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Displaying items by tag: Pink

The theater was clad in every hue of pink your eyes have ever seen: baby pink, fuschia, blush, rose, peach, flamingo, ballet slipper, I didn't know that was an official color until an audience member corrected me (I googled it, she's right). My husband and I did not get the memo and dressed our family in yellows and blues of summer. We should have known better. This was Pinkalicious after all, the dress code was not subtly implied. Luckily my daughter sported her pink unicorn shirt and her enthusiastic bouncing in her seat more than made up for the faux pas. After some technical difficulties and an announcement from the director the pinktastic, pinkeriffic, pinktacular show began.

Adapted form the beloved series of children's book by Victoria and Elizabeth Kann, Pinkalicious tells the story of Pinkalicious Pinkerton, a young girl with a penchant for pink cupcakes. Her parents warn her about the dangers of eating too many sweets, but her hunger can't be stopped. One morning she wakes up with pink hair, pink skin and pink clothes - yes, she's come down with pinkititis! It's up to her family to teach her moderation, and get her back to her normal color.

This play was surprisingly enjoyable. The Marriott theater's talented ensemble provided the perfect blend of professional acting combined with the laissez faire air of live children's theater. In short, they don't take themselves too seriously. While the beginning of the play post tech issues was a bit over the top, the lead too fake and utilizing a sickly too high-pitched fake kid's voice, the cast eventually settled into their roles, interacted more with the audience, and performed the second half with an ease and lightness that wasn't forced. The play also incorporated heavier themes like how boys can like pink too, and wove a unique story into the story with catchy numbers like “I got the pink blues,” and “Buzz Off.” At times it was the parents laughing more than the children, which only  the best children's shows can pull off. Overall, the overtly cute gave way to an adorable and simple story filled with good lessons and some one-liners we can repeat to our kids to continually reinforce good habits. That's right, you get what you get and you don't get upset kiddo!

This family friendly musical, which teaches the value of family and healthy living, is an enormous hit. It took off on Off-Broadway and their tour is quickly becoming a local theatre favorite. Every playdate and park trip has someone raving about it as much, if not more, than Hamilton. So get your seats today and  just remember dressing up in pink is highly encouraged! The tour plays Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire, IL, until August 19, 2018. Tickets can be purchased at http://www.marriotttheatre.com/show/pinkalicious.

Published in Theatre in Review



         17 Years and counting!



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