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John Accrocco

How well does a three hour Russian science fiction film translate to stage? Surprisingly well. Griffin Theatre gives the North American premiere of David Grieg’s 2019 adaptation of the classic Tarkovsky film. The intimate staging at Raven Theatre gives audiences the same sense of deprivation one might have on a floating space station.

“Solaris” is a water-based planet around which a space station is orbiting. Strange things begin happening to the crew who live in isolation aboard the space station. Dr. Kelvin (Isa Arciniegas) is sent to the space station after the suicide of a crewmember. Once she arrives, she notices the emotional disturbances for herself. Though Solaris remains a mystery to the three doctors aboard the space station, one doctor is convinced of its malevolent intentions. While Dr. Kelvin starts to become enamored with Solaris, Dr. Sartorius (Nicole Laurenzi) warns that the visions Kelvin is experiencing can’t be trusted.

Director Scott Weinstein keeps the pace moving, divesting the show of some of the film’s more laborious elements. The small cast led by Isa Arciniegas and John Drea (as her manifestation), capture the moodiness of planet Solaris. There’s not much melodrama here, but rather a slow and steady unraveling. In order to believe the relationship between Kelvin and Ray, romantic chemistry is essential. Arcinegas and Drea play well off each other and their flirtation, however unsettling, is palpable.

Original reviews of the 1972 film version of “Solaris” praised the advanced set design. Scenic designer Joe Schermoly rises to the task. Futuristic spaceship can be tricky to do on a theatre budget, but this story doesn’t call for a lot of technological achievement. Schermoly’s set is functional and stylish. The stark backdrop lends to the feeling of coldness.

“Solaris” is a modern love story set in space. It’s less an exploration of the far reaches of the galaxy and more of an exploration of the human subconscious. At the time of the novel’s release, the USA and the Soviet Union were engaged in a highly competitive race to put the first person on the moon. What “Solaris” does is examine the space race from a different perspective. It asks what psychological effect space travel has. Science fiction films about aliens were popular in the midcentury, as humans took to space. “Solaris” bucks this popular theme in that the lifeforms in this story seem to come from a place of love. It’s a variation on the classic alien story, but perhaps a more uplifting, or at the very least more mature.

“Solaris” is an essential story in our futuristic world of personalized operating systems and hyper-realistic video games. A play, even an adaptation, must ask a central question in order to be useful to an audience. The themes at the center of “Solaris” are much more Earthly than the scenario might seem. Love is a powerful emotion and it often clouds reason and judgement. Is it a feeling we can rationalize ourselves out of? Author Stanislaw Lem makes a strong case against rationalizing romantic love. In the end, Lem was a romantic and “Solaris” is ultimately an unlikely romance. Through March 27th at Raven Theatre.  6157 N. Clark Street - 773.338.2177.

Wednesday, 02 February 2022 11:55

Review: "Gem of the Ocean" at Goodman Theatre

Goodman Theatre’s aptly titled season, Homecoming, kicks off with a revival of August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean.” Written just a few years before his death, “Gem of the Ocean” is the first chapter of Wilson’s 10-play 20th Century “Cycle”. This play was originally produced at Goodman Theatre in 2003. Goodman has produced each of Wilson’s ten plays at least once, with some making their world premiere.  

Despite being a native of Pittsburgh, where his plays are set, August Wilson had a unique relationship with Chicago. Revival director Chuck Smith served as the dramaturg on the original production of “Gem of the Ocean” but formed a working friendship long before then. Since 2005, Chuck Smith has produced two August Wilson festivals.

“Gem of the Ocean” captures the African American experience in the first decade of the 20th Century. The play centers around mystic Aunt Esther (Lisa Gaye Dixon) and a mysterious drifter named Citizen (Sharif Atkins). Romantic tension blossoms between Citizen and Aunt Esther’s housemaid Black Mary (Sydney Charles).

Wilson follows Citizen’s journey from Reconstruction-era Alabama to Free North Pittsburgh. The play makes a direct parallel between the American immigrant experience and the post-slavery African American experience. Much like Upton Sinclair’s Jurgis, Citizen is tricked at every turn upon arrival in bustling Pittsburgh and he quickly becomes discouraged. He seeks refuge and soul cleansing with Aunt Esther and finds a loyal family.

Performances are humorous and complex. Lisa Gaye Dixon fills the space with her enchanting presence, but it’s Sydney Charles in the meeker role of Black Mary who is equally captivating. Charles has an impressive voice and an ageless sense of vulnerability and humor. The two share a contagious chemistry. It wouldn’t be an August Wilson play in Chicago without A.C. Smith though, his hulking appearance and effortless comedy help maintain August Wilson’s balance.

