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John Accrocco

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 12:13

Review: 'Lindiwe' at Steppenwolf Theatre

Heart warming musicals aren’t exactly what Steppenwolf Theatre is known for. While not an outright musical, ‘Lindiwe’ is a new play with live music in collaboration with Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Co-directed by Jonathan Berry and playwright Eric Simonson, this marks the second time Steppenwolf has worked with Ladysmith Black Mambazo.

‘Lindiwe’ is a modern fable of two star-crossed musicians Lindiwe (Nondumiso Tembe) and Adam (Erik Hellman). The story is told in a fourth wall-breaking, casual tone by Lindiwe, a South African singer touring the US with Mambazo. Her life changes when she meets American drummer Adam one evening at the historic Kingston Mines blues club here in Chicago. Their affair is passionate and when Lindiwe gets deported by back to Durban, South Africa, Adam joins her. After a car crash, the pair finds themselves in a fantastical limbo with spiritual keeper played by Yasen Peyankov. In order to join the land of the living, the two must re-tell the events leading up to the tragic car crash.

‘Lindiwe’ honors the tradition of oral storytelling through a riff on Eurydice and other tales. The fable aspects of the story lend itself well to the Greek chorus role taken up by Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Few members of the singing group have stand-out spoken dialogue but, instead provide a musical through-line for the play that heightens the emotions. Not to mention, the harmonies and irregular rhythms created by the group sound incredible.

Fantasy can be hard to relate to for some audiences, but ‘Lindiwe’ offers deeply human themes on love and loss. Nondumiso Tembe is captivating in the titular role in both voice and performance. From the moment she appears on stage you can’t take your eyes off her. She has an undeniable charm and a contagious quality to her smile. The on-stage romance between her and Erik Hellman is endearing even as it turns tragic. Though their circumstances are cloaked in fantastical elements, there’s truth in their love story. Combined with music and dancing, all makes for a pleasing evening.

Steppenwolf Artistic Director Anna D Shapiro remarks in her playbill note that theatre is ephemeral. And when considering whether this play could be reproduced elsewhere, it would seem like a longshot. This play was commissioned by Steppenwolf and through music and plot, ties the Chicago blues scene to sister city Durban, where Ladysmith Black Mambazo resides. ‘Lindiwe’ is a unique opportunity to see the iconic world music group perform with the Steppenwolf ensemble. It’s one of those special Chicago productions that would be tough to accurately describe its beauty to anyone who wasn’t there for it.

Through January 5th at Steppenwolf Theatre. 1650 N Halsted St. 312-335-1650

Saturday, 09 November 2019 17:34

Review: About Face's 'Packing' at Theater Wit

Scott Bradley is an institution within the Chicago theater community. His quirky, campy musical versions of old horror movies have been sell-out hits around town for years. Which is what makes “Packing” all the more interesting. He instead turns the spotlight on himself. About Face borrows Victory Gardens artistic director Chay Yew to direct Scott Bradley’s one-man confessional.

In “Packing” Bradley moves away from the puppets and classic rock and opens his own life up to a 90-minute journey through the turbulent AIDS-era gay life. First and foremost, this is incredibly brave for someone as well-known as Scott, many colleagues are likely to see About Face’s premiere. Bradley is not afraid to expose every aspect of his life from physical abuse to addiction and failure. That might all sound like a bummer but Bradley’s inviting narrative style is humorous and relatable. And of course, it’s all tied to together with various pop culture influences.

“Packing” is Bradley’s life story, but it’s also the collective legacy of the midwestern gay experience. A reminder of how far the LGBT community has come in the past three decades. Bradley stands alone on a stark stage and begins his story at the age he began to understand he was different. His childhood is rather unhappy, but his delivery makes it seem as if he’s the only who doesn’t know how traumatic his home life was. As he grows up, the story becomes more familiar. The far reaches of the Midwest can be an unaccepting place and that sent many LGBT people to the cities to seek acceptance. Not only acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle, but acceptance of the creative lifestyle.

Bradley’s heartbreaking failures changed the course of his life in ways that few can predict when they’re in the pits of despair. His struggles with drug addiction and alcohol dependence and his explanation for why he turned to substances to quiet the critical voices in his head are all too real. Many people in the LGBT community struggle with substance abuse and non-traditional societal norms can sometimes perpetuate cycles of addiction. His stories aren’t just his stories, they’re all of our stories.

