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Sunday, 27 October 2024 13:12

Pericles: Royal Shakespeare Company refreshes an obscure tale at Chicago Shakespeare Theater Featured

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Zach Wyatt as Pericles, Leah Haile as Thaisa, and the company of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Pericles. Directed by RSC co-artistic director Tamara Harvey and running in Chicago Shakespeare’s Courtyard Theater October 20-December 7, 2024. Zach Wyatt as Pericles, Leah Haile as Thaisa, and the company of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Pericles. Directed by RSC co-artistic director Tamara Harvey and running in Chicago Shakespeare’s Courtyard Theater October 20-December 7, 2024. Photo by Johan Persson.

They do abuse the king that flatter him

For flattery is the bellows that blows up sin

These days, fireplace bellows tend to be a specialty item. But most of us know that blowing the hot air of flattery into leaders comes to no good. With the presidential election just days away and the globe exploding in violence, Pericles’ nobleman Helicanus reminds us that the habits of powerful people and their sycophants have changed little in 400 years.  

In case you missed Pericles, the Prince of Tyre in college lit class or on stage, you can now fill in the gap with the Royal Shakespeare Company’s visiting production at Chicago Shakespeare Theater. The Bard’s message about power in this play is as strong as in more familiar works like Macbeth and Richard III. However, its authorship remains in dispute – scholars suspect another writer contributed the first two acts – and its dramaturgy presents some challenges.

Tamara Harvey, recently appointed co-artistic director of the RSC, directs Pericles with a sure hand that brings clarity to its intricate plot and cohesion to its stylistic disparities. Flowing yet unfussy costumes by Kinnetia Isidore and a set of sweeping ropes by Jonathan Fensom match the pace established by Harvey. She often places ensemble members in frozen tableau upstage during a downstage scene and lets action from one scene continue silently on the outskirts of another, thus bouncing the story along quickly.

Still, Pericles is a rough ride, beginning with an appalling sin: a king having incestuous relations with his daughter. This could happen in the humblest to the grandest families, but King Antiochus turns it into a competitive royal sport. Whoever can solve a riddle will win the hand of his nameless and wordless daughter. Though many suitors have previously failed and lost their lives, Pericles decides to give it a shot and, in solving the riddle, exposes the king’s depravity. To escape Antiochus’ murderous plan for him, Pericles begins a journey involving strange lands, major storms and wayward ships, a beloved wife and daughter lost and recovered, men using earthbound force and women wielding priestly powers that ultimately result in a happy conclusion.

No surprise, the RSC’s legendary ensemble shifts roles as naturally as breathing, inhabiting each character simply and fully. Zach Wyatt gives a solid performance in the title role despite its limitations. The main characters of Shakespeare’s later romance plays – specifically Prospero in The Tempest and Leontes in The Winter’s Tale – grip our imagination because of their flaws. Pericles, on the other hand, has no noticeable failings that push him into trouble. Trouble finds him without dampening his virtue or his courage. Whether solving the immoral riddle, bringing food to famished people or besting his competitors in a joust with only a worn armored vest while they hold shiny shields, Pericles triumphs. Nothing digs below the man’s smooth surface, and Wyatt doesn’t add any surprises.

The reward of this seldom-produced play is not a specific character’s path to greater humanity, but instead a timeless commentary on leadership. As we wade through this election season, enduring politicians who blow flattery into voters at home and hearing reports of sins from abroad, Pericles’ exotic narrative seems frighteningly familiar.  

Pericles, a Royal Shakespeare Company production at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, is playing now through December 7th. For tickets, go to