While “Gem of the Ocean” is about class warfare in the 1900s, its themes of injustice and police brutality are as relevant today. Wilson covers a lot of ground in three hours but the mood never feels overwhelming. In fact, there’s a great deal of whimsy. “Gem of the Ocean” begins this cycle with a deep understanding of the horrors of the slave trade. Wilson deeply felt the plight of free, but somewhat lost African Americans in the century after the civil war. He gets to the heart of the American caste system, and why some people choose to perpetuate it. Though there is darkness, there is so much lightness in the warm exchanges and theatrical staging of this ensemble play.

Through February 27th at Goodman Theatre. 170 N Dearborn St. (312) 443-3800

Some of us may remember the old turntable on a cart your teacher would use to present an aged recording of a Shakespeare play so they could get some grading done. Theatre in the Dark’s unique approach to live, digital theatre is the complete opposite of that. It’s exactly what it sounds like, theatre without images, but it’s not a podcast. Nearly all the elements heard in their audio production of ‘Moby Dick’ are coming to listeners live.

Billed as “pandemic proof”, Theatre in the Dark broadcasts to audiences all over the country, in real time via Zoom. Creativity is born out of necessity, but pandemic aside, they’ve created a really interesting theatre concept. In lush sounds and haunting silences, the listening audience feels like they’re floating in open water with Ahab’s doomed crew. The sense of isolation feels especially relevant for those of us listening in quarantine.

Adapted and directed by Corey Bradberry, this version of ‘Moby Dick’ is far more succinct than the novel and for that it should be praised. Bradberry has crafted Melville’s epic into a streamlined and suspenseful sea yarn. Through Ishmael’s narration (eloquently voiced by Elizabeth McCoy), the playwright is able to aptly summarize Melville’s complex themes in relatable dialogue.

The vocal performances of Mack Gordon as Starbuck and Stubb as well as Robinson J. Cyprian as Ahab are what keep the listener engaged. In a way, this is a much more passive form of enjoying live theatre, but the audio world created by Theatre in the Dark takes audiences beyond their couches. An original score by Nick Montopoli helps set the emotional tone.

Theatre in the Dark is a relatively new company, but their platform offers them so much room to grow. For those who enjoy theatre but aren’t ready to get back out there, this is a perfect way to feed your need for great storytelling.

Through April 10th at Theatre in the Dark.    https://www.theatreinthedark.com/

Sunday, 06 December 2020 13:52

Review: Manual Cinema's "A Christmas Carol"

Every December the Chicago theater community goes into full holiday mode, producing a wide array of favorites for reliably sold out houses. COVID obviously has altered many traditions, and theatrical performances have been forced to digitize operations or simply skip this year.

Manuel cinema hadn’t planned on doing a holiday show this year, but when COVID paused the theatre community, they pivoted and began work on a “Christmas Carol.

Working as an ensemble; the narrator (N LaQuis Harkins), the musicians (led by Ben Kauffman) and the shadow puppeteers (helmed by Lizi Breit), Manual Cinema creates a near perfect contribution to Chicago’s holiday theatre landscape. Manual Cinema’s production team has impressively navigated the hurdles of our newfangled telecommunication to present this intricate performance live every night without hiccup. In fact, their telling of ‘A Christmas Carol’ seems more suited to this format than a traditional theater space.

In rich textures and arresting original music, Manual Cinema creates gorgeous imagery with overhead projections, shadow puppetry and other clever slights of hand. There is truly nothing else like it, and yet so much of it recalls the warmth of classic Christmas TV specials like ‘Charlie Brown’ and the Bass Rankin films.

Instead of a tried and true standard adaptation of the Dickens story, this version is framed out by the narrator, Aunt Trudy, played by N LaQuis Harkins. Trudy is suffering from the loss of her husband, Uncle Joe, who used to put on a puppet show every Christmas. Trudy struggles with the Zoom call as she banters with her family and the show gives way to the Dickens tale.

This production does not ignore the elephant in the room, and though it seems too soon be part of our Christmas narrative, Manual Cinema deals addresses the realities of COVID without getting political. Given this work is so timely, it’s fun to imagine how it might be changed to be a bit more timeless in the future, however it does create an interesting snapshot of Christmas 2020. Manual Cinema’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is a bold new take on a classic, retold as a heartfelt animated Christmas card.