It’s hard to imagine anyone else portraying Scott Bradley but Scott Bradley. His performance style is at times frantic, but always warm and authentic. He takes an audience in his arms and let’s them know that it’s okay to fail. He doesn’t ask an audience for approval, but rather to say if you’re struggling, you’re not alone. Chay Yew helps draw out Bradley’s vulnerability through a variety of pseudo-characters; Bradley at various ages of his life. Yew also designed the set, though sparse, is effective. The pop cultural cannon that inspired Bradley is playfully cast on the floor of the stage rather than the backdrop. An interesting visual twist.

“Packing” is a journey of self-acceptance through an era that was less gay friendly. It’s Scott Bradley exposing his storied life in order to help anyone who finds themselves in the same boat. It’s a theater experience that gives voice to anyone who fled small town roots in order to find themselves.

Through December 7th at About Face theater - Theater Wit. 1229 W Belmont Ave. 773-975-8150

What separates a musical from an opera? Technically an opera is a story in which all the dialogue is exchanged through song. Hence the term rock opera, which describes modern musicals that have little to no spoken dialogue. Such semantics may seem trivial, but as the world moves forward traditional opera must too in order to thrive.

“Dead Man Walking” is by no means a new work, as it had its world premiere at the San Francisco Opera in 1999. It’s composed by Jake Heggie with a book by Tony Award winning playwright Terrence McNally. It is an adaptation of the 1995 film for which Susan Sarandon won an Academy Award for Best Actress. Based on the true story of Sister Helen Prejean’s special relationship with two death row inmates in Louisiana, “Dead Man Walking” is an excellent example of what the future of opera theatre might look like.

“Dead Man Walking” holds its Chicago premiere at the Lyric under the direction of Leonard Foglia. What is immediately striking is a scene of graphic sexual violence right off the bat. A stark departure from the usual 19th Century fantasies normally produced on the Lyric stage. Though the English subtitles are much appreciated, they’re somewhat unnecessary as this opera is sung in English.

Heggie’s music shares a lot in common with traditional musical theatre. The consistent through-line melody “He Will Gather Us Around” will have you humming into intermission and wiping your eyes by the finale. While Heggie’s compositions are quite good, and very cinematic in their aesthetic, it is the deeply humane storyline of condemned prisoner Joseph De Rocher that will hold your attention. McNally does what he does best, sharp dialogue and tight narrative structure.

It’s not often to hear sniffles during the climax of a traditional opera. No matter how arresting the score, or brilliant the performances, classical opera can sometimes create an emotional disconnect. In this work, we see modern day reality and that feels more relatable than say, Wagner. That’s not to say it’s missing the spectacle. As the case with any Lyric production, the staging is epic and visually stunning.

Though most of the cast is making their Lyric debut, they leave a big impression. Joe De Rocher is sung by Ryan McKinny. A booming voice fitting of an unrepentant killer and he’s able to sing opera in a southern accent. Patricia Racette portrays Sister Helen Prejean. It’s her journey we are on. She knows as well as the audience that De Rocher is guilty, but like her, we hold the slimmest hope that maybe he’s innocent. Her unwavering love for De Rocher is his redemption. It’s her power as an actress and a singer to evoke the spirit of forgiveness. Even as McNally’s dialogue is stretched into soaring arias, there’s an authenticity in Racette’s performance.

“Dead Man Walking” achieves what good opera should, and that is to move its audience through the power of music. Theatre, regardless of the type should comment on the world in which we live. While the classics are so for a reason, they’re becoming less of a draw for younger audiences. “Dead Man Walking” proves that opera isn’t a dying art form. It’s an invitation for audiences to have post-show discussions about real world issues.

Through November 22nd at Lyric Opera Chicago. 20 N Wacker Drive. 312-827-5600

Few shows this fall have been as highly anticipated as Porchlight Music Theatre’s production of ‘Sunset Boulevard’. Porchlight artistic director Michael Weber directs Chicago stage superstar Hollis Reznik in this vibrant revival. Aaron Benham conducts a full orchestra that really showcases the sweeping Andrew Lloyd Webber score. 

