20

Where: Goodman Theatre 170 N. Dearborn

Tickets: $30 - $45


Published in Theatre in Review

TimeLine Theatre’s ‘The Chinese Lady’ is a powerful show - poignant, learned, sophisticated - and illuminating. Ninety minutes of engaging drama (no intermission) that left me somewhere between laughing, crying, and standing on my feet to cheer.

Directed by Helen Young from the script by Lloyd Suh (an award-winning playwright now in residence at New York’s New Dramatists) is based on the true story of Afong Moy (Mi Kang gives a stellar performance), brought to New York in 1834 as a living museum exhibit when she was just 14. For 25 cents a ticket, Afung Moy portrayed aspects of life in exotic China: eating a meal with chopsticks, walking in petite slippers covering her tiny bound feet, making tea, and speaking to the audience about life in her homeland. 

As the first Chinese woman to come to the U.S. and American public, we gather from Moy’s presentation that her contractors—New York merchants of Asian imports who are unseen in the play—hoped to inspire an appreciation of China’s culture and people. Her pparents contracted with the merchants for a two-year servitude at the museum. This stretched on for 55 years.

The exhibit space that forms the scenery (Arnell Scanciaco is scenic designer) is built in a Chinese style, and adorned with fine pottery and carvings (Rowen Doe handles properties) the type that merchants would likely have brought from her homeland. 

Afong Moy is assisted in her presentation by Atung (Glenn Obrero is equally excellent in this two-person show). Atung draws the curtain, serves the meal, and fluent in English and Chinese, translates and speaks for her. Over time she gains sufficient fluency to make Atung “superfluous” for speaking to the audience. Their stage personae and their personal relationship forms the structure for the play, and the playwright exploits this expertly.

Because Afong Moy is speaking directly to the ticket holders—that role played by the audience— the fourth wall of the stage is non-existent. We watch the arc of Afong Moy’s acclimation to her new home. When offstage, she lives with an American family and at first expresses disdain for their potatoes and corn, and eating with forks. "Chop sticks are elegant," she says.

We meet her again at age 16, and find Afong Moy is now enjoying American food, and longs to go to San Francisco. Scenes revisit her at various intervals, as she ages, and loses her Cantonese, she forgets what her parents looked like, and question who she is. Over time ticket prices escalate to $15. In adulthood she is invited to the White House by Andrew Jackson. We also see the sweep of history through her eyes: the Opium Wars that led to European domination by decimating Chin with drugs; the construction of the transcontinental railway during the Civil War by Chinese immigrants; and later the rise of anti-immigrant sentiment, and the passage of the Exclusionary Act which in 1882 banned Chinese immigration. 

Secondary themes—the relationship between Atung and Afong Moy in dual planes of unrequited love; Atung and Afong Moy’s growing awareness that they are largely without a life, wearing clothes not their own, speaking words that have been scripted—form existential reveries. They express too the horror of this decadent cultural colonialism. And yet, the indomitability of Afong Moy’s human spirit, her aspirations, are not extinguished. 

‘The Chinese Lady’ runs through June 18 at Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont in Chicago. It comes highly recommended. 

Published in Theatre in Review



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