Through December 20th. manualcinema.com/christmascarol/

With Renee Zellweger just having won the Academy Award for her portrayal of Judy Garland, focus on Garland’s legacy has been renewed. Local actresses Nancy Hays and Alexa Castelvecchi, along with music director Robert Ollis, reconstruct an iconic moment in pop culture history. A young Liza Minnelli performed just one time with her mother Judy Garland on the Palladium stage in London in 1964. The evening was recorded, and the album proved a highpoint for both Judy and Liza.

“Once in a Lifetime” is not exactly song for song as they appeared on the album, but this cabaret is a touching tribute to Judy and Liza. With Hays as Garland and Castelvechhi as Minnelli, the two take turns singing their favorite songs from the album and relay the history of how it came to be. Though they’re both dressed in character, this is more of a concert than a play.

What remains impressive about this once in a lifetime evening in 1964 is how great the arrangements were. Each song plays to the strengths of these two legendary performers. Judy Garland was in her prime in 1964 and Liza was about a year away from winning her first Tony Award. The song selection is quite a charming playlist. The evening was a love letter to each other. Given the tragedy Judy would endure by the late 60s (including her untimely death), this album remains a time capsule of a happier time in Judy’s life. It also foreshadows the show business powerhouse Liza would become in her own right.

Both Hays and Castelvecchi dispense with all too easy impressions of Judy and Liza. Instead, they both knock it out of the park in the intimate cabaret space at Victory Gardens’ Greenhouse. Castelvecchi really taps into the bluesier aspect of Liza Minnelli’s vocal range. Hays probably has a better voice in 2020 than Judy had by 1964, and her renditions of the jazzy standards are a real treat. All together, “Once in a Lifetime” is a fun hour and a half filled with the enchanting music of Harold Arlen, George Gershwin and Jerry Herman.

At Greenhouse Theater Center through April 5th

"Life's a god damned laugh riot," writes Mart Crowley in his 1968 play "The Boys in the Band". Windy City Playhouse revives the iconic play under the direction of Carl Menninger. This is the first revival in Chicago in over twenty years. "The Boys in the Band" just ended a successful Tony Awarded run on Broadway in 2018. The film remake produced by Ryan Murphy is scheduled to premiere on Netflix later this year. 

Mart Crowley's play was a pivotal moment for LGBT representation when it opened off-Broadway in the late 60s. A play about five gay men throwing a birthday party for their friend struck a chord with both straight and gay audiences. It was a window into the previously taboo urban gay lifestyle complete with frank sexual references and queer vernacular. Crowley's observations about aging and love cover universal ground that many in their 30s and 40s can relate to. 

Windy City Playhouse's production is an immersive experience. A chic set by William Boles serves as both the seating and the performance space. Patrons are invited to the party snacks and are offered drinks throughout the two-hour show. This quirky touch adds to the fun of the first half of the play. The main character Michael (Jackson Evans) is hosting and one by one he receives his guests and bit by bit their life stories are revealed in searingly funny dialogue. The ensemble cast has great chemistry and the party environment is contagious fun. 

As the drinks flow and Michael's straight college roommate arrives, the play takes a decidedly darker tone. Similar to an Albee play, the witty banter ratchets up to cutting insults. The party is in Harold's (Sam Bell Gutwitz) honor but Michael has other ideas and initiates a demoralizing game. The battle for dominance between the two characters is uneasy and authentic. Gurwitz commands the stage in brief but withering lines. Jackson Evans makes Michael a sympathetic character even as he lobs outdated, racially insensitive insults at Bernhard (Denzel Tsopnang).

Despite 50 years of LGBT progress, the themes of aging, substance abuse and self-acceptance explored by Crowley feel as relevant today as ever. The world is much more accepting now than it was in 1968, but it's because of plays like "The Boys in the Band". Some aspects transcend sexual orientation while others are very specific to gay life. The play serves to humanize what people at the time thought of as perversion. "Boys in the Band" helped further a growing movement that would later open the door for more plays, novels and movies to tell LGBT stories in the mainstream. 

At Windy City Playhouse. 3014 W Irving Park Road. 773-327-3778

*Extended through May 17th!

It’s interesting to view the world through the lens of an early 20th century Italian opera composer. When “Madama Butterfly” by Puccini premiered in Milan in 1904 it was met with abysmal reviews. Audiences clamored that he had recycled music from his previous hit “La Boheme” which seems like the least of this opera’s problematic themes by today’s standards. After some quick revisions, “Madama Butterfly” emerged as one of the most recognizable operas in the world. Lyric Opera kicks off 2020 with a thrilling revival. 