‘Sunset Boulevard’ is the 1993 musical adaptation of the Billy Wilder noir classic. In it, struggling screenwriter Joe Gillis (Billy Rude) stumbles into the Sunset Blvd mansion of reclusive former Hollywood starlet Norma Desmond (Hollis Reznik). She persuades him to help her fix up a script she’s written. Things get weird when Norma has the wrong idea about their friendship. 

There’s as much tabloid drama surrounding the development of this musical as there is on the stage. Many consider Norma Desmond to be Glenn Close’s definitive Broadway role. She reprised her role on Broadway last year in the high-grossing revival, but it was written for Patti LuPone who had originated the part in West End. 

First and foremost, this is Hollis Reznik’s show and her Norma Desmond isn’t going to let you forget it. Reznik is at her best when playing deranged older women, having appeared as Little Edie in ‘Grey Gardens’ at Northlight, and Judy Garland in ‘End of the Rainbow’ at the Milwaukee Rep. Seeing her fill shoes tailored for the likes of Glenn Close and Patti LuPone shows that Reznik is capable of more than just reinterpreting other people’s work. With her powerful voice and electrifying acting choices, Reznik makes this her own. The result is haunting and disturbing. Though Reznik herself is a successful actress, something about her performance as a faded star seems urgent. It’s as if to say perhaps this isn’t just a story about the Hollywood machine, but rather a parable about the way the workforce discards people once they’re no longer useful. 

That said, this is Hollis Reznik featuring the rest of the cast. Some notable standouts from Billy Rude as Joe Gillis and Michelle Lauto as Betty Schaefer rise to meet the high standard set by Reznik, but sadly the rest of the cast fades into the orchestra. While the beautiful score was provided by Andrew Lloyd Webber, the book and lyrics were penned by Don Black and Christopher Hampton. The dialogue and lyrics aren’t great, and many original critics in the 1990s were quick to point that out. The somewhat shallow lyrics are often repeated throughout the songs as a means to fill out the book, which is hard for any actor to make dynamic. This show does not endure because of the book, but instead for the performances and the central conflict between Norma and Joe. 

Those with an affinity for ‘Sunset Boulevard’ or missed Glenn Close on Broadway last year will be delighted by Porchlight’s faithful production. With an extension of the run announced before the opening, Porchlight proves that Hollis Reznik packs houses as the headliner. A Broadway tour can book a star to play Norma, but director Michael Weber shows us that our local Chicago theaters can do just as well if not better than any corporate-flavored national tour. 

Through December 8th at Porchlight Music Theatre at Ruth Page Center for the Arts. 1016 N Dearborn St. 773-777-9884

Thursday, 03 October 2019 15:46

Review: 'A Doll's House' at Writers Theatre

Is love a commodity? Ibsen’s enduring drama “A Doll’s House” has asked audiences for over a century. Writers Theatre unveils a new 90 minute pared-down adaptation penned by Sandra Delgado and directed by Lavina Jadhwani. 

“A Doll’s House” is one of Ibsen’s most known plays. It tells the story of a society woman, Nora (Cher Alvarez) and her struggles with money. Her husband Torvald (Greg Matthew Anderson) patronizes her like she’s one of the children, as long as she plays the happy wife. All seems joyful until a childhood friend, Christine (Tiffany Renee Johnson), comes to ask a favor. Nora, though docile, has her own secrets and when a debt comes due, she must act in order to protect her husband’s reputation. 

Ibsen and Chekhov make some theatre-goers groan. Classic theatre can often be a long evening, but Delgado takes the lengthy work and shortens it down to a one-act without intermission. Her script begs the question, is that necessary? Translations can make all the difference in how we perceive classic works of literature. One translation can vastly differ from another and their authors are usually long dead. It’s hard to say if their intentions translate. In the case of Writer’s adaption of “A Doll’s House” it somewhat misses the mark. 

Performances are good, but they overshadow a wooden script. There’s a degree of inconsistency from line to line. Some dialogue is perfectly modern while other parts seem like a more literal word for word translation that leaves out most of the passion. Unfortunately streamlining this script for a 90-minute run time edited out the poetry, or any memorable strands of dialogue for that matter. This production feels more like a SparkNotes summary of the original rather than an adaptation. 

Cher Alvarez’s Nora is the heart and soul of this production. She breathes life into the clunky dialogue and by the end she’s the only character to elicit much emotional response from the audience. Her performance serves as the depth that’s missing from Delgado’s script. Greg Matthew Anderson as the doting husband Torvald, adds dimension to the character who is otherwise pretty flat. Which is just the issue here, it’s as if the playwright wrote caricatures of Ibsen characters in order to shift the focus toward a grander point about loveless marriages. That point never really solidifies and it’s up to the audience to decide what Ibsen’s intentions were. 

