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Theatre at the Center brings back ‘Over the Tavern’ fourteen years after the 1950’s comedy brought audiences to their feet. Finely directed by Ericka Mac, ‘Over the Tavern’ is set in 1959 and is a comedy centered around the Pazinski family. Devout Catholics, young Rudy (Logan Baffico) is a precocious twelve-year-old who spends much time in detention where he repeatedly challenges the teachings of Sister Clarissa (Janet Ulrich Brooks). Rudy is not trying to be confrontational or funny, he is genuine when asking why he shouldn’t shop around for a more fun religion. Of course, Sister Clarissa and her ruler doesn’t see it that way and finds Rudy to be a troublesome kid with attitude. 

We often get to experience Rudy under the Sister’s guidance and the banter between the two is quite riveting, and humorous, at times, though it is in the home amongst his family that we really get an inside look at Rudy. Rudy’s father, Chet (Eric Slater), is tough, no-nonsense and, though he can show his temper on occasions, can also be warm and loving. He runs the bar below the family’s upstairs apartment and sometimes forgets to pick up dinner from the nearby Italian restaurant, much to the irritation of his patient and sensible wife Ellen (Corey Goodrich). Eddie (Seth Steinberg) is the older brother and is exactly that, the conventional older brother. He may tease his younger siblings but will also protect them without a second thought. Isabelle Roberts plays Annie, the middle child. 

The play does a great job of creating a late 1950’s setting and gives us a stereotypical Catholic family of that time period – the stay at home mother, the breadwinning, hardworking, middle-class father and their three children who find safety with their mom while distant and fearful of their dad. The play also hits home for many of us that attended Christian or Catholic schools when it was okay, and even expected, for faculty to physical punish heir students. 

Tom Dudzick’s semi-autobiographical play not only has a strong script, but Theatre at the Center gives this production some extra oomph by putting forth an all-around excellent cast. 

Janet Ulrich Brooks is nothing short of sensational as hard-nosed Sister Clarissa and is enjoyable to watch in each of her scenes. Logan Baffico makes a fine impression in his TATC debut as Rudy as does Eric Slater as Chet. Both steals scenes at moments and are thoroughly engaging. Most who follow this terrific theatre in Musnster, Indiana are already aware of Corey Goodrich’s talents, and she delivers once again in this, her 14th Theatre of the Center production. It is always a pleasure watching such talent grace the stage.

Loaded with laughs and touching moments and a few life lessons, ‘Over the Tavern’ is just as fresh and relevant today as it always has been. Kudos to such a gifted cast, the show’s flawless direction and a set that takes us back to middle-America 1959.


‘Over the Tavern’ is being performed at Theatre at the Center through August 11th. For more information, visit

Published in Theatre in Review

There has never been a better Broadway marriage of story and storyteller – until Lin Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton, three decades later, anyway – than Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and songsmith Roger Miller. Floating between aching country ballads, soulful slave spirituals, and the side-splitting novelty tunes that made Miller famous, Big River brought an American classic about century-old America into the 20th century, earning seven Tony Awards in the process. And now through October 15, Theatre at the Center in Munster, Indiana, ferries Huck, Jim, and their story of friendship and freedom to today’s audiences, showing that the stories and the struggles of America haven’t changed all that much.

While Twain’s tale is titled for its teller – the author’s most famous creation – Huck Finn was the original Nick Carraway, in that he is best when playing narrator for the other characters and their quandaries. And in TATC’s production of Big River, James Romney’s Huck is just such a narrator. Romney’s work is fine – his voice is strong, his acting is as well, and he’s got boyish charm galore – but it’s when he allows the rest of the cast to shine that he’s at his best, supporting each of the people we meet along the Mississippi as they spin their yarns, share their pain, and make us chuckle.

The first people we meet are the orchestra, led by pianist and musical director, Bill Underwood. Part of the simple but gorgeous set, the group fits right into the rural riverside, playing guitars, mandolins, accordion, harmonica, and even the jaw harp. Their accompaniment throughout is just the right balance of polished and down home; they’re part of the set and part of the spectacle, bringing the surroundings to life without stealing the show.

Huck’s fellow townsfolk enter as the opening overture plays, each dancing and playing percussion – washboard, shakers, the tambourine. Liz Chidester’s stern Miss Watson is a favorite, a spinsterly hoot. And Kyle Quinlivan’s Tom Sawyer, who will reappear throughout, starts us off expecting a comical adventure, more puckish even than Huck as he leads the local lads in the energetic “We Are the Boys.”

Another member of Huck’s St. Petersburg is town drunkard and the boy’s old man, Pap Finn, played by Bret Tuomi. His swaggering, staggering rendition of the bluesy “Guv’ment” is the first real showstopper. Tuomi later retakes the stage as the King, a conman whose partner in crime, the Duke played by Jason Richards, struts and preens and malaprops his way into the townspeople’s pockets and the audience’s hearts, a highlight being a ludicrous Shakespearean soliloquy. Seeing grifters hoodwink the general populace for their own gain has never been so much fun – or, sadly, so timely.

But even as the cast entertains, the darkest side of humanity is always present. The ensemble cast playing slaves – slaves in Huck’s hometown, and those enslaved on down the river – give the show gravitas not just with their singing, but by their mere presence. Adhana Reid delivers a lovely hymn, “How Blest We Are,” while Camille Robinson provides a highlight in the reprise of “Waitin’ for the Light to Shine.” But early on, as Jim and Huck hear voices from the other bank sing the lament, “The Crossing,” Jim knows these are escaped slaves who’ve been recaptured simply from the sound of their voices. And because Jim tells us, we know this, too. And we hurt right along with him.

Blessed with a big, beautiful voice, and an even bigger and more beautiful presence, Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, as Jim, is the heart of this production, just as Jim is the heart of the book and the musical. Whether cleaning a catfish or chained to a cabin, whether telling of his daughter’s scarlet fever or telling tall tales to Huck aboard their raft, we feel for and with and through Butler-Duplessis’ Jim. This culminates in his rendition of Roger Miller’s finest gospel tune – and perhaps the finest tune Miller ever wrote – “Free at Last.” Shackled there on center stage, Butler-Duplessis shows us the sorrow this man has seen and hints at the hope that freedom may bring.

But perhaps for this writer, the most powerful moment comes at the end of the first act. As Huck joins the shysters in plotting their latest scheme in “When the Sun Goes Down in the South,” Jim returns to the show’s main theme, the yearning, churning “Muddy Water.” Jonathan Butler-Deplessis’ solo soars over his raftmates’ shenanigans, in a plea for freedom, for justice, for life. In 1800's Missouri or in modern times, there is injustice and there are those who stand against it. Yesterday and today, there is good and there is evil. And in that moment, I sure got the shivers as TATC’s Big River allows the good to rise above.

Big River is being performed at Theatre at the Center in Munster, IN through October 15th. For more show information visit A Wonderful Life: The Musical begins November 16th.

Published in Theatre in Review



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