“Madama Butterfly” is itself an adaptation of an 1898 short story by John Luther Long. Puccini worked with librettist Luigi Illica to bring this tragic semi-true story to the stage. The beloved opera has since been adapted many times since, mostly notably as “Miss Saigon”.  Puccini’s opera tells the story of a teenage girl who marries an American naval officer on a tour of duty in Japan. To him it’s a fake marriage so that he may sleep with her. To her, it’s true love. Predictably, the naval officer Pinkerton (Brandon Jovanovich) abandons her and she is left with a naïve hope that he will return to her. Despite other offers of marriage, Butterfly clings to the fantasy of Pinkerton while her maid Suzuki (Deborah Nansteel) shields her from a bitter reality. 

The opera was originally written in two acts, but audiences were left confused and disappointed. Puccini split the second act in two and inserted a hauntingly beautiful entr’act. Is this the best Puccini opera? Probably not. Where it excels at drama, it somewhat falters in the catchy melodies traditionally expected of Puccini. Afterall, it is Puccini whom we have to thank for influencing some of the best modern musical theatre composers like Andrew Lloyd Webber and Boublil/Schonberg. 

Lyric’s gorgeous revival directed by Louisa Muller seems understated. A subdued orchestra puts the spotlight on the cast, who more than delivers. Lyric stage favorite Ana Maria Martinez and Deborah Nansteel give two powerhouse performances. Martinez has a sung the role many times in her storied career and Lyric’s current production should be considered a real treat. 

Puccini and Illica’s perception are that Americans take what “fortunes” they want around the world with little regard to those they hurt. Puccini even goes so far as to sample the American national anthem many times throughout the opera. It’s deployed at such opportune moments that it would be impossible to read as flattery. Though, Puccini’s problematic orientalism in many of his operas often makes patrons bristle at unintentional stereotyping of Asian culture. While some of the themes of “Madama Butterfly” make modern audiences uncomfortable, what can’t be denied is that Puccini gave us some of the most accessible and entertaining operas ever composed. “Madama Butterfly” despite its flaws achieves what good theatre should. It grabs us by the heartstrings with an enchanting score and a compelling script. 

Through March 8th at Lyric Opera Chicago. 20 N Upper Wacker Drive. (312) 827-5600

Tuesday, 28 January 2020 14:21

Review: 'Roe' at Goodman Theatre

Roe V Wade might be the law of the land now, but playwright Lisa Loomer’s new play “Roe” suggests that it’s always been on shaky ground. Directed by Vanessa Stalling, ‘Roe’ makes its area debut at Goodman Theatre with a big cast of familiar faces.

In “Roe” Lisa Loomer pieces together the life stories of both the plaintiff (Jane Roe, played by Kate Middleton) and the ambitious young lawyer Sarah Weddington (Christina Hall)  who argued the case all the way to the supreme court.

Like the old telephone game, stories have a way of changing from telling to telling. The origin story of Roe V Wade is complicated and varies depending on who you ask. Lisa Loomer digs deep into the hearsay and rumors to compose what feels like a thorough account. When she’s unsure, or she found conflicting versions of the same event, she uses character asides to clarify. The effect brings a humorous tone to what could be a dreary subject matter for some.

The play is a non-linear, often scattery, look at the process it took to win the case as well as the checkered past of Roe, later outed as Norma McCorvey. While many American women champion the right to choose, it’s hard to avoid the exploitation narrative that would ultimately lead McCorvey to a tabloidy life in the years following the case. 

What could sound like a living history report, is anything but. Instead, Loomer’s use of structure and theatrical storytelling make this play leap off the stage. She’s good at finding the heart of the historic figures she’s writing of. The cast also brings a lot to the material. There’s something tragic and relatable to Kate Middleton’s performance. She really gets into the psyche of someone easily taken by the whims of the world around them, and sadly getting taken advantage by them too. Her transition from Jane Roe plaintiff to internationally known figure and subsequent rejection of abortion says a lot about the state of reproductive and religious education in America. 

“Roe” is not a play about abortion, that’s only part of the story. The irony is that the famous plaintiff never did get the abortion she sought. As Sarah Weddington once argued, this isn’t a case about being pro-abortion. This is a case about a woman’s right to decide what is best for her own body. 

Roe V Wade changed America, but even almost 50 years later it’s still being challenged by the religious right. Abortion was legalized on a national level as a result of the case, but when you include all the stipulations, its hard to call it entirely legalized. In fact, some states today have less than five clinics that perform abortions. Every election cycle, more and more restrictions are made on abortion. “Roe” makes a case for why we cannot have collective amnesia on the facts of this case. It serves as an education as well as a rallying cry to anyone in America who calls themselves a feminist.