There’s been a renewed interest in this classic as Lucas Hnath’s Broadway smash hit “A Doll’s House Part 2” (2017) is one of the most produced plays in America right now. And there’s good reason, it’s a great modern take on the themes originally explored by Ibsen. There’s an edge to his sort of sequel. There’s no edge in this current production at Writers Theatre. For Ibsen purists, this production will be disappointing but those with a tepid interest will be rewarded by the short run time and outstanding performances. 

Through December 15 at Writers Theatre - 321 Tudor Court, Glencoe. 847-242-6000

Many operas are funny, but laugh out loud funny is harder to achieve. Lyric Opera opens the season with the ever-crowd pleasing commedia “The Barber of Seville”. Tara Faircloth directs this revival which first appeared at Lyric in the 2013/14 season. This production’s humor comes from an all-star cast of world renown voices and actors.

“The Barber of Seville” is an Italian opera by Gioachino Rossini with a libretto by Cesare Sterbini, from the original play by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. In it, Count Almaviva falls for a Doctor’s young ward, Rosina. Doctor Bartolo plans to marry Rosina himself in order to gain her dowry. Through a series of goofy antics, Count Almaviva proves his love for Rosina and gains her love in return. With the help of a charming barber Figaro (yes, that Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!), the two trick Dr Bartolo in order to end up together.

Premiering in 1816 in Rome, “The Barber of Seville” was an instant classic. It remains one of the world’s most endearing operas and with this Lyric production it’s not hard to see why. Full of soaring orchestration and lighthearted arias, “The Barber of Seville” is a delightful romantic comedy.  Theatre director Rob Ashford was tapped to create this production for Lyric in 2013. His Broadway background lends a more traditional theatrical style to the performances, putting an emphasis on the physical comedy of the opera.

In the role of Rosina, Lyric welcomes back Marianne Crebassa who was last seen in the Mozart comedy “Cosi fan tutte” in 2018. If one had to sum up her entire performance in a single gesture, it would be a wiggling foot while being passionately kissed by Count Almafina. A knack for well-executed and unexpected physical comedy seems to be her second strongest suit. The first would be the incredible mezzo-soprano voice. The stage brightens when she enters a scene. There are fewer female voices in this opera, but Mathilda Edge as Berta also has great comedic timing and an impressive soprano voice.

The male ensemble is just as humorous. Adam Plachetka as Figaro has all the cartoonish machismo one would expect of the character, but a voice that backs it up. Though most of the laughs came from the deceived Dr. Bartolo played by Alessandro Corbelli. Lyric’s “Barber of Seville” makes for a lovely evening at the opera. Sumptuous costumes and staging are a feast for the senses, but it’s the Rossini music that really shines. It’s always a treat in any opera when there’s a large chorus on stage (and a real measure of an opera company’s financial standing). Lyric underdoes nothing. From the pit to the upper balconies, "The Barber of Seville" fills the theater with enchantment.

Through October 27th at Lyric Opera Chicago. 20 N Wacker Drive. 312-827-5600

Thursday, 19 September 2019 13:05

Review: The Great Leap at Steppenwolf Theatre

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” repeats James Seol in Lauren Yee’s new play “The Great Leap” now playing at Steppenwolf Theatre. Jesca Prudcencio directs this modern twist on the Dickens classic “A Tale of Two Cities”, which divides its action between 1980s San Francisco and Beijing. 

“The Great Leap” refers to a period of social revolution in China beginning in the 1950s that spilled over into chaos by the late 1980s. Yee’s play is based on a series of real life basketball games in which her father played on behalf of America in Beijing during the 80s. Her father, much like the main character Manford, was a basketball star of San Francisco’s Chinatown. From this bit of personal history, Yee creates a fictional friendship match between USF and Beijing which culminates in the height of the Tiananmen Square protests.

Manford, played by the indefatigable Glenn Obrero is a fast-talking basketball wunderkind from the streets of Chinatown. He convinces down-on-his-luck coach Saul Slezac (Keith Kupferer) to bring him to Beijing for a high-profile rematch between the two countries. Slezac is the standard cocky American who credits himself for bringing basketball to China eighteen years prior when he trained the Republic of China coach, Wen Chang (James Seol). Though the game is coined a friendship match, the stakes are high for both coaches as well as Manford who has limited post-high school options. 

For many theater-goers, plays about sports can be a snooze, but Yee’s play is rarely just about basketball. “The Great Leap” is a history lesson about a revolution in China that failed. Many of today’s teenagers are entirely unaware of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the famous image of the man with bags in front of a tank. The playwright uses basketball as an allegory for the communist party’s tension with the west. 

Performances and production run strong here. Those with only a lukewarm interest in sports will be dazzled by the theatrical vision Jesca Prudencio has for this show. The basketball choreography creates a sense of excitement in the brightly lit set by Justin Humphres. It’s not often that a major house has an entirely Asian American cast (with the exception of Keith Kupferer). It is on the stellar and inspiring performances by James Seol, Glenn Obrero and Deanna Myers that this play hinges. Though Kupferer gets most of the laughs as the crass American coach through which Yee pokes fun at her own Asian American heritage. James Seol establishes himself as the main character with a performance that is as humorous as it is heartfelt. 

“The Great Leap” comes at a relevant time in history. As we observe the 30th anniversary of the June 4 protests, Yee asks us if diplomatic relations have improved or degraded. An ongoing trade war between the two nations as well as uprisings in Hong Kong are food for thought. As complex as the social revolution was, Yee’s play uses hindsight to suggest it was a simpler time, or at the very least a time of great hope. 

Through October 20 at Steppenwolf Theatre. 1650 N Halsted. 312-335-1650

How does an advice column translate to stage? Surprisingly well in the case of 'Tiny Beautiful Things’ at Victory Gardens. From an adaptation of Cheryl Strayed’s book penned by “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” star Nia Vardalos comes this uplifting one-act. Directed by Vanessa Stalling, this production marks the Chicago premiere for this 2017 play. 

Strayed is best known for her 2012 memoir “Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail’ which was adapted into a film in 2014. In “Tiny Beautiful Things” (Also from 2012), Strayed recounts the time she spent writing the anonymous advice column “Dear Sugar” for “The Rumpus.” 

Chicago stage favorite Janet Ulrich Brooks takes up Strayed’s character in this inventive adaptation. The play is set in a hip looking coffee shop as designed by Courtney O’Neill. In rapid-fire succession anonymous questioners played by August Forman, Jessica Dean Turner and Eric Slater throw their quandaries at Strayed and she responds back as all-knowing Sugar. In a series of bittersweet and heartbreaking monologues, Janet Ulrich Brooks relays Strayed’s troubled past as it relates to her readers’ questions. 

Nia Vardalo’s swiftly-paced script nearly serves as a one-woman show for the transfixing Janet Ulrich Brooks. Through the power of good storytelling, entire scenes are built out of responses to some of life’s most challenging questions. Despite tales of woe from Strayed’s somewhat traumatic life, there’s a great deal of humor in this play. Vardalos shows us both ends of the emotional spectrum in the eighty minute runtime. The message of her stories is always of survival or overcoming bad circumstances in order to grow. Ulrich Brooks has a comforting and relatable way of taking an audience in her arms as she pours herself into the life of the character. 

Like A.R. Gurney’s classic play “Love Letters” “Tiny Beautiful Things” is a play that could be performed with little to no staging, but it’s nice that director Vanessa Stalling has added so much style to her production for Victory Gardens. When we aren’t being gutted by the moments of humanity in the advice column, or hopelessly endeared by Janet Ulrich Brooks’ performance, there’s an inviting atmosphere being created here.  Wise casting maintains a universal appeal in this life affirming play about growing up and the choices we make. “Tiny Beautiful Things” is a play about the minute moments that alter the course of a life and the perspective of age. Splendid acting and a compelling script make this a play that’s anything but tiny. 

Through October 13 at Victory Gardens. 2433 N Lincoln Ave. 773-871-3000

Tuesday, 17 September 2019 14:10

Review: 'Dana H' at Goodman Theatre

Would you be able to spot a person in trouble? Lucas Hnath’s new play “Dana H” is a fascinating look at what the seedy underbelly of America may be (or sound) like. Goodman Theatre gives this unique new drama its Chicago premiere with direction by Les Waters. 