Usually it’s the other way around that a show is developed by Lyric and sent on the road. Scenario Two Ltd. instead brings their critically acclaimed production of ‘Light in the Piazza’ from London to Chicago starring our own Renee Fleming. Those looking to warm their hearts without the glittery holiday schmaltz will enjoy this romantic alternative. 

Fleming would call Lyric her home-base, but what a rare treat it is to see the iconic diva perform in Chicago. ‘Light in the Piazza’ is a bit of a departure from the epic operas Fleming is ordinarily associated with. Composer and lyricist Adam Guettel’s adaptation of Elizabeth Spencer’s novella, is a light opera that’s closer to traditional musical theatre than opera.

‘Light in the Piazza’ premiered in 2004 and was eventually nominated for the Tony Award for Best Musical. It’s about a wealthy American mother and daughter spending an idyllic summer in Italy during the 50s. Upon arriving in Italy, Clara (Solea Pfeiffer) falls in love at first sight with Florentine Fabrizio (Rob Houchen). It’s unclear why Clara’s mother Margaret (Renee Fleming) is initially so opposed to the union. It’s revealed that Clara is developmentally challenged as a result of an equestrian accident. Her mother fears she is not capable of rational decision making. 

Guettel is the grandson of renown composer Richard Rogers who at one time had ambitions to adapt the novella in the 60s. Guettel’s score is beautiful, and Renee Fleming’s vocals are incredible, but there’s an emptiness to the lyrics that the heavy amount repetition can’t compensate for.

The source material is fairly short for a full two-act musical. The book by Craig Lucas delivers some emotional punches that rise above the flat lyrics. Solid performances by Solea Pfeiffer and Rob Houchen are where the strengths of this production lie. The final emotional conflict of the show is bittersweet and haunting. Miss Pfeiffer’s performance is a hidden weapon here. Such simple choices yield huge emotional response.

If ever given the chance to see Renee Fleming, obviously do. Seeing Fleming do a romantic musical is an experience few will have. That said, she is an opera singer and that’s a different kind of acting. It would be interesting to see how an actress with a more traditional musical theatre repertoire would approach this complex character. Fleming’s vocals are full of an unmatched passion for the craft, but the segments of spoken dialogue feel disconnected from the depth of the script.

Directed by Daniel Evans, this is a lush and grand production of a musical that is generally done on a smaller scale. The luxurious staging by Scenario Two make this tour comparable to the over-the-top sets Lyric audiences are used to. The plot of ‘Light in the Piazza’ has the makings for a tragedy but the unexpectedly romantic path it takes makes for an enchanting and easily digestible evening at the opera. 

Through December 29th at Lyric Opera Chicago. 20 N Wacker Drive. 312-827-5600

What can be said about a show that's been running every Christmas in Chicago for forty-one years? Other than it must be pretty good if it continues to play to sold out audiences year after year. There have been theatre versions of 'A Christmas Carol' nearly as long as the novella has been published. Goodman Artistic Director Robert Falls introduced his signature production in 1978. While nearly everything has remained the same, over the years some minor changes have been made to reflect current times.

The little changes year to year are what make this a fun Chicago holiday tradition. Director Henry Wishcamper made a more significant change this year by changing Scrooge's nephew Fred in Scrooge's neice, Frida. A welcomed change with Ali Burch cast in the new role. The revised character has a certain empathy that's been unknowingly missing from Dicken's version. Ali Burch makes Frida an emotional anchor of this telling, and that almost gives Fall's production a new story arc.

What has always been impressive about 'A Christmas Carol' are the special effects. It's a ghost story after all. There's plenty of high gloss staging to suspend even the more ardent disbelievers. Some genuinely frightening images and moments conjured in the first act.

It's easy for an institution like 'A Christmas Carol' to become worn out. What keeps Goodman's take on Dickens fresh is casting. Larry Yando will likely play Scrooge until they tell him to stop, and why shouldn't he? He's a delight. With that exception, Goodman mostly recasts each year. New actors in the roles allow for discovery on both the creative side and the audience side. You'll never see the same production twice.

There are so many holiday theatre options in Chicago, and many are legacies. Some companies make a significant portion of their yearly operating costs from their Christmas shows. The competition can be stiff, but for the family-friendly standby, Goodman is always a solid bet. 'A Christmas Carol' adaptions can feel like a dime a dozen, but Goodman sets itself aside by managing to give a faithful but also refreshing take on the classic tale.

Through December 29th at Goodman Theatre. 170 N Dearborn. 312-443-3800

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