“Dana H” is part documentary, part one-woman show and yet still doesn’t neatly fit into either category. Lucas Hnath is arguably one of the country’s most imaginative playwrights working today.  In this new play he explores the kidnapping and torture of his mother in the late 90s. It’s a period of his mother’s life that they admittedly avoid discussing. In fact, he himself did not conduct the interviews that led to the creation of the play. Through pieced together bits of an extensive interview between the real Dana H (Dana Higgenbotham) and Steven Cosson, a true story of harrowing survival and compassion unfolds. 

Deirdre O’Connell portrays Dana in a way never-before seen in mainstream theatre. Most actors rely on their voice to find the character, but in this play O’Connell remains silent. Her task is to provide the body and mannerisms as she lip-syncs to interview tapes of Higgenbotham. While the device is somewhat jarring at first, O’Connell seamlessly becomes Dana H and you easily forget it’s not her own voice. 

“Dana H” is a true testament to Dierdre O’Connell’s skills as an actress. In her Goodman debut she’s given the task of physical theatre. She’s so natural as Higgenbotham that she even adjusts her jewelry as Higgenbotham had done on the interview tapes. A glance at how much compassion an actress must have for their character as well as how many times she had to listen to the grizzly tapes to get the gestures down.  

But “Dana H” is more than just a “48 Hours” with a gimmick. It’s a story about how involved we get with strangers. Dana is a hospice chaplain. Her job is to help people pass from one world into the next. The irony is her getting tangled between the law-abiding reality most of us can relate to and an underworld that knows no law, only power. It’s also ironic that so few people intervened on her behalf. Was it cowardice or ignorance? 

“Dana H” never lacks theatricality. O’Connell’s mesmerizing performance makes this a very active telling of a gruesome interview. Les Waters breaks the uniformity of Hnath’s concept with a well-crafted set and some effects that punctuate the timespans Higgenbotham covers. “Dana H” is an unforgettable evening of theatre. It’s certainly an impressive feat for actress and author but more than anything it’s a real-life situation that makes you wonder what you’d do. 

Through October 6 at Goodman Theatre. 170 N Dearborn. 312-443-3800

How odd that a play about nihilism could be so uplifting. ‘Be Here Now’ at Shattered Globe is just that. Shattered Globe ensemble member Sandy Shinner directs a new play by Deborah Zoe Laufer. A small, mostly ensemble cast opens the season with a relevant play about the state of happiness in the modern world.

Bari (Rebecca Jordan) is a former professor of nihilism who finds herself far from New York City working in a fulfillment center upstate. Her coworkers Patty (Deanna Reed-Fosters) and Luanne (Demetra Dee) are her coworkers who find themselves constantly at odds with Bari’s negative attitude. When Bari starts having severe headaches that bring about visions of optimism, her coworkers get worried. In an attempt to bring Bari joy, they set her up with local oddball Mike (Joe Wiens). As Bari and Mike get closer, she must decide if the potentially lethal vision-producing headaches are something she even wants to cure.

Rebecca Jordan is perfect in this role. Bari is a tough character to love even if you agree with half of her stream of negativity. Jordan cashes in on the dark comedy of Laufer’s script. When Patty and Luanne wax on about their own personal happiness, Bari pokes apt holes in their personal philosophies. Jordan’s performance elevates the petulance of the dialogue to something both humorous and academic. She tactfully drops her lines into the scenes so swiftly that you want to rewind so you can quote it. Deanna Reed-Foster also brings a great deal of humor to the philosophical discussions.

There’s a fine line between optimism and nihilism. In fact, the two may bleed into each other in Laufer’s interpretation. If the future of the world is as bleak as it seems, then why not enjoy the ephemeral beauty around us? In the end, it’s unclear if Bari really changes from nihilist to optimist, but is anyone capable of being just one thing? Life is a grey area and it’s probably better to be happy. Even if that takes work.

‘Be Here Now’ says a lot about the emphasis America puts on the idea of happiness. Laufer asks whether happiness is a choice and what difference does it make it we have it or not? Shattered Globe premieres this work to Chicago in a beautiful production designed by Angela Webber Miller. Sandy Shinner continues her tradition of directing new works that slyly make you question your very existence while also tickling your funny bone.

Through October 19th at Shattered Globe Theatre. Theatre Wit 1229 W Belmont Ave. 773-975-